
The Way Of ❤️

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"When you are with everyone but me, you're with no one. When you are with no one but me, you're with everyone. Instead of being so bound up with everyone, be everyone. When you become that many, you're nothing, empty." 

- Rumi

Let’s assume there is a human being, Anna. Anna lives her life, learns some lessons during this life and becomes older until Anna’s life is over. The purpose of this message is to help Anna to live her life to the fullest potential.

Psyche of a human develops during lifetime. There are a bunch of models of stages of development. Just name a few: Maslow Pyramid of Needs, Spiral Dynamics. There is a challenge to share a message which helps any Anna. I am going to target pretty advanced Anna, so if this message doesn’t resonate with you, just let it go.

Let’s assume Anna has enough money to live her life, still want more.
Let’s assume Anna has fine health, still some disease to fix.
Let’s assume Anna has a fine relationship, still a lot of trying to figure out who is right there.
And now what? Let’s say Anna lives her life until something happens which brings suffering to her, so she tries to figure out how to fix it. Fast fix with alcohol didn’t help, so she starts her journey with self-help, let’s wish Anna the best of luck.

I will use the format of questions and answers in some cases, from one side Anna, from another side some wise human “L”, let’s reveal the full name later.

A: Why do I need self-help at all?
L: You don’t need it, but that’s what you want, really - to be happy.

Let’s explain Maslow's Pyramid of Needs to Anna.


A: What can I get from this pyramid?
L: Before you become very interested in some level of pyramid you should satisfy the levels below. For example, you won’t think about friendship (Love/belonging) if you don’t have food and clean water (Physiological). Another example, you won’t care about self-esteem (Esteem) if you don’t have employment (Safety).

Let’s assume Anna has satisfied all the levels of this pyramid, now what?
What Anna doesn’t know is, at the latest years of living Maslow has added one more level to the pyramid - Self-transcendence.
Foremost, this message is about self-transcendence.

Let’s explain the basics of Spiral Dynamics to Anna:


A: What does the spiral mean?
L: Spiral Dynamics model is about human development. Not what someone does but what the motives of particular behaviour. One stage is not better or worse than another. Amazon tribes (Purple) are not better or worse than people on the Wall Street (Orange).

A: How can it be helpful?
L: If you want to realize “who you are” you have to reach Turquoise, to reach Turquoise you have to integrate the lower spirals (Yellow, Green, Orange..). The idea is similar to the Maslow Pyramid of Needs.

Foremost, this message is about integrating Orange, Green, Yellow and reaching Turquoise.

Human traits for spiritual path

L: The spiritual path is not for everyone, the person should be open minded.
A: What does it mean open minded in this context?
L: It means you shouldn’t hold your beliefs as absolute truth. You have to be open to the possibility that what you know is simply not true. It can trigger a lot of fear and resistance.
Another important property is to be brave to try, to make steps towards the unknown, believe that everything is going to be alright.
The desire to know the truth should be so strong, you should be fine to lose everything, to lose everything for nothing.

A: What is fear?
L: First of all, we can talk on different levels about fear, there is a lot of theory I have to tell you before answering some fundamental questions about existence. For now, I just say “there is nothing to fear except fear itself”.

A: How long does the spiritual path take?
L: It all depends on you. If you investigate everything by yourself what is pointed here it may take a few years to reach some stages where you may realise there are no stages. It’s absolutely worth it.


A: How can I start the path?
L: You already started. One of the main tools for realizing “who you are” is mediation. You probably heard about meditation and have some image of a sage sitting 24 hours in a cage meditating, so let this image go. We are not going to turn you into a sage unless you want it so. Meditation is who you are, it's not what you do. What you do now is reading, in meditation you are you, you do nothing. There are different types of meditation. I suggest one simple technique, feel free to find out what works for you. You can start from 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing time to 40 minutes, no need for more unless you really want. The best time for meditating is the first activity in the morning, right after you woke up. If you feel doing it more than once - feel free. Don't have any expectations from meditation, some mystical experiences or whatever. Meditation teaches you to let go, the whole spiritual path is about letting go. The value from meditation comes only if you do it consistently. It's not enough to do it month or two, accept it to be a lifelong practice. Now to the practice. Sit with straight back with closed eyes, try to not move during a session, just deep breath. Deep breath means breathing into the stomach. You can easily google the technique. Just put your attention, your focus on deep breathing. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about something just return the focus to deep breathing. Meditation is about relaxing. Relax as deep as you can.
Silence is the best teacher but sometimes if you feel like doing it you can use a guided meditation. I recommend a guided meditation by Rupert Spira.


