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Knowledge necessary for entrepreneurship

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What do I have to do to learn about entrepreneurship if I don't know anything about it? There are courses online. Should I take one of them? How do you go about choosing a course out of all these options?

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I have had a lot of luck with just going out and doing it and learning a long the way. I am sure you can find a good course to accompany you though. I would get some theory down, then go and give it a try. 

Some things I suggest learning

How and why to form an LLC.

How to do taxes with maximum deductions and keep good records.

Both of the above can be paid for and done professionally. I would recommend that if you are not willing to deeply research it. Any mistakes on these can cost you a lot of money. 

Marketing (Will vary on what you want to do)

These are probably the most essential things worth studying. Now if you have a specific field you want to enter I could probably come up with some more suggestions. But nailing these things down will help give you protection and maximum profits. 

It's a lot of work and it takes a lot of time and consistency to make something work. Once you find your field you are going to enter start studying the best in that industry and find good resources to give you the best tips and tricks to get your business rolling. You don't need to reinvent the wheel as there will likely be many others who have used proven paths to profitability. But that is not to say to just make your business a clone of others. By figuring out how to make your service different or better you are going to yield much better results. 

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@Average Investor Thanks man! Yeah, I actually want to do an in depth research about this. It's so new to me. I'm a bit intimidated but hopeful. 

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@Itsokimok I mean if your net worth is not really that high and you're not entering a risky business (I am not any sort of legal advisor). I would just hop in and start learning as you go. These things are really good to learn and you can learn them as you go. You won't need to know this stuff if you don't have customers or revenue. The marketing would help you get some of those, but still. Don't get too lost in the theory and work things out as you go. You will learn much better that way and retain it better most likely. 


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