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I don´t know how to practice kriya yoga. Help.

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I just read the book. It contains 33 lessons with lots of exercises and lots of rutine tables, but it doesn´t tell you which routine you should use or how you should switch routines as the days go by.


What routine should I use in week 1? what routine should I use in week 2, month 2, month 12 etc? Should I just pick the routine I want? Isn't it very random and chaotic?


I would like to follow kriya yoga on a structured path like Culadasa teachs for samadhi meditation, for example.


Can someone offer me some guidance?




Edited by RedLine

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There are two great YouTube channels that I found that deal with the practise of Kriya Yoga.

"ManojTheYogi" has an entire course up online, giving instructions on how to do the practises and giving theoretical background knowledge as well. For me, this was a good place to start.

The second channel I would recommend is "Ryan Kurczak". He too offers a lot of practical and theoretical information for your Kriya practise. He also runs a second channel that deals with Vedic astrology, if you are interested in that.

If you combine their teachings with some good books on the topic (Kriya Secrets Revealed, A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and Kriya, Kriya Yoga Vichara, Patanjali's Yogasutras...) you should have plenty to work on and should be able to figure out how it all works in due time.

Hope this helps. Much love!

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Read the smaller book about Kriya in the book list. Much easier to follow.

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@RedLine As another user said, follow the smaller books as they condense everything down to its most essential. There's so much unnecessary stuff in the bigger book. Stick to the core techniques - spinal breathing/pranayama, mahamudra, breath of fire etc. 

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