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how to disprove solipsism ?

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it seems like its undebunkable  which is not the same thing as its true.  Can anyone disprove solipsism logically? 

Edited by Someone here

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Here's another thing you can't never prove:

Can you prove that the rock which you see by the river is still existing when you are at home?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Just now, Javfly33 said:

Here's another thing you can't never prove:

Can you prove that the rock which you see by the river is still existing when you are at home?

No I can't! 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Nice video. Part of the awakening process is falling into solipsism.

There will be times in your life when everything will get perfectly aligned. You will start believing that the universe is conspiring against you. You will start to believe that everyone in your life is just acting their part. You will think its all just an act. 

But then you will realize that it was You that was conspiring against the universe.

And then you wake up. :) 

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You can’t disprove solipsism because it was never real to begin with.

Go to your direct experience. Observe it and you will see that the field of awareness is prior to the “I” that knows it. Solipsism presupposes an “I” prior to awareness and all that it sees. This is impossible as one does not know them self before awareness, they first require awareness to know them self. Thus, solipsism is an illusory secondary idea created by the “I” not the awareness prior to it.

Pure awareness has no one ownership. It is unownable yet knowable to all that realise it. 


Edited by Jacobsrw

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1 minute ago, Jacobsrw said:

Go to your direct experience. Observe it and you will see that the field of awareness is prior to the “I” that knows it. Solipsism presupposes an “I” prior to awareness and all that it sees. This is impossible as one does not know them self before awareness, they require awareness to know them self. Thus, solipsism is an illusory secondary idea created by the “I” not awareness.

Pure awareness has no one ownership. It is unownable yet knowable to all that realise it.

How do you know there was an awareness before you? Because "past, facts and other people" told you?

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@Member why make fallacious assumptions?

Awareness is known via direct experience. In fact, you may find this hard to believe but from a very young age I intuited an impenetrable, imperturbable, ever-present essence central to my existence. It wasn’t until later on in life I could contextualise it from more deeply contemplating it. 

Facts and people are figments of imagination. If you cannot see this you are stuck in duality. One can verify the primacy of awareness in the direct experience as of now.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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16 minutes ago, Jacobsrw said:

Go to your direct experience. Observe it and you will see that the field of awareness is prior to the “I” that knows it. Solipsism presupposes an “I” prior to awareness and all that it sees. This is impossible as one does not know them self before awareness, they first require awareness to know them self. Thus, solipsism is an illusory secondary idea created by the “I” not the awareness prior to it.

Pure awareness has no one ownership. It is unownable yet knowable to all that realise it. 


So if I define myself as pure awareness that's prior to the ego persona that goes even more extreme in solipsism.  Because you are not just denying the independent existence of "others"  but also of "yourself".  

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here

Good question

A lot of things are undebunkable

I would say all things are really

You either believe something or you don’t

That belief doesn’t have to be “true”

And all truth is, is another belief

Solipsism is just an idea

The same as others existing  

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@Member I’ve already stated this. Direct experience. After observing my direct experience extensively, it is clear that “I” is secondary. “I” is fundamentally predicated on a thought. Thought then identifies with the body. No thought = no “I”. Awareness is prior to thoughts. Your existence is awareness. This isn’t philosophy, it’s direct experience.

@Someone here your misunderstanding awareness. Awareness is everyone and everyone is awareness. Awareness is a single field of existence which creates the illusion of self and other. Solipsism is a mental concept. No more significant than your thought about yesterday. It’s reliant on awareness to even exist. 

Edited by Jacobsrw

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@Jacobsrw I will try to put it in a different way. All that exists  right now in this field of awareness is this body that I conveniently call "me" and the stuff around me and... nothing else.

"You"for example is just this profile image that's appearing inside this field of awareness. That's literally what "you " are at this moment of awareness.  How can I know whether there is an actual person behind that? . It's sort of like when you are dreaming other people appear as if they are real and independent from your awareness but when you wake up you discover they were just an extension of your mind. Is it the Same with "real life"? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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It is the closest the ego comes to this, it can only imagine solutions with itself as a part of the equation. This is too immediate, you can't grasp this, you can't know this. You wanna hold it so bad, you wanna see it and be it, but you are the illusion creating it. There is no it. When the search for it falls away... then.... :P 

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11 minutes ago, traveler said:

It is the closest the ego comes to this, it can only imagine solutions with itself as a part of the equation. This is too immediate, you can't grasp this, you can't know this. You wanna hold it so bad, you wanna see it and be it, but you are the illusion creating it. There is no it. When the search for it falls away... then.... :P 

Go and watch yourself in the mirror for a few minutes and simply stare into your eyes. Is that nothing that you see?

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23 minutes ago, traveler said:

It is the closest the ego comes to this, it can only imagine solutions with itself as a part of the equation. This is too immediate, you can't grasp this, you can't know this. You wanna hold it so bad, you wanna see it and be it, but you are the illusion creating it. There is no it. When the search for it falls away... then.... :P 

I don't understand. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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5 minutes ago, Member said:

Go and watch yourself in the mirror for a few minutes and simply stare into your eyes. Is that nothing that you see?

What does nothing look like? How could something see nothing? They are one and the same but they never meet. Trying to know/describe THIS is like trying to look at your own eyes, you can never do it. You'd have to use a mirror, and in that the mystery of them is reflected, but they can never see themselves. You can look all you want, but what is looking is what is looked for. 

18 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I don't understand. 

Good, neither do I.

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15 minutes ago, traveler said:

What does nothing look like? How could something see nothing? They are one and the same but they never meet. Trying to know/describe THIS is like trying to look at your own eyes, you can never do it. You'd have to use a mirror, and in that the mystery of them is reflected, but they can never see themselves. You can look all you want, but what is looking is what is looked for. 

Good, neither do I.

Imagine the air, you cant see or touch (except wind). But it is here and aware. However, air has a boundary with atmosphere. But you are infinite.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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6 minutes ago, James123 said:

Imagine the air, you cant see or touch (except wind). But it is here and aware. However, air has a boundary with atmosphere. But you are infinite.

These are just concepts put on top of this unknown gurgeldag. No words can describe it, so I have now named it "Gurgeldag." Everyone should from now on call this gurgeldag. If you don't, then you are wrong.


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3 minutes ago, traveler said:

These are just concepts put on top of this unknown gurgeldag. No words can describe it, so I have now named it "Gurgeldag." Everyone should from now on call this gurgeldag. If you don't, then you are wrong.


I am nothing. It is an example. If you never experienced, you can never get it, but example makes it closer to comprehend it. You cant name it, because you are it as nothing and everything.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Please stick to the topic guys!. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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