
Higher Consciousness Art Ideas

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@Nemo28 wow man this is really cool! Well done. I’m really wanting to get some projects going in animation but it’s very long and arduous so I’ve been putting it off ?

How did you go making it?

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Man, you're a master artist. Just keep doing what you're doing. You don't need our ideas haha

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@remember very interesting. I like your idea here. I might actually give that a go. Naturalistic drawing is more engaging but also more difficult. Using images is much easier since they are static. I like your idea though. Thank you for your contribution :)

@EternalForest thank you! Haha but I’m always learning. And in fact, I especially love learning from those who feel to be the least experienced. Deep wisdom can be derived from everyone :)

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Go do some research on what the top artists are doing and what are the cutting edges of style and aesthetic. 

Skill is one thing to develop and the other is style, which can only be found by exploration.

When you explore you begin to take new ideas and approaches to art. 

Consciousness might be your general idea, but pick a few others and combine them and see what happens.

For example, here some topics:

- The shadow side of consciousness

- The need of suffering and death for transformation of one's consciousness

- The paradox of consciousness

See what Im doing? I'm not just taking "consciousness and its symbols" as a topic (which I feel is the topic you're picking: the eye, the dalai lama, the light, the tree) but I'm taking contrasting ideas to add on top of "consciousness". 

You really need to go out of your own box, try new processes, colors, strokes, tools, composition styles, narratives, meanings, symbols, etc. 

Maybe you know the WHY of your art but need to play more with the HOW of your art. If you follow the same process you'll get the same result.

Do experimentation with your process and you'll never EVER run out of ideas to work on. 


Connect to Create ☼♡

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Very nice!

It must make you feel ecstatic to be able to flow your mind's conception into the tangible. 

I have so many creative images stored in my memory that I can't realize physically because I haven't developed the skills needed early on ?

Edited by Free Mind

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@Oliver Saavedra great information, thank you! 

Yeah I do a bit research around concept ideas but reflecting it into art in a pleasing manner can be difficult. My perfectionism plays difficult haha.

The funny thing is I don’t struggle to come up with ideas to draw but I struggle in converting them into a concept of art that will best represent what I want it to. Maybe I just need to let the art speak for itself.

I like what you said there, more experimenting. I’ve recently bought paint aim to flow with that :)

@Free Mind it is when I’m in the follow state! Haha when not I fumble with which way to approach my art.

You just need to find the medium of expression that suits your skill set. Experimenting is great for this. Give a few different mediums of art a go :D

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22 hours ago, Jacobsrw said:

Deep wisdom can be derived from everyone :)


Very true!

Have you experimented with plants at all? The Fibonacci sequence and other natural sequences found in nature translated to a drawing like this could be fascinating.

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As a business tip, you might want to broaden your audience by being on a couple of platforms. I've ordered from fiverr, for example.

As for the inspiration, there's always the one-key-fits-all-locks solution - psychedelics. The hallucinogenic ones.

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5 hours ago, EnlightenmentBlog said:

As for the inspiration, there's always the one-key-fits-all-locks solution - psychedelics. The hallucinogenic ones.

Drugs are great for going out of your box and getting new neuronal paths for creativity.

Just be careful not to make your creativity substance-dependant.

I've been there, and its not cool to get really frustrated when you can't have ideas beign sober. 

Having that in mind, go wild ;)

Connect to Create ☼♡

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@EternalForest Oooo thanks for the idea! I’ll look into that :)

@EnlightenmentBlog yes I aim to do that actually. I’ve used psychedelics for spiritual work not creativity as of yet. I plan on trying that method however, I don’t wish to externalise my creative source too much. I feel psychedelics are powerful in that they can provide profound revelations unique to each person. As @Oliver Saavedra stated they must be used wisely.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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I know this is an older post but @Jacobsrw i cant seem to find your etsy page, have you changed it? i love your work, very inspiring. i am an artist as well. also in my own opinion lsd in small amounts is the best psychedelic for creativity in my opinion. id be interested in your experiences with using them for creativity if you have tried it yet.

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On 17/07/2021 at 5:36 AM, Adodd said:

I know this is an older post but @Jacobsrw i cant seem to find your etsy page, have you changed it? i love your work, very inspiring. i am an artist as well. also in my own opinion lsd in small amounts is the best psychedelic for creativity in my opinion. id be interested in your experiences with using them for creativity if you have tried it yet.

Hey buddy,

yeah I deleted my old Etsy account because I was having some issues with it. I’ve now started two new ones. One just recently for art and another for self-development.

Heres the link to my art one I just opened 

Thats awesome! What art to do you primarily create? Yeah psychedelics are extremely insightful. I haven’t used them for art yet per say but I’m definitely wanting to. Most of the time when I do psychedelics I want to use that allocated time for deep inner work haha


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On 19/07/2021 at 8:20 PM, Hello from Russia said:

Good shit, man, good shit, keep going! 

Thank you very much appreciate! Been in the flow of recent times and experimenting with new art mediums. It’s been awesome ?

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