L: Meditation won’t help you much if you eat junk food for example. You have to find your own balance. Your mind and body should be clean. Let’s talk about food for a little. It doesn’t matter if you eat meat or not. What is important is your attitude towards food. Food you eat should feel healthy to you. Make sure to eat a lot of vegetables, make sure to limit sugar consumption, make sure to drink clean water. 
Research topic of food on the internet and be super picky about what you eat. 
Physical activity is essential. You have to find what you like and do it. You don't need to run a marathon or lift 120kg from a chest - just basic physical activity which you enjoy. 
Additionally to meditation I recommend "Wim Hof" breathing and cold shower. "Wim Hof" breathing takes around 10 minutes - you can find guided breathing by Wim Hof on the internet. Cold shower is 2 minutes at the end of your hot shower session. It is very healthy for the body and mind. 
A: Meditation, clean diet, physical activity, "Wim Hof" breathing, cold shower - sounds like a plan. 


L: One of the best tools in spiritual journey are psychedelics. This tool is not for everyone. Everyone is different, the body and psyche should be mature, so it’s for adults only. It’s not a magic pill. I recommend starting with classical psychedelics: LSD or magic mushrooms.
Let’s assume you have started from LSD. Start from a microdosing, then have a full dose. It’s recommended to have an experienced trip sitter for the first trip. It’s not enough to take psychedelic once, depending on the case you may want to have 20-100 trips. At the beginning of a psychedelic journey you may have a lot of “clearing”. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely worth it.
When you have a lot of experience with standard dosage of LSD and magic mushrooms you can try 5-MeO-DMT. It's a super straightforward psychedelic, powerful one. Just take 5-MeO-DMT and try to investigate the direct experience with open eyes.
There are own traps when you choose to use psychedelics. Usage of psychedelics may create a new belief that during a trip something super extraordinary happens which has no relation to the current moment, this is not true. Don’t try to conceptualize the non-experience of a breakthrough, have time between trips to integrate insights, do psychedelics only if you feel like doing them. You don’t need psychedelics but this is one of the best tools for awakening.
A: Should be fun.

Who you are

L: To go further we have to open the cards and say who you truly are. What we are going to say is just the pointers to something, so don’t be afraid. You are God, Knowing, Love, Truth, Happiness. You create your own reality. You are everything and everyone. You are this.
You are. You. Knowing. Love.
A: Uff, what just happened?

L: Yes, it won’t make much sense for you now. The further you go in this path the further you understand these words. Also, you will understand that there is nowhere to go.
A: Don’t scare me too soon.
L: Yes, relax, it’s all good now. I had to say it, so we can slowly explain more things.


L: You were asking what is fear before, now I can try to describe it to you. Fear is illusion.
When you see a bear in the forest you won’t think too much you would just run. Fear is a thought about the past or future. You have to be careful of course when you cross the road but remember there is nothing to fear - you are the creator of everything. If you fear something but you feel you want to do it just take a deep breath and say to yourself: “It’s all good now”, “It’s just a dream”. All fear comes from the belief that you are a separate entity.


L: Death is an illusion. It may be hard to swallow, it’s way better to realize it via direct experience. What I even mean by death is an illusion? Illusion in a sense that true you never dies. It’s hard to call death to be death in the same way as in the following analogy. Imagine you dream of a beautiful character at night. What happened to the character when you woke up? You never die since you are eternal. You are here and now forever.


L: Analogies are quite helpful in this work for theoretical understanding. Theoretical foundation only helps if used as a pointer for direct investigation. Otherwise, theoretical foundation becomes a barrier. One of the best analogies in this work is the analogy of a dream. It reflects Truth quite precisely. Life is the dream, you are life, dreamer dreams itself. Imagine you dream everything and everyone, that’s what you do now.

Feeling, intuition and emotional scale

L: We may say you are the intuition. Meditation teaches you to be aware of your feelings.
When you are aware of your feelings you have a chance to listen to your intuition.
During meditation you will realize that you are aware of only one thought at time.
Every thought feels differently. Following your intuition means choosing the best feeling thought.
At some stage the emotional scale may be helpful for you, read the last exercise in the “Ask And It Given” book by Abraham Hicks.

