
Love = Healing ?

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I'm sick since yesterday. Been working on exposed sun for pretty much two days and dealing with close contact with really dirty materials and air ( mold, tons of dust, sewer gasses and rat feces ) . 

I got a quite pulsating headache. Nothing too serius but : 

Two years ago undergoing really heavy emotional pain ( Dark night of the soul )  mixed with some Kriya yoga and Byron Katie exercises I discovered that I'm able to bliss out on command, no matter what the circumstances.

The idea is, I get very present,   I surrender to the experience , and then I accept it completely. I radiate Love from inside out , imagining like an aura coming from inside of my chest towards my surrounding, just as  router " radiates " wifi signals from the inside out .


Woke up at 5 am. I found myself resisting the headache, and I had the idea to flip it. 

I surrendered the idea of the headache being " bad ", and the idea of there even being such thing as an "headache" besides a "sensation" in the  forehead area,  . Then I put my attention  on that physical aspect of the headache and focused on " experiencing it fully" and embracing it as much as possible . 

I started feeliing how it's fading in real time. For 5 minutes it was gone pretty much completely. But later on It comes back, in a quite softer way. Pretty sure I'm able to re-create the experience multiple times more .

I had the ah-ha moment of this being what is actually ment by lower case "self-healing" . I imagine there is much, much much more depth to this.

Also, the kind of energy that I manifest by "blissing out on command" feels so real, so empowering, so light. Many times I get the chills up my spine when I do it . It makes me feel so "Complete".


Maybe this is what Charlie Goldsmith is doing with his touch-healing. Idk if his things are BS or not, but I'm open to the idea, just in the same way that if you put both of your fingers in the electricity sockets, electricity will FLOW THROUGH YOU and you will be electrocuted.


Well ?. Is this the essence of healing ? 

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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Of course!

Healing = Love = Truth = Consciousness = Selflessness = God = Total Self Acceptance

God is Love.

And you are God ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Amazing. This would mean that Healing " others " is possible through simple words,  if I'd be able to make them imagine and feel this experience of " surrendering, experiencing, embracing and radiating , assuming they "  have a baseline of consciousness" , the proper "open-mindset" rather than being fixed on their attachment to pain and suffering , and are in touch with their body / feelings.

It's Literally " remote healing " . Woah.

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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10 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Amazing. This would mean that Healing " others " is possible through simple words,  if I'd be able to make them imagine and feel this experience of " surrendering, experiencing, embracing and radiating , assuming they "  have a baseline of consciousness" , the proper "open-mindset" rather than being fixed on their attachment to pain and suffering , and are in touch with their body / feelings.

It's Literally " remote healing " . Woah.

It's more radical than that.

There are no "others" at all. There is only You. You heal "others" by realizing they are you, and by loving your entire Self.

There is nothing "remote". You are omnipresent.

You don't need to make others imagine. You just need to love them and imagine the healing on their behalf, as if they are you -- because they are!

To love another unconditionally is already enough to heal them in subtle ways.

Also, since healing is love, and love is truth, to help others see the truth of a situation is enough to heal them too. Most people suffer due to falsehood -- due to living lies. And of course the cure for falsehood is truth.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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28 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Two years ago undergoing really heavy emotional pain ( Dark night of the soul )  mixed with some Kriya yoga and Byron Katie exercises I discovered that I'm able to bliss out on command, no matter what the circumstances.

Can you expand on this?

What did you do then specifically? What kind of Byron katie stuff did you do, and what was your source for kriya yoga?

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It's more radical than that.

There are no "others" at all. There is only You. You heal "others" by realizing they are you, and by loving your entire Self.

There is nothing "remote". You are omnipresent.

You don't need to make others imagine. You just need to love them and imagine the healing on their behalf, as if they are you -- because they are!

To love another unconditionally is already enough to heal them in subtle ways.

Also, since healing is love, and love is truth, to help others see the truth of a situation is enough to heal them too. Most people suffer due to falsehood -- due to living lies. And of course the cure for falsehood is truth.

Uhh yeah, I thought You'd say something along those lines since I follow the content. But I thought of this " therapy "  as a method of a more day to day consciousness way as I don't really have access right to God consciousness on the snap of my fingers yet, to , but I can " rewire their thinking" by guiding their thoughts, inside of this duallity framework.

You mean despite of my just slightly above average level of consciousness I can just imagine my mom not to be an alcoholic? I guess it would mean also taking action besides of "thinking it up"?


" Also, since healing is love, and love is truth, to help others see the truth of a situation is enough to heal them too. Most people suffer due to falsehood -- due to living lies. And of course the cure for falsehood is truth. "

Yeah, I guess what I'm basically trying to say is this

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Can you expand on this?

What did you do then specifically? What kind of Byron katie stuff did you do, and what was your source for kriya yoga?

Sure, I'll share my experience with you. I'll reply in a couple of hours since I was working on a reply for you and I accidentaly deleted 4 paragraphs, and if I do it now I'll most likely half - ass it . ?

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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46 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Uhh yeah, I thought You'd say something along those lines since I follow the content. But I thought of this " therapy "  as a method of a more day to day consciousness way as I don't really have access right to God consciousness on the snap of my fingers yet, to , but I can " rewire their thinking" by guiding their thoughts, inside of this duallity framework.

That's fine. You can only do whatever your level of consciousness allows.

