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How much LSD to get a tast of awakening?

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I want to taste a deep awakening on LSD since, its the only pshychedelics i have access to. Sure i have access to other  pshychedelics, but my brother needs to take them before he lets me take them.

Do i need to take a dose at 300 uq to get some awakening tast?

How big  dose do i need?

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@Peo If this is your first time using psychedelics, I would consider starting with a low/moderate dose and working your way up. An incremental approach has it’s benefits. For those new with psychedelics, I would consider planning at least three trips. First, because you have no idea what your personal sensitivity is. For all you know, 100ug would give you all you can handle in a non-dual experience. Second, trips can have very different themes and impacts. You don’t know which may yield deep revelations. The first trip may be super whacky and doesn’t reveal much, while the next trip may have a very different theme and yield deep revelations. Third, the higher the dose, the harder the integration. If a student goes straight to high level calculus, it can be very difficult to process.

Also, I would not assume dose is proportional to level of realization. 300ug is not necessarily 3X the realizations of 100ug. Especially for novices. 

If you have access to 300ug, I would consider taking 100ug or less the first trip. For the the vast majority of first-timers, 100ug would offer an experience beyond what they could imagine at their baseline conscious level (a taste of awakening). Then if you desire more, take 200ug. As well, dose is only one component. I would also consider creating a good mindset and setting.


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20 minutes ago, Dutch guy said:

Low dose was defined as: 75-300mcg and high dose as 300-500. 

That is his range. For me, 30-50mcg is low dose, 100mcg is breakthrough territory and 300mcg is blackout territory. I’m more sensitive than most people.

Dosage is relative. It’s important that novices discover their own sensitivity and not go by the sensitivity of others. 

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47 minutes ago, Dutch guy said:

By the way the range is according to Grof's description. The lower dose is for psycholytic therapy for activating the unconscious and intensifying mechanisms for making therapy more effective. The higher dose was for psychedelic therapy for terminally ill patients limited to three sessions.

I’m not familiar with his work. Thanks for sharing that.

From what I’ve read, medium/high dose clinical sessions were more effective and longer-lasting for psychedelic therapy. Yet these were done with normies wanting to overcome deeply ingrained conditioning like clinical depression, addiction, PTSD etc. I’m not sure if the dynamic is the same for relatively well-adjusted people with a long history of meditation that want to go deeper into spirituality with psychedelics. I haven’t used psychedelics for personal therapy, yet what Grof says about lower doses activating unconscious rings true for me. Activating unconscious would be another way of saying consciousness expansion.

In terms of meditation techniques during low dose trips, I imagine this could be of particular value for those that are new to psychedelics. I’ve found that at lower doses there is a certain type of effort involved, yet not in a way that controls / steers. For example, a couple days ago, I took a low dose of 4-AOC-dmt and went hiking in a forest. At one point, there was a presence of wonder that arose. Time and space began to dissolve and karmic inputs of the mind-body began to arise. We would normally call these memories of past experiences. For example, times in my life in which I experienced awe and wonder while deep in nature - going back into childhood. Yet these were not ordinary memories, there were no time and space stamps. It was all now, like entering a dreamscape. However, at a low dose the rational mind entered and was pulling consciousness out of the timeless / spaceless dreamscape. There was a type of letting go and surrender needed to allow the creativity of the dreamscape to arise. Yet not in a controlling way. More like an effort to stay on the ride and go with it. 

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2 hours ago, IAmTheHolySpirit said:

Yes, take 200ug LSD for starters and watch some Moojiji videos on youtube.

Lol the second time I did mdma I actually watched a mojiji satsang. Call it coincidence but I had my first glimpse of no-self that day.

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Start low: 125ug

It's easy to overwhelm yourself with LSD. It's a looooong trip.

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It was said above me but I would be very careful and probably not start on LSD. It is like a 12 hour long trip. Mushrooms will probably a bit better, and of course research dosing, start slow and make sure you are in an environment where you feel totally safe and free of judgement and danger. 

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

It was said above me but I would be very careful and probably not start on LSD. It is like a 12 hour long trip. Mushrooms will probably a bit better, and of course research dosing, start slow and make sure you are in an environment where you feel totally safe and free of judgement and danger. 

But i only have access to LSD and MDMA. Also i belive i can handel it, i have experience with weed wich is hard to handle for me especialy the first time i  tried it. After smoking weed some few times it got easier to handle and stay calm during the high. Sometimes weed is so strong, i dont want do it again. 

Edited by Peo

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5 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

Dosage is relative. It’s important that novices discover their own sensitivity and not go by the sensitivity of others. 

^^This is wisdom, as opposed to some really questionable suggestions offered to the OP, such as 200mcg, or "start low at 125mcg".

