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Spirituality is making me more far away from people

26 posts in this topic

15 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I asked because I just got a millisecond of realization that time has been an illusion. Not intellectually, but a realization...I knew I had to create this post. Thanks man!!

It is an illusion.  Welcome.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 It's trippy stuff. But, it also uses these distinctions for it to create a story for itself to exist in reality. For example, you being born as a human being. That's why I still think it's important to consider the idea that people have brains and stuff. If we became advanced enough we could perhaps create a new experience of consciousness out of consciousness, like a sentient robot or something.

Of course, in my reality, it's all extrapolation. But that's just this specific reality.

Describe a thought.

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@traveler True, another case of projecting onto reality. A clock is just some device that points to different numbers.

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5 minutes ago, traveler said:

@Javfly33 To really seal in the flavor of no time, try and look at a clock. The clock hands move/the numbers on an digital clock changes, but there is no such thing as time attached to that happening.  

I had this crystal clear realization at work, I was on lunch break sipping a cup of coffee looking at the clock and I just realized how thin the concept of time was. There was no such thing as time moving the hands on the clock, it was just a concept put on top of the apparent movement of the clock hands. I found this so funny. The truth is right in front of us, always.

That's a very good observation. I'll contemplate more on it until it hits me again clearly.

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13 minutes ago, Osaid said:

@Inliytened1 It's trippy stuff. But, it also uses these distinctions for it to create a story for itself to exist in reality. For example, you being born as a human being. That's why I still think it's important to consider the idea that people have brains and stuff. If we became advanced enough we could perhaps create a new experience of consciousness out of consciousness, like a sentient robot or something.


Precisely and with close examination you see that this is exactly what is happening now.  A "sentient being" (Aka God) is imagining that it is sentient or has Consciousness when in fact consciousness is creating the concept of that.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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