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How much LSD to get a tast of awakening?

25 posts in this topic

22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

125ug is a full God-consciousness for me.

My brother gave his buddy 250 ug as his first trip, he had a great trip, but i doubt any spirtual happend to him.


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It depends on your previous spiritual background.

Now if i do 100ug, I'll getting closer trascendence territory.

However some years ago, 100ug was basically fun and a little instropection if I'm lucky.

Trips get more intense the more you grow. At to the point that you have to start even dosing less than in the past. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Leo Gura

Really only 125ug, youre a lightweight lol

Though it effects different people differently, those dosages I put were personal

The most I’ve personally done in one sitting was 400ug of what I was told were individually 2 200ug tabs, that messed me up, practically left me catatonic, dangerous looking back, considering I was out in the woods alone, but that was a fucking spiritual experience man

But one of my most intense LSD experiences I had though was on about 70ug ish, though it was mixed with cannabis, that too almost left me catatonic, because I still was somewhat in touch with my sober self, so I was more articulate and could better analyse what was happening to me, which elevated the experience and left me struggling to speak because of the intensity, especially with cannabis, as cannabis put you more in touch with your body heightening your senses, mixed with LSD it’s really as if it’s a stimulant


Peo I personally only recommend doing a small dose of about 50-150ug for your first sit, just to dabble your toe into the pool, so when you move up to the heavyweights you know what youre doing

Though you can be ballsy and jump right into the deep end of the pool, though I’d recommend not doing that if A you don’t have anyone you trust to trip sit you and B if you want to do it outside 




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Dosages vary between people.


What is most important to focus on is where you place your attention during the trip.

Are you tripping while watching tv? Or are you self-inquiring.

Imo, it's silly to measure likelihood of awakening by dosage. It should be measured by number of hours self inquiring while on the substance.

Your ability to surrender is what will awaken you. Not the substance itself.

Of course, dosage does play a role.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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@Adam M

53 minutes ago, Adam M said:

Imo, it's silly to measure likelihood of awakening by dosage. It should be measured by number of hours self inquiring while on the substance.

I don’t consider it silly to consider dosages

Awakening is something that happens to you, or better put is something you realise 

Thats easier done on higher doses than lesser doses


If you want to “awaken” while tripping, I recommend meditating whilst on the substance

Youll find that when you meditate on LSD that you can go much much deeper than sober, it’s as though it’s a performance enhancing drug

Highly recommend a guided meditation clip to help you as you will be pretty fucked up

That’ll make it more likely for you to have a deep spiritual realisation, and you’ll be more likely to surrender as @Adam M said

58 minutes ago, Adam M said:

Your ability to surrender is what will awaken you. Not the substance itself.

But the substance does grant you a better ability to surrender and to go deeper

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