How can one be sure of the dosage taken, beyond the bullshit the peddlers offer re tab strength? Usually dosages are over-estimated but importantly not always, which makes caution prudent. I think 100mcg should be the most taken for a first go if this can be accurately determined.

Also regarding duration- its true that the time for the LSD to wear off fully is around 12 hours unless a very modest dose is taken but the real magic is largely over by 6 hours.

Doses of 300mcg are very imposing experientially and is far from being a low dose. The peak effect from LSD is achieved at around 600mcg if there is no tolerance and doses beyond this add little more except to the duration. 


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Brother try something lighter before you jump in the deep end...See if you can get shrooms or chewable salvia otherwise 100 ug lucy,but don't underestimate it man you could be tripping for days. I highly recommend shrooms for beginners,much more positive trips.Lucy is direct,electric and higher chance for bad trips. It tends to reveal the bad parts about you as well and reality will melt like a soggy piece of cake. Good luck dude.

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25 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

chewable salvia

Salvia something lighter? Read the trip reports of salvia. Salvia looks like hell. Salvia, hell no, I think i will stay away  from  salvia for now.

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65 ug got me fked in the ass. I had the almost the whole buffet of realizations possible on a trip(although I already had some realizations on other psychedelics and while sober). I'd recommend to start low and go up. What if you are as sensitive as me and you transcend your human body with 50ug?(lol)not that it would be a bad thing but who knows?

Edited by Espaim

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Well i had my most chill trip on chewed salvia leaf. My favourite psychedelic by far xD. I didn't even know one could have such a relaxing experience. Smoking it is hell i heard.Next i would say mushrooms,but if you go hardcore you go to Lucy...Man that just melts reality.Really everything comes off.

Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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My first handfull of mushroom trips were wacky and nice. My first handfull of LSD trips took me right out of the fucking matrix.

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100ug for abstract thought

200ug for self analysis

400ug + for transcendental experiences 

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@Peo Just to give you an idea on how irrelevant the dosage is I'll share some of my experiences.

The first time I took LSD, i took 200ug. Was very cocky and macho thinking that this is just a piece of cake. The experience was beautiful for the most part, I felt very safe and took care of because my GF was tripsitting me. Going into the peak things started to get "slippy" and scary. The reality started to reveal itself in ways I wasn't quite yet able to stomach. Resistance started building up, beliefs I held true was crashing in front of me. Definitely not the way to go for everyone as this intensity of the experience can just be too much. Unless of course you want to be crucified the way I was.  Overall I did enjoy the trip (yeah, I'm a bit masochistic :D), gained a lot from it.

Had a number of trips after that raging 100-150ug. Mostly beautiful. Numerous insights into who I was, what reality is, what relationships are and how I make meaning for them. All great and stuff. Felt quite grounded in that psychedelic space LSD provided me with so decided to up the dose. Took 300ug. Had a friend to watch over me and my GF was about to come back from work. The first effects of LSD hit me hard. Very intense visuals, overwhelming awareness of everything I felt at the time. Didn't take long, around 2hrs in and I wasn't able to communicate to my friend anymore properly. My GF came back home and that's about the last thing I remember before I blacked out. My GF said that she had gave me a glass of juice, I spilled it all on myself, literally. I pissed myself, mumbled stuff, completely disorientated, I had gone completely. I had blacked out for 6hours. Can only remember facing what I would call "infinity" but wasn't able to let go. Because it felt like I'd never come back from there if I did. Whoah that first time experiencing something like that was harsh. Didn't do any psychs for about half a year after I got this fucking. :D

Coming back to psychs was scary. Started experimenting with DMT, had a couple of mushroom trips (all low dose) before I took LSD again. Started low and stayed low to this moment. Most I did after that 300ug trip is 120ug. This one time I took 50ug and the trip went so deep it felt like "insanity". Have a trip report on that one posted. Was literally started losing my mind, realized and worked through much more than on 120ug LSD or breakthrough DMT experience. So from my experience, the dosage isn't the key. Contemplation, honesty, concentration, intention ect. is much more of importance. Although experiencing these tough breakthrough trips might have been a push to do more meditation work, investigate myself more deeply ect. ect. Goes in circles this cause and action stuff.

So there you go. Choose wisely, follow your gut. If you feel that you want to go heavy, do it. Just be ready for a good fucking. Oh and have a sitter so you don't do some stupid shit.

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Yes start slow, you can always increase the dose, you can ask around all you want, but everyone is different and you have to find how different doses work for you. And if you with a high dose you can get scared and never want to try a psychedelic again. It is also true that LSD last very long, so in case get into a "bad trip" you will have to be willing to go through the whole trip, which can get very confusing and scary.

Best luck!

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6 hours ago, IJB063 said:


100ug for abstract thought

200ug for self analysis

400ug + for transcendental experiences 

This will vary a lot from person to person.

125ug is a full God-consciousness for me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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