46 minutes ago, mmKay said:

You mean despite of my just slightly above average level of consciousness I can just imagine my mom not to be an alcoholic?

No, I was refering to radical types of supernatural healing which can be done from God Consciousness. For example, the way Jesus might have healed the blind.

Nevermind, you are not at a level to understand that yet.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Aight thanks for clarifying.

I guess you mean as in the way of expanding and altering your state of  Consciousness and since then you include all "other"  in the notion or experience of "Self" you have "access" or absolute direct connection to "other", as it's literally you, correct me if I'm wrong. 

I did experience merging my identity with my thoughts, feelings and perceptions realizing it's all made out of the same ineffable material while doing an Actuallity recontextualization exercise, but I did not experience merging with another Being with such depth. Closest I've ever been was in a lucid dream where I wad looking a girl in the eyes and touched her boobs, just to realize I was looking in my own eyes and was feeling hands on my own nipples LoL. 

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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40 minutes ago, mmKay said:

@Leo Gura Aight thanks for clarifying.

I guess you mean as in the way of expanding and altering your state of  Consciousness and since then you include all "other"  in the notion or experience of "Self" you have "access" or absolute direct connection to "other", as it's literally you, correct me if I'm wrong. 


But also, since reality is imaginary, the more conscious you become the more you will be able to manipulate it using your imagination. In a high enough state of consciousness you could imagine that someone is healed, and they will be.


Closest I've ever been was in a lucid dream where I wad looking a girl in the eyes and touched her boobs, just to realize I was looking in my own eyes and was feeling hands on my own nipples LoL. 

Yes, this is the tip of a giant iceberg.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

But also, since reality is imaginary, the more conscious you become the more you will be able to manipulate it using your imagination. In a high enough state of consciousness you could imagine that someone is healed, and they will be.

Say you're tripping on any psychedelic and imagine your healing, how would you ensure that those healing effects will last beyond the trip? Daily affirmations, positive/loving intentions for your own body, and of course meditation, healthy food, sports, good friends/family (all that "basic stuff")? I have some physical healing to do, where doctors couldn't help me and have no clue. I gotta fix this myself. Btw on the path of finding a way of healing, I've received extremely valuable lessons along the way, which I think are an essential part of the healing.

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@CVKBT the thing is, if you are conscious enough you most probably won't heal yourself because you wanted it to be like that :) 

What I am trying to convey is: more conscious you are, more acceptance you have in place - you understand that it's perfect as it is. 


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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9 minutes ago, CVKBT said:

Say you're tripping on any psychedelic and imagine your healing, how would you ensure that those healing effects will last beyond the trip?

Depends on many factors.

A trip may not be enough to really make it stick. You will probably have to reach this level of consciousness as a stble stage, not just a peak state. Which means years of rigorous training.

Don't expect to gain magical healing abilities from a few trips.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Depends on many factors.

A trip may not be enough to really make it stick. You will probably have to reach this level of consciousness as a stble stage, not just a peak state. Which means years of rigorous training.

Don't expect to gain magical healing abilities from a few trips.

Are you willing to make an episode about the healing of your past trauma with [p]sychedelics?

Me on the road less traveled.

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@dimitri True, only the ego wants to change things, which it doesn't like. Nevertheless, I think in the perspective of a human being, one should strive for healing on all levels: psychological, physical and spiritual. :)

@Leo Gura I thought so..BUT I was able to heal my allergic symptoms to a great degree, only through the power of consciousness. Credits for this go to James Fadiman and his "Symphony of Selves". I might make a post about it sometime in the future!

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8 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Can you expand on this?

What did you do then specifically? What kind of Byron katie stuff did you do, and what was your source for kriya yoga?

Shared the story almost exactly one year ago. Quite interesting to look back at. It's quite a relatively long post but you may get some insights from it.

What Kriya yoga did for me was  simply to temporarely silence my mind while breathing long and deep, and therefore allow myself to notice that if I don't think, the present moment is pretty much  as Perfect as I allow it to be, and I If do I think  ( specially through a distorted perception of realliy), I suffer. A lot.

Identifying with the voice within and being grounded on un-inquired assumptions of reallity just add on to the pain.

TLDR : I realized that my pain was completely self-induced.

What  worked for me : 

Notice that something is making you suffer. Notice that you are resisting it. Accept that you are resisting it. Embrace what is making you suffer by imagining it from all the angles that come up to your mind ( and also try to feel it in your body and emotions) . Embrace , love and accept all of that. Finally watch the Bliss come. You have to allow it to be, and also make your effort to embody it.

Literally Imagine physically and mentally being in a bliss state in the very present moment. That's how you manifest it. For me it requieres being at least being relatively calm.


Maybe you gotta go through this multiple times for one thought/belief/attachement/fear.

I'd say it feels quite natural once you put your focus on it


One sidenote, addictions can cravings add to the suffering as well, it's not just mental beliefs and thoughts.  I had a really intense addiction to carbs / refined sugar, eating disorder,  chronic dehydration and overall really bad eating habits besides quite extreme lack of body exercise ( I remember lying in bed up to 20 hours per day barely getting up to pee ) for weeks. I had the luxary of being quite isolated.

You don't need to be a genius to notice how that affects your wellbeing. Mind affects Body and Body affects Mind.

I  realized how sugar LITERALLY HIJACