So I have finally been able to get my hands on some N,N-DMT and want to share my first few experiences.
The first 3 attempts I tried vaping it with an oil pipe. Dosages ranged from 20mg to 50 mg. All I felt was a low body high, no visuals, nothing special. As the dose increased, the body sensations got stronger.
I guess my technique was quite bad and I burned some of the DMT and did not inhale deep enough.
Because I did not want to waste more DMT, I decided to order the Mighty-Vaporizer from Storz& Bickel. I saw some good reviews and thought it would work way better for me, because I don´t have such strong lungs. And it did.
I started with 40mg, set the temperature at 180°C and took 3 big tokes. The vapor was really pleasant and smooth to inhale. I felt this body high again but 1000x stronger than the last time. Still no visuals or insights. Still in my room.
1-2 hours later I put another 65mg in the Mighty and inhaled 3 times. Now I heard a light tingeling in my ears, and felt a very high vibration energy. It was even hard to take the third toke and my body was shaking and vibrating like crazy. Nothing unpleasant but nothing pleasant either. I laid back and was very very slightly introdcued into some kind of "space", but it was a very short experience.
1-2 hours later I tried it again with another 40mg. Kind of the same results but a little bit stronger.
I was happy about the progress but not quite satisfied or fascinated. So I tried it again a few days later. This time with 80mg in the Mighty.
I took 3 big tokes and it shot me right out of my body into .... whatever that was
First toke: Tingeling in the ears, weird feeling in the body
Second toke: lights intensified, became more orange/yellow like and I saw some light patterns
Third toke: I did not know where the vaporizor was anymore and was completely in another "space"
It´s very hard to describe these experiences, but there was a feeling of "Wow!". I lost the sense of time and asked myself: "Am I dreaming right now?"
It felt like a quick rolercoaster, but a very fast one But there were still very very little visuals in that "place", it was more like normal darkness with very distant shapes and patterns. I came back and saw really beautiful shapes and geometry on the walls and laughed very loudly after I thought about what just happened.
I found it quite interesting and wanted to take it further, because it definitely did not feel like a "breakthrough".
A few days later: Around 85mg in the Mighty. --> Kind of a similar experience. My thoughts after i came back: "What just happened? I don´t know... It fades so fast. It feels kind of sacred, alien and mysterious, but I don´t know what to make of the experience.
So I tried it again and again (3-4 times) over the course of a month or two. With dosages from 90-115mg.
The results and conclusions were kind of the same every time. For me it just feels so beyond ... I always got that feeling that I left my body and was going somewhere, but with very little/ near to no visuals (which I find kind of strange from what I´ve heard about NN-DMT), no entities and no special insights. So I just don´t know what to take away or learn from it other than that I am not the body and that it is really fascinating that a substance can take you so far out of your ordinary reality so fast It´s quite interesting but for me it was nothing that changed my perspective radically and it is definetly not a fitting tool for this work. I guess I need to get my hands on some 5-MeO
One day a friend of mine who in not really into psychedelics tried 30mg in the Mighty (he just took 1-3 very weak tokes) and was gone into elf-land, saw magical animals and talked to trees.(He had open eyes all along and was in the forest, and I only experienced it with closed eyes in my bed). It´s really interesting how different DMT affects different people.
My plans are to make changa and pharmahuasca, play around with mao inhibitors and try different vaping methods. What are your favorite/ most successful vaping methods for vaping DMT? And what do you guys think about my experinces? Has anyone had similar ones? Any other tips? It´s really hard/impossible to describe these experiences but I tried my best.
Forgive me for my not so perfect english-skills.