Relative Truth VS Absolute Truth

L: We have to make clear distinctions between relative and absolute truth.
There is only absolute truth but it’s also useful to talk about relative truth.
Relative truth is what is true for you. For you may be eating meat is good, for me eating meat is bad, and vice versa. Today, you think smoking is bad, tomorrow you may think smoking is good. These are all examples of relative truth. “You are Love” is a pointer to Absolute Truth. “You are Love” is true for everyone in other words.

Good & bad

A: What is bad and what is good?
L: Quite a fundamental question. The same as with fear we can talk about it on different levels. There is nothing bad with anything since everything is Love. Or we can say anything which comes from fear is bad, anything which comes from love is good.


L: Spiritual path is all about acceptance. To realise that everything is perfect as it is.
Anything which happened was perfect since it was created by you for you to you.
Accept that this is it. 


L: One of the greatest things discovered in the path is a dreamboard. I am so grateful for that, words can’t describe it. Invest some money into a big whiteboard, put it in the most visible place, so you see it as often as possible. Write what you want, in a positive manner. Say, don’t write “I don’t want to have acne”, write “I have clean skin”. Don’t compare yourself with others or blame other people. Dreamboard is not a one-day activity. It is like a meditation, make sure to do it every day. Whenever some thought arises and this thought feels good, put it on your dreamboard. Say, you woke up, meditated and then thought arised: “I want to drink coffee with Jessy”. Without a dreamboard you would constantly think how to manifest this desire which actually stops you from manifesting it. Since there may be resistance thoughts, in other words the thoughts which convince you why you can’t drink coffee with Jessy. If you put this desire to a dreamboard and forget about it you will be present, if you are more present you have more clarity, if you have more clarity you know how to get what you really want. It’s useful to write why you want it, it’s not about writing it’s about feeling how amazing it’s before having the actual experience. If you put it on a dreamboard and check it everyday it helps to let resistance thoughts go, in other words thoughts which stop you from getting what you want. It’s amazing to consciously create. It works because the dreamboard is literally you. Inspiration replaces motivation, as above so below.


L: There is only Now. You never come and go. Any state, like a wakeful state, sleeping state is just a state which happens in you and is you. At night when you go to sleep, body sleeps but not you, since you are not only a body, you are formless appearing to be form, but there is only formless, made of Love. Whatever happens happens in You. You always can relax and see that you are the background of everything, you are in every experience, you are everything, you are eternal, you are. You are here to love, to share, to laugh, to create, to have joy, to be happy.
A: It resonates but I can’t understand, sorry.
L: Never be sorry, just do spiritual practices, you can re-read this message whenever you feel like re-reading. These are just pointers, they are nothing without direct experience, without personal investigation.
Whatever you do try to relax, deep breath, relax focus on everything, have this realization that you are everything. You may ask yourself the questions: “How do I feel about this action?”, “Am I doing it because I believe that I am a separate self and I am going to die, I am real?” or “Am I doing it because I know I am the creator of everything, I am Love, this is my dream?”
Remember, whatever happens it literally can’t go wrong since you are God, but you are not only your body, you are everything. If you are triggered by this message just let it go, come back to it at some point later, just do the practices. You have everything for living the best possible life you imagined, dream big, you are here to enjoy yourself. Life is a gift. I love you.
A: Thank you.
L: By the way, I am Love.

Here & now
I appear to be every thing - Love
There is no one here
No one remembers and no one forgets
Just happens, just is, just knowing


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Farmer Giles decided to write his will. He called his three sons and gave each one a duck, with the instructions that whoever sold their duck for the most would inherit the farm.
The first son went to market and sold his duck for ten dollars.
The second son sold his duck to the neighboring farmer for fifteen dollars.
The third son, who was a bit of a dreamer
:x, was carrying his duck to town when a village girl approached him and offered to make love with him if he gave her the duck. It turned out that they had such a good time together, she wanted to give him back the duck if he would make love with her again. Weak at the knees from his experience, and wandering along the country lane with his duck, the young man was knocked over by a car and the duck was killed. The motorist jumped from his car and pushed a twenty dollar note into the young man’s hand, apologizing all the while for his careless driving. The young man dusted himself off and arrived home, tired and tattered. Farmer Giles asked him how he had got on.
“Well,” said the boy, “I got fucked for a duck, I got a duck for a fuck, and twenty dollars for a fucked up duck.”  :D

Just look at the lighter side of life and enjoy it to its fullest, and all fear will disappear. Only experience of life and love and laughter will dispel the darkness of fear.

− Osho

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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I was thinking to relax means zoom out. But there is no 'out', every thing 'in'. So, to relax just gently invite the experience, come close and close until you merge with the experience, until there is no you, only One. That's how you are Here&Now, by realizing there is no distance between you and any thing, by just Being, L O V E

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Man you nailed it down. 

But how to end ME?

Now you'll say LOVE is eternal but post self realization there is no real reason to continue. 

What's reason to dream at all after it. I don't need this body or this world anymore for what? 

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Why not be black thing is there anything to phenomena all kinds of phenomena once you get self realized. There isn't. 

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8 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Man you nailed it down. 

Thank you my Zeroman :x

But how to end ME?

There isn't any ME to begin with, it's just a belief. So, let go of the belief.

Now you'll say LOVE is eternal but post self realization there is no real reason to continue. 

As Osho said something like: there is no purpose, life is the purpose itself. 
If life has any purpose it would be constant digression, one purpose would spawn the new purpose.
Life is the purpose. You are life. this.

What's reason to dream at all after it. I don't need this body or this world anymore for what? 

You don't need anything, but you are here&now just to live your life to the fullest potential, "to live love", "to have as much fun as possible", reason in dreaming itself, to know you, L O V E. So, with this understanding, that you are every thing and every one, and it's LOVE, what you want to create my friend?



What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@dimitri With backstory you know you will want to create without it as Infinite potential you do not know and you don't want. 

Most people don't know but you die to become God or to "remember". But once you do it there really is no point in dreamin at all and you very well know it. 

Experience is not Source of happiness Being is. So no need for phenomena. 

That's why I suffer every day. With backstory will be motivated without just nah. 

So since I am not i terested in "forget" part should be allowed to be allowed to be blacky. You know Full omniscience and stuff because there really isn't anyone left to "explore". 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity no point, except just to love, since your true nature. 

Experience = Source = Happiness = Being 

If you suffer, the only reason is that, you holding to a thought which don't feel good. 

Suffering is a call to unsuffering, for doing spiritual practices, or not doing it, whatever helps you to realize the beauty of current moment. Every moment is enlightened. It's pure magic, miracle. When you got it, by letting go the beliefs, fully, the life becomes so simple, it's just appreciation of experience, of yourself ?

Edited by dimitri

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Wow, so clearly explained ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Hey how often are you doing psychs now, and when did you start taking them? If you don't mind.

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I started psy journey few months after I found Leo on internet. The first psy trip dated on 10 January 2019. It's not that long ago, but usually I progress 2-3X faster than anybody else if I am into something ?

Now, I am in the point where I don't need psy at all, thanks to @Nahm, he helped a lot to collapse duality between trip state and normal state ?

I did a low dose of 5-MeO just a few days ago. Just because it's so much fun, I enjoy it. The whole trip takes like 10 minutes and you can continue with the day, just amazing, so grateful ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@dimitri  Are you at the emotional release point or did you pass that?

For me the biggest break throughs on psychs are one's that release pent up and suppressed emotion. Are you crying regularly?

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Small clarification on the previous post: by "I don't need psy" I mean there is a clear understanding that I don't need anything, including psy. Since anything is me, I am complete.

By "collapse duality between psy state and normal state" I mean before I was chasing the psy state. Now, I do psy only for enjoyment of it, just for deepening the realization that this is all it is. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@dimitri I think not needing psychs means you literally don't need psychs because you're getting everything you need from your sober state. I guess if one perspective feels better than go with it, but that distinction seems pretty pointless. Don't do any psychs for like 3 months, and THIS will feel a lot different I bet.

I think psychs are the best practice because they lower resistance to all other practices so no shame in doing psychs. I think the biggest mistake I've made so far is I stopped using psychs after I had a breakthrough experience with LSD. I thought I don't need psychs and i'll figure it out on my own, but I underestimated how much they speed up progress.

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I cried few times during psy trips but not that much. Sometimes I just laugh spontaneously during the day: something like "What a dream, what a joke" ?

Breakthrough is non-event. Nothing happens. 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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You don't need psy means there is no neediness to it. You can do it or not, whatever. You do it not because you want to fix something - just for celebration of the current moment. I do psy nowadays with the same feeling as I do cappuccino, Wim Hof breathing, morning meditation, cold shower, riding bike in the forest, etc ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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