
Studies say Half your friends don't like you?

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I stumbled across this. And I'm wondering if this is true 

Do you agree with that half of your friends don't like you? 

This got me thinking. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Having more friends seem cool to people, but attention management is difficult after all, and family becomes a priority over friends always

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@Amit agree


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India could you share some of your thoughts on the information in the video? Does it surprise you? 

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I don't like half of them either

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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I'm not too fond of a lot of my friends either, so there seems to be truth to this

Describe a thought.

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This has probably been said too many times, but how many of your Facebook friends would attend your funeral?  How many would skip the funeral and put a nice "RIP" note on your Facebook feed.

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Well, I've only got one true friend at the moment so there's no chance that half of my friends don't like me :P


However I think there's some truth to this in the context of a larger social circle. I would call these people in my life "friends" ,  but there's no deep connection and therefore no deep, real friendship. 


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@Verg0  agree wholeheartedly. 

I always treasure my most precious friendships. Real people are hard to come by.

I don't believe in the idea of a large social circle, of course it can be beneficial but toxic at the same time, so I really don't know how to balance it out because often the bad outweighs the good when it comes to social relations, but this video was a bit startling, I hadn't really thought that way before,that some of your own friends don't like you. 

There’s a limited amount of time and emotional capital we can distribute, so we only have five slots for the most intense type of relationships. People may say they have more than five, but you can be pretty sure they’re not high-quality friendships.

While you may not have the largest quantity of friends, it's the quality of those relationships that really matters. Round up the people in your life who you truly care about (and who reciprocate those feelings). 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I don't seem to agree with this survey. How can a real friend dislike each other? It can only be said that he doesn't like you at a certain time, not the long-lasting dislike from the heart. Otherwise, it is not a true friend.



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Everyone loves you. Some just aren't conscious of it. Doesn't matter though, cause you are love itself.  

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

I wonder how people manage social circles?   Seems so tedious and not much payout if half your circle dislikes you.

Same with me. I don't keep social circles because they are too tedious. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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I'd say dislike is too strong a word.

I have friends who are close and friends who are less close.  Those less close ones probably have less in common with me or our tolerance of each other is lower - but we have other mutual friends in common, so there is a connection.

So basically nuance. The friends who dislike me, spend less time with me and the dislike is probably reciprocal. If they tolerate me without making that clear to me, that's their cross to bear.

57% paranoid

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6 hours ago, Keyhole said:

I wonder how people manage social circles?   Seems so tedious and not much payout if half your circle dislikes you.

I understand that from an introverted perspective they might seem tedious, because I myself am introverted. But in reality, they're as interesting and lively as you allow them to be. And the payout does not work linearly or logically. There are subtle subliminal communications that occur that make the ones who dislike you do you services, and for free. If you are a valuable person, even your competitors will praise you so that they can feed off your value. Besides, your connections increase your chances of getting better jobs and knowing more people that can enrich your life even more. So, it's not all about likeability. It's more about being engaged in the game, and it is certainly a game.

Edited by The observer

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I used to have a bunch of friends. It felt like in every class, I would talk to three or more people. I used to also have a best friend that I used to hang out with every day. Since going within myself, focusing on the future and getting into spirituality, There's only a couple people now I talk to. Even then, I wouldn't call it a deep, conscious and a 'best friends' type of friendship that is super close.

I could see this easily. 


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5 hours ago, Keyhole said:

@The observer I have health issues so I can't work and have no value to offer.

I'm sorry about your health issues, and I hope you will get better soon. But regardless, your mind is unique and full of knowledge and wisdom, that's most valuable at all times. There has to be some way to utilise that gift.

5 hours ago, Keyhole said:

@The observer I also wouldn't interact with people who viewed me as some sort of value machine.

It's not personal. It's simply how reality works. If something has no value, it must cease to exist. God only allows valuable creations, and these creations follow the most valuable ones amongst them. For example, I started following Leo because he was of great value to me, even though I wasn't aware of it at that point. I wasn't viewing him consciously as a value machine. I was simply attracted to him. And that same chemistry is predominant among everything. It is what makes life lively and keeps it moving.

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@Keyhole  you are more valuable than those who do not have a disease. 

In the bigger consciousness, every cell every Fibre is valuable, we label it as disease, the universe calls it a Fibonacci. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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