
Stuck in Orange

24 posts in this topic

I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like you're hung up on this spiral stages theory, which is nothing but that, a theory. As long as you're crystal clear on that, fine, but it doesn't seem that way to me. You don't have to bulldoze your way into any lifestyle or belief system (i.e. "I have to move on to Green"), it can be much simpler than that. Just realize when a belief pops up, observe what's going on in the mind. And let it go.

Just do what you want to do, it's that simple. If that means chasing money, chase money. If it means chasing relationship and community, do that. If it means searching for enlightenment, do that. Do whatever you want and forget about the spiral.

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22 hours ago, tashawoodfall said:

I'm finding it challenging to become motivated by anything. I start projects and then get bored with it. 

I've struggled a lot with the same thing last couple of years, so I can really relate.

What got me out of that pattern, almost at least, was when I dove in to the work of Peter Ralston.

And there's and amazing concept in his book Pursuing Consciousness, "letting go rather than attaining", and it kind of "clicked for me". And from that point I "simply" started to let go rather than trying to come up with new ideas to fulfill or achieve(no point since inspiration tend to die so quickly). 

Now it's almost like "letting go" has become "the project".


Also what helped me alot when it comes to Spiral Dynamics, reading up on all the lower stages as well. We tend to put all of our focus on mostly orange and green, and some blue. But we also has a lot to integrate from the lower stages, much more than we think. At least in my experience.

Great site to read up on the lowest stages(higher as well)


Edited by ArchangelG

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Notice how your being stuck is just a belief that you are confident about. You don't lack confidence to grow, it's just placed in this belief. Nothing wrong with being stuck either. Explore fully where you are at. You can learn a lot about yourself where you are at. Love and accept this aspect of yourself. I'm sure since you are here you are quiet open minded and more developed than you give yourself credit for. Find stuff that resonates with you and move forward in a direction you feel is right for you. 

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@ArchangelG Thanks for suggesting Peter Ralston. Never heard of him before and like his no-nonsense sort of approach. It's also cool to find he did so many interviews with Leo which I look forward to also diving into. 


Thanks again ^_^


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