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Harsh Bagdia

LSD Trip Report- Most profound experience I have ever had

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On 28/05/2020 at 3:53 AM, Leo Gura said:

Sweet! Lots of good insights there.

How do you integrate? You are already in the middle of it. Spend more time contemplating what this means for your life.

Integration does not mean you will be in the LSD state all the time. Integration is a subtle process. Be happy with a little of wisdom retained from each trip. It's like a 1% to 5% boost to your growth. Over years those 1% boosts add up to something big. But no one trip is too significant.

@Leo Gura Forgot I wanted to ask you this. I personally didn't really get up to now insights from my trips that I can explain rationally. But I had profound and life changing experiences that transformed and healed me. I have a sort of connexion with the world around me that I cannot explain, but it's beautiful. Like for instance when I walk outside I often see/feel something in the world around me that makes me laugh/cry of joy or get shivers.

So I am curious, did you ever had a life transforming experience but with no insights? You are just transformed but you can't explain it ?

Edited by knakoo

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1 hour ago, knakoo said:

@Leo Gura Forgot I wanted to ask you this. I personally didn't really get up to now insights from my trips that I can explain rationally. But I had profound and life changing experiences that transformed and healed me. I have a sort of connexion with the world around me that I cannot explain, but it's beautiful. Like for instance when I walk outside I often see/feel something in the world around me that makes me laugh/cry of joy or get shivers.

So I am curious, did you ever had a life transforming experience but with no insights? You are just transformed but you can't explain it ?

People interact with God in different ways.

All of my experiences are filled with profound insight, but of course the experience itself is transformational beyond any insight that can be articulated.

But for me, UNDERSTANDING is the core of Awakening. You cannot really awaken without understanding. Understanding is the key. Experience alone is not enough. You must understand yourself/God totally. God IS infinite understanding.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Harsh Bagdia

Im rly happy for you, i.e. for myself hehe❤️? your experience is really similar to my 2cb trip a week ago. 

In regards to integration, as long as you stay passionate about understanding and living a human life in accordance with Love/God/Consciousness, then it will over time happen by itself. Follow your intuition, be hard working, but loving and don't judge yourself if you make mistakes. Ultimately speaking, you cannot make mistakes, cos you're the Tao/God/reality itself

Bless you ❤️

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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2 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

@Harsh Bagdia

Im rly happy for you, i.e. for myself hehe❤️? your experience is really similar to my 2cb trip a week ago. 

In regards to integration, as long as you stay passionate about understanding and living a human life in accordance with Love/God/Consciousness, then it will over time happen by itself. Follow your intuition, be hard working, but loving and don't judge yourself if you make mistakes. Ultimately speaking, you cannot make mistakes, cos you're the Tao/God/reality itself

Bless you ❤️

@WaveInTheOcean thankyou very much. Those words just hit me right in the feels. 

After that trip, day by day my sense of wonder is increasing and I feel like I know so less, desire to understand has skyrocketed. I have gotten much more aware about the fact that language, thoughts, thinking are second order phenomenon and Pure Consciousness is fundamental which cannot be named, symbolised or spoken of.

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1 hour ago, Harsh Bagdia said:

@WaveInTheOcean thankyou very much. Those words just hit me right in the feels. 

After that trip, day by day my sense of wonder is increasing and I feel like I know so less, desire to understand has skyrocketed. I have gotten much more aware about the fact that language, thoughts, thinking are second order phenomenon and Pure Consciousness is fundamental which cannot be named, symbolised or spoken of.

<3 Right back at ya. Your words resonate so much with my own experience. Yep exactly. Pure Consciousness / The Eternal Tao / <Whatever we want to call it  (me, you, the Self)> is the ground of being. It is the canvas on which all content/experience appears. And the brush painting this content/experience is the canvas itself, hehe. And the one who sees all the content is ALSO the canvas itself. Canvas = God/Love/Tao/Consciousness/Etc.

And yes, when you can rest in that, then your creativity skyrockets and you see easily how all other things like language, feelings, thoughts, laws, social games, personality are all sort of "technologies" invented by myself (God). And I can change them on the fly now as I please, alter them as I please.

:D <3

I'd recommend listening to the first 44 minutes of this talk by Watts (maybe go with 1,25x or 1,5x speed to speed it up): 

Also you can listen to it all - it's all words of actual true wisdom/insight. But the first 44 minutes are the most profound/essential. In a way it's just common sense Watts is "preaching" here. But it is so obvious that we don't normally 'see it' (of course you and I do now, but it can be good for integration to put it into words), and that's why it's profound.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@knakoo Thanks for the links man, that's amazing stuff. I've experimented in the past with the Monroe Institute and Hemi Sync, but IAwaken is something else again that I didn't know. I played the Infiity song and it feels very powerful. I'll be happy checking it all out:-)

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On 07/06/2020 at 11:24 PM, Waken said:

@knakoo Thanks for the links man, that's amazing stuff. I've experimented in the past with the Monroe Institute and Hemi Sync, but IAwaken is something else again that I didn't know. I played the Infiity song and it feels very powerful. I'll be happy checking it all out:-)

You are welcome :)

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