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Weird experience during higher doses of psychedelics

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So there is this this experience I had multiple times during higher LSD doses ~400ug + and I was wondering if anyone else shared a similar experience because I never read about it anywhere.

 Usually what happens is, after an ego death/enlightenment experience when I for example watch a youtube video or some cartoon it feels like God is speaking through it to me. I can even ask questions (In my mind) and I immediatly receive the answer. In the moment its always 100% convincing but whenever I look back at those experiences it always sounds abit too weird to be true.

It feels like "the cogs of the universe and mine finally aline"

Can anyone relate?

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Yes, of course.

It's 100% convincing because everything is your imagination and you are the sole authority.

You ARE the universe, so the cogs not only align they become identical while you are awake.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Haha, yeah.

All of a sudden everything you see is about awakening :D

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, of course.

It's 100% convincing because everything is your imagination and you are the sole authority.

You ARE the universe, so the cogs not only align they become identical while you are awake.

Lol what? But how then one can diferenciate between delusion (looking for sincronicities in everything) and true "communication" between you and God?

I'll give an example, last month I've been doing yoga intensely and hitting some interesting high consciousness levels. Last time I had an Awakening of non-dual awareness for few days I turn on the TV and a song popped up, it felt like it was God communicating with me (because the lyrics meant a lot) I sat there crying like been hugged by God.

4 weeks next I finish a yoga session which was quite impressive, got me almost crying in awe about reality. Then I turn on TV and the SAME song pops up, again with the same message ("don't give up" of Sia) while I sat there again crying in awe.

But I atributte it this still 50% delusions of the mind 50% true sincronicity. How can you know which is?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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10 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Lol what? But how then one can diferenciate between delusion (looking for sincronicities in everything) and true "communication" between you and God?

Of course there's really no difference.

Imagination IS reality. There are just degrees and levels of imagination, some of which you imagine are more real than others.

You ARE God! Once you realize that, EVERYTHING becomes a synchronicity and a communication. Because you are not yet fully God realized your mind is still playing partial games, taking certain things to be more meaningful and God-like than other things. But one day you will awaken to the fact that the shit stains in your toilet are as much a communication from God as your favorite song on TV.

The deepest God-realization is beyond messages, signs, synchronicities, and communications. You simply sit there as God itself. No communication is necessary or even possible when you are ONE.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yeah I've had this many times. I can connect to that space sober now too. It's a pretty wild realization, everything has infinite layers/levels. Your level of consciousness is reflected in everything. That is why they say, when you wake up the whole world wakes up. When teacher and student meet, there is no longer teacher or student.

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37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Imagination IS reality. 

You ARE God! Once you realize that, EVERYTHING becomes a synchronicity and a communication

I see now. Thank you. 

It really gives a whole new perspectve on subjectivity and meaning.

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@Leo Gura I see. I can see I´m still playing games because I´m scared of the potential of what it would mean to be One.  

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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