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how to disprove solipsism ?

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That's an interesting take on it. Ahh i don't know honestly i had so many experiences, yet i admit i truly don't know.How can one realize he is god if even his thoughts aren't his.Through death i know all answers come, but why did i walk through all this if it just ends without a good ending. I walked this path because of pain,disappointment and chronic illness(not life threatening but painful everyday). These things pushed me to see i'm not real lol.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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32 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

All of you that are replying to this thread are not conscious at the same time.

God is living your life right now as if he pulled it from a rack of “greatest hits”. One life at a time, until it lives all lives.

I am not happening at the same time as you, were both the same being happening in different lifetimes.

There is no one conscious but you right now.


The lonely solipsism god hypothesis. So god can't experience multiple lives at the same time?

To be quite honest i think its all delusion. Its unproveable. Imagine god goes through a life that disproves solipsism somehow. Then he will believe he isn't alone and that other people are him in another body.

Its all subjective experience lol.I have regrets going on this path as i personally experienced this solipsism and it was quite painful. I would much rather be an individual soul or a unicorn.

This is also a good thread relating to the topic. Honestly you can experience anything as real,but does that make your perspective more true than other people's experiences?

An example from the reddit topic above:

It's a pretty crazy thought and realization, isn't it? Almost too much to bare sometimes.

I've struggled with this concept and idea for most of my life. The reality is, there's no way to really escape it. It just is what it is, sort of like existence itself.

There will never be a rational explanation for existence. It just is. And JUST IS is never a good answer for the rational mind.

So here you are existing, and you wonder, how can i ever not feel alone?

Well the irony of having an ego, is that, it basically means you will most likely always feel alone to some extent. Now that sounds a bit harsh, so why will you always feel alone to some extent? Well because the ego, is what gives you the illusion of separation. Without the "ego" you merge into oneness, and you think, oh wow, we're all one, isn't this amazing.

Of course then you start to wonder, omg, WAIT, wtf? Everything is ONE consciousness, experiencing itself from infinite points of view???

I mean, it's a running joke really, the whole idea about "GOD" or "SOURCE" the running joke is, it's SO lonely being "Source" that it has to split itself into infinite separate pieces and pretend they're all different people, just to have SOME sort of sanity, like, hey LOOK it's JIM over there, hello JIM, boy it sure is good to talk to another being.

The thing is though, when you're "source" or god, or the collective consciousness of all there is, it's probably not as lonely as being an individual person. Why is that? Well because if you wana experience being this unique individual person, you have to separate from the whole. So your ego is what gives you this illusion of being separate from the whole. Ironically this ego will also make you feel unbelievably lonely at times, because i think somewhere deep down inside, you ALWAYS feel slightly alone, when you've separated from the whole, and are having this unique experience of being just YOU, and not part of the whole.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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25 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

The lonely solipsism god hypothesis. So god can't experience multiple lives at the same time?

To be quite honest i think its all delusion. Its unproveable. Imagine god goes through a life that disproves solipsism somehow. Then he will believe he isn't alone and that other people are him in another body.

Its all subjective experience lol.I have regrets going on this path as i personally experienced this solipsism and it was quite painful. I would much rather be an individual soul or a unicorn.

This is also a good thread relating to the topic. Honestly you can experience anything as real,but does that make your perspective more true than other people's experiences?

You’re completely misunderstanding what I’m saying.

Other people are real instances of consciousness. They’re just not happening simultaneously. 

They appear to happen simultaneously but they’re not.

Edited by justfortoday

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6 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

You’re completely misunderstanding what I’m saying.

Other people are real instances of consciousness. They’re just not happening simultaneously. 

They appear to happen simultaneously but they’re not.

When this life ends, i will also be in the bank and not happening. And then i will be real when i choose this life again? Maybe this should be called spiritual solipsism. Your spirit is alone and chooses lives.

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8 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

When this life ends, i will also be in the bank and not happening. And then i will be real when i choose this life again? Maybe this should be called spiritual solipsism. Your spirit is alone and chooses lives.

When your current ego’s life is over, you, as infinite consciousness will create a new timeline back in time to justify the start of your “new” life.

These are conclusions I’ve arrived at myself after experiencing radical states of consciousness.

You are ONE being imagining everything around you. 

You will live all the lives you imagined in “this” life.

Edited by justfortoday

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Just now, justfortoday said:

When your current ego’s life is over, you, as infinite consciousness will create a new timeline back in time to justify the start of your “new” life.

Wait are you talking about infinite reccurence? We live this life over and over again. 

I found something related.

"When I was on mushrooms I had this feeling that my soul was alive before in another person who was exactly like me and I'm just living out that life in another time, the person was like.from the 70s and felt connected to them and they were tripping also"

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You will live all the lives you imagined in “this” life.

This is complicated.However still quite different from the my ego viewpoint is the only one that exists.

From those viewpoints of consciousness, do you feel like a lonely god?

I think thats the main point of asking the question of solipsism. People feel lonely after deep trips and self-inquiry.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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10 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

You will live all the lives you imagined in “this” life.

This is complicated.However still quite different from the my ego viewpoint is the only one that exists.

I’ll make it easier to explain.

Your childhood friend? You invented him.

When this life is over, you will experience being him.

And you, as him, will also invent a slew of characters, and you will also live those lives.

That is how God “reproduces” - he has an infinite lives to life for all eternity.

You project others from the void you are.

The light in people’s eyes is all there is. They’re not receiving light from an outside world. The light just is. 

Edited by justfortoday

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19 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

When your current ego’s life is over, you, as infinite consciousness will create a new timeline back in time to justify the start of your “new” life.

These are conclusions I’ve arrived at myself after experiencing radical states of consciousness.

You are ONE being imagining everything around you. 

You will live all the lives you imagined in “this” life.

@justfortoday Then who are you talking to?

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Just now, Javfly33 said:

@justfortoday Then who are you talking to?

Again, not understanding what I am saying.

I am talking to MYSELF wearing a different mask. In this case you. I am you living your life, but your life and my life did not happen simultaneously.

Its a very simple concept.

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20 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Again, not understanding what I am saying.

I am talking to MYSELF wearing a different mask. In this case you. I am you living your life, but your life and my life did not happen simultaneously.

Its a very simple concept.

Ahh if i meet you on the street you aren't conscious i see. I was you at a different time.Though you can say the same thing about me xDD

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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25 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Again, not understanding what I am saying.

I am talking to MYSELF wearing a different mask. In this case you. I am you living your life, but your life and my life did not happen simultaneously.

Its a very simple concept.

I think I get you.

I think the tricky part about understanding this is the fact that our human brains can only think in linear time, right? @justfortoday

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10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I think I get you.

I think the tricky part about understanding this is the fact that our human brains can only think in linear time, right? @justfortoday

Exactly, but once you get rid of that block you will understand the truth. 

Imagine your life as a “movie”. You can pick any movie from Netflix and watch it. The movie APPEARS to have a linear timeline, but once it’s over, you can switch to another movie.

Were both movies played at the same time?


Are both movies real?



And what is more shocking is that your mind is actively creating MORE characters in reality out of thin air.

You have been watching movies/lives for eternity.

This is why what I’m proposing is sort of like Solpsism 2.0

Edited by justfortoday

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Upgraded solipsism lol. But it's all good bro i can have the life i want. I also know i choose this life through this knowledge and eternal life is dope ;D

This thread didn't disprove solipsism tho hahah

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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36 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Exactly, but once you get rid of that block you will understand the truth. 

Imagine your life as a “movie”. You can pick any movie from Netflix and watch it. The movie APPEARS to have a linear timeline, but once it’s over, you can switch to another movie.

Were both movies played at the same time?


Are both movies real?



And what is more shocking is that your mind is actively creating MORE characters in reality out of thin air.

You have been watching movies/lives for eternity.

This is why what I’m proposing is sort of like Solpsism 2.0


Aren't you overlooking freedom of choice, particularly in regards to interactions with other people?

Let's say God incarnates as @justfortoday and is creating and observing the experience in real-time. Then @justfortoday dies, and that singular experience is over as a now completed finite movie.

So then God incarnates as @peachboy and once again is creating and observing in real-time.

But.... at some point @peachboy encounters  @justfortoday on an internet forum.

The problem is that @justfortoday is now a finite closed movie, whereas God is currently playing @peachboy and creating new variables in real-time.  So if God (as @peachboy) decides to write words on a website, then doesn't that screw up the timeline of  @justfortoday.....?

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6 minutes ago, peachboy said:


Aren't you overlooking freedom of choice, particularly in regards to interactions with other people?

Let's say God incarnates as @justfortoday and is creating and observing the experience in real-time. Then @justfortoday dies, and that singular experience is over as a now completed finite movie.

So then God incarnates as @peachboy and once again is creating and observing in real-time.

But.... at some point @peachboy encounters  @justfortoday on an internet forum.

The problem is that @justfortoday is now a finite closed movie, whereas God is currently playing @peachboy and creating new variables in real-time.  So if God (as @peachboy) decides to write words on a website, then doesn't that screw up the timeline of  @justfortoday.....?

Infinite timelines

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14 minutes ago, peachboy said:


Aren't you overlooking freedom of choice, particularly in regards to interactions with other people?

Let's say God incarnates as @justfortoday and is creating and observing the experience in real-time. Then @justfortoday dies, and that singular experience is over as a now completed finite movie.

So then God incarnates as @peachboy and once again is creating and observing in real-time.

But.... at some point @peachboy encounters  @justfortoday on an internet forum.

The problem is that @justfortoday is now a finite closed movie, whereas God is currently playing @peachboy and creating new variables in real-time.  So if God (as @peachboy) decides to write words on a website, then doesn't that screw up the timeline of  @justfortoday.....?

It causes no conflict.

It’s still not clicking - let me try this:

God wrote your entire life before you/it were born as a human so that life would be “released” to you like a time capsule. 

God, outside of time and space wrote @peachboy and @Bulgarianspirit lives as narratives that would be “time released”

And in the narrative, god wanted us to have this conversation.

Nothing is a coincidence. See? 

Edited by justfortoday

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3 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

It causes no conflict.

It’s still not clicking - let me try this:

God wrote your entire life before you/it were born as a human so that life would be “released” to you like a time capsule. 


Okay so that's definitely more of a movie analogy, rather than a video-game analogy?

If this was a video-game or an interactive dream, then God would be interacting with his own creation in real-time, but you're saying that these experiences are predetermined.... like a movie or a rollercoaster....

You just sit back and that what you mean?

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4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

That´s true. I also would say that in my case Solipsism feels great for my ego as a defense mechanism. Yet beliving that the other bodies that I see, there is a Consciousness being aware of those bodies and seeing through those 2 eyes, that is also a belief. Why in the world would anyone believe such a belief? 

Because they haven’t inspected it, even though there is suffering. 

5 hours ago, Member said:

It's frightening to realize that you're the only one existing right here, right now, so actually the denial of being entirely alone is a product of fear. Belief could be anything, even reality itself. If you believe in something strongly enough, it can materialize in front of your eyes - be it hallucination, dream or a tangible thing. Reality is not shared, it is created by YOU.

If it’s frightening, it’s not realization. 

3 hours ago, Someone here said:

Give me an example of something that is not a belief. 





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Just now, peachboy said:


Okay so that's definitely more of a movie analogy, rather than a video-game analogy?

If this was a video-game or an interactive dream, then God would be interacting with his own creation in real-time, but you're saying that these experiences are predetermined.... like a movie or a rollercoaster....

You just sit back and that what you mean?

You keep thinking in linear terms.

Your actions NOW reverberate across time and space.

That’s how consciousness self created. It accessed itself back in time and birthed itself.

You are doing this every moment of your life. 

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