
Best ideas for making income remotely

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Currently I can make a modest living remotely by teaching online. Does anyone have any other suggestions for remote work/passive income that has worked well for them? I'd like to get multiple streams of income and really get my life going so that I can find the freedom to follow my passion. I'm trying to start a Youtube channel but it seems to be a mountain of work I need to do first before I can monetize it.

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What are you teaching?

Maybe you can double down on that. Make an online-course that people can buy and watch anytime. Build a franchise/platform with other people coaching for you. Affiliate marketing for related products/services.

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Stupid way to advertize. Will it pass I bet not. 

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Why the hell would you want multiple streams of income. Sounds like a nightmare.

Much better to have one big stream of income. More than enough headache from that.

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4 hours ago, flowboy said:

Why the hell would you want multiple streams of income. Sounds like a nightmare.

Much better to have one big stream of income. More than enough headache from that.

Haha spoken like a true wagie.

If you've got a job and get fired, 100% of your income is gone overnight.

If you're split between a few things, you can lose one income stream and still have 75% coming in from other stuff.

How is it a nightmare? I have multiple companies that just pay me passive income each month. The money just gets deposited into my bank account every month. It couldn't be easier. Hardest part is opening a spreadsheet once a month to enter amounts, just to keep a running tally for tax purposes.

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6 hours ago, Yarco said:

Haha spoken like a true wagie.

If you've got a job and get fired, 100% of your income is gone overnight.

If you're split between a few things, you can lose one income stream and still have 75% coming in from other stuff.

How is it a nightmare? I have multiple companies that just pay me passive income each month. The money just gets deposited into my bank account every month. It couldn't be easier. Hardest part is opening a spreadsheet once a month to enter amounts, just to keep a running tally for tax purposes.

What sorts of companies are they?

How come you don't have to put in any work?

I still think you'd be better off with 1.

Can't get laid off from a company that you control.

Thousands of customers would have to fire you at once.

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7 hours ago, Yarco said:

Haha spoken like a true wagie.

If you've got a job and get fired, 100% of your income is gone overnight.

If you're split between a few things, you can lose one income stream and still have 75% coming in from other stuff.

How is it a nightmare? I have multiple companies that just pay me passive income each month. The money just gets deposited into my bank account every month. It couldn't be easier. Hardest part is opening a spreadsheet once a month to enter amounts, just to keep a running tally for tax purposes

If you've got it all so figured out, sir, and you are writing this from your hammock under a palm tree, then surely you wouldn't mind elaborating?

Since this is what OP asked for, and your arrogance has piqued my curiosity, why don't you explain your current situation with those companies, and how you got there?

Did you start these yourself and then make yourself obsolete Tim Ferriss style? Are you a VC? Do you own a minority share or majority?

What steps can OP take to be able to put up their hammock next to yours and live the laptop lifestyle?

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Charge members something like $5 a month and create a membership service where you answer individual questions users have via livestream video calls. You can then record these videos calls and add them to a library for members to watch at a later date. After a while you should build up enough videos to build up a passive income from.


Edited by vindicated erudite

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High ticket offer for online coaching or service providing.

Monetize whatever skill you have and sell it directly to people/businesses. 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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