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How to manage a Spiritual or psychedelic awakening crisis.

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Having had a major awakening on mushrooms 8 years ago, a manic time after that due to various reasons, and practicing diligently since, had multiple trips after, sat with teachers and am doing fairly well, though I am not fully realized.

I like to make this thread if people feel like their life's are unbalanced after a 'forced opening' on psychedelics, which is usually a good recommendation to get started I think, to know there is more. But breath work also works, a bit more slow but less hectic, and meditation which is the goal in and of itself ultimately.

1. Don't talk about your spiritual awakening with people.

Yep. You need to be stable and get used to it first. You don't want to have a teacher role as a noob. It's overwhelming for you and can only disturb others. Of course you can, but don't take on the messiah complex role to any degree at all. That will fuck up all your relationships.

Everyone is taught they should  be superman, good doer, a saint, and safe the world, no, you are suppose to be happy and not be a suffering fool. That's good enough, being a fake is not. 

2. Investigate teachers in your area, someone with more expertise can be really helpful, no need to follow them, just be critical and real like a friend, if they are legit to any degree, they would encourage that too.

3. /Find a sangha or group of people, meditation group, it's nice to have some peers or aquantences to start with, but a group is nowhere near as good as having a real teacher (with a group), blind leading the blind, but having friends is good of course.

4. Don't confuse God with conditional love, the universe talks to people in subtle ways, we are taught to behave like slaves when it comes to the spiritual, or be 'sinners' and feel guilty if we 'fail', that is really not how it works, and it's within you anyways.

You could say only assholes need to listen to God, good people are fine in and of themselves and acting in wholeness already, so don't be an asshole to yourself.

The universe just loves, it doesn't care or need you to do anything ultimately. Don't confuse developed spiritual people as better either, or always right somehow, no, well some may be, should be rare, and mostly not.

You can just make your own decisions, be rational, that's just as good if it's authentic and honest.

But also don't be surprised your old life has to crumble. 

So don't make too stupid or irrational decisions, the point is to become an adult and make your own decisions. Try and avoid any guilt trips and or over the top future hopes. You can havr a stable simple rational good life, God tends to be very supportive, the Bhagavad Gita says 'Always guided by pure reason'.

The ego always wants to be over the top complicated and special and grand, or dramatic fearful.

This is the thing that needs to be tamed and noticed the most in such times.

5. You can seek refuge in a spiritual community if all else fails, ashram or (hippy) work exchange farm/commune.

Workaway/helpx are some sites. European rainbow gathering facebook group is another place that often helps hippy travelers for instance. 

7. Keep eating decent and sleeping! Respecting the basic needs, yes some need less, so what, it's still important. Ask for help if you need to. Don't abuse drugs. And aside from that rejecting sleeping is the nr. 1 indication someone is being in a manic situation and worsening it..


And if you want to go crazy...

You can play stupid with your life for a while if you want..could be a valuable time to learn from..but don't expect to get happier and it's not needed.

And it may hurt your reputation for the rest of your life. 

Not to mention becoming some confused wanderer is terrible for most people, you don't want to be sleeping on the streets.

Nor would you want to end up in the spiritual prison of the materialists and poisoned to numbness (psychiatry).

But that may be a result for a while if you aren't going to be respectful or careful.

And I hate to say this, but psychiatry may have some good sides to it.

But in general not a place where you want to be, actually I learned most of these people weren't so crazy or dysfunctional, mostly unmotivated and rejected based on some experiences or by self will. Kind of sad and unnecessary. 

Better to find a good community or ashram if normal doesn't work out.

And remember the goal is a happy (stable) life free of (negative) mind completely first, not becoming genius/healer/or special role posessed with more thoughts.

Take care lovers. 

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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