
Your perspective on marijuana and why it's bad for this journey?

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4 minutes ago, IAmTheHolySpirit said:

Better solution: Stop identification with the egoic mind. Nothing can touch you when you are enlightened. Become enlightened and then smoke all you want.

Haha that's actually what I plan to do lol. I'll probably be sitting in infinite realms of tangible bliss, and just roll myself a fat blunt with some purple kush ? a wee joint here and there is no harm if you are aware enough

Edited by Aaron p

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1 minute ago, Aaron p said:

Haha that's actually what I plan to do lol. I'll probably be sitting in infinite realms of tangible bliss, and just roll myself a fat blunt with some purpose kush?

Don't set up any expectations for the trip. Don't even think "I am going to roll a blunt later" just let everything unfold completely spontaneously. It will be a gift to yourself, and the gift is your true self. I recommend watching Moojiji on youtube or listening to a meditation of his, it will bring you to a place of complete silence, and under LSD/Shrooms it can bring forth directly experienced insights and truths realized and of course the truth will be revealed to you in absolute clarity and divineness.

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4 hours ago, Aaron p said:

Haha that's actually what I plan to do lol. I'll probably be sitting in infinite realms of tangible bliss, and just roll myself a fat blunt with some purple kush ? a wee joint here and there is no harm if you are aware enough

Sounds like a great night :D

This reminds me of a Francis Lucille quote regarding alcohol but I’ll use weed instead, as it has the same intention in this case.

One can either use weed as a means of celebration and to celebrate life, or as a means to escape and to forget about their sadness for a while. 

One man goes to get some weed, but his dealer doesn’t have any, so he is sad and annoyed, he goes home in a bad mood and is annoyed for the rest of the day. 

Another man has a friend visiting who likes smoking Weed, he goes to buy weed and can’t get any, but is still happy either way, as it was only used as a celebration with his friend. 

His friend arrives, and has brought weed with him, they celebrate their friendship and have some fun by smoking the weed. 

Do you see the difference, one person is using it as a celebration and is happy either way, the other is reliant on the Weed for his happiness. 

When you are established in peace and happiness, life simply becomes a celebration, and if you want to smoke weed then so be it! 


Although I agree there’s a period where it, like most things need to be dropped to focus primarily on the awakening process, which can be tough. 

But, post awakening, as I said you are stablaised in absolute peace and happiness, and if you want to celebrate occasionally with weed so be it! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@IAmTheHolySpirit waw, your really spiritual. Thank you ♥️ what practices do you use to get you to this point of realisation? How long do you practise a day? 

Edited by Aaron p

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It's not bad nor good. It's what you make it to be.

I don't find value in it for consciouness work. I prefer to take psychedelics.

If your goal is to get high, then use the tool to get high. If you want to do consciousness work, use the tools to do consciousness work.

On 22/05/2020 at 11:44 AM, Zeal said:

I tend to smoke as it helps me sleep after years of insomnia


Have you explored other options to help you sleep? Weed affects sleep too and maybe you'll be getting faster or more sleep but with other negatives.

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Weed seems to effect everyone differently.  For some it is a great spiritual tool, for others, it just relaxes them. 

Personally I use it around once per week for consciousness expansion.  I could never become addicted as some do, because it is never a pleasant experience in the beginning - it brings out shadow material.  If I just sit with that, experiencing what is happening in the body/mind I sometimes purge blocked energy out of myself and always experience expanded states which help to remind me of the larger picture.

It can definitely be a plant medicine if used properly.

Edited by Freakyboo

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22 hours ago, Javfly33 said:


I wish I could see that clearly.

If I could there wouldn't be any "path", thought 

The path itself is the biggest delusion ?

It’s here to inspect. :) 



A muggle could have a bit of trouble falling asleep, do to some overactive mental energy, yet fall asleep nonetheless and carry on just fine, because they have no awareness that they are ‘asleep’ in consciousness. Someone with an overly developed intellect wanting truth however, knowing the call of intuition, would be aware there is more to feeling yet not ‘feeling it’, and in misunderstanding & misinterpretation, might cross that line of ‘trouble falling asleep’, into the territory of ‘insomnia’ (trouble sleeping), for over conceptualizing reality, via lack of inspection of direct experience, resulting in lack of feeling and general un-inspected dissatisfaction. One ‘solution’ is to use a substance or two. Another is to inspect that which leads one to a substance as a solution in the first place. Arguably, two entirely different ‘happinesses’ are found in these two different courses of action.

Because there is not an I which sleeps, but rather non-appearance & reappearance of consciousness, insomnia can’t in Truth be said to be ‘a problem with sleeping’, but rather, a problem with seeing reality as it is, specifically, in ‘letting go’ of concepts. I’ve worked with this with many people and they did resolve it altogether. Every time, there was something subjective being projected, but believed to be objective, in the ‘that’s just how it is’, or ‘that’s just how the world is’, or ‘that’s just how I am’ sense. It was always from the environment, & mentality they grew up in. Conceptualism is quite sneaky, in that one could have a problem with sleep...not realizing there is no such thing as sleep.



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@Dand Great response and experiment man. 

Also agree, it can be good or bad, I don’t see much wrong with using it sporadically from time to time, even if it just is with friends for a laugh. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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On 5/23/2020 at 9:22 PM, Freakyboo said:

Weed seems to effect everyone differently.  For some it is a great spiritual tool, for others, it just relaxes them. 

Personally I use it around once per week for consciousness expansion.  I could never become addicted as some do, because it is never a pleasant experience in the beginning - it brings out shadow material.  If I just sit with that, experiencing what is happening in the body/mind I sometimes purge blocked energy out of myself and always experience expanded states which help to remind me of the larger picture.

It can definitely be a plant medicine if used properly.

yup, weed is great for surfacing negative energies and trauma and it's quite gentle and not so potent if dosed properly to cause any severe harm. It's also easy to get a hold of in many places. I think if used properly it's quite good. A lot of people who have bad experiences on it like anxiety are just surfacing stuff usually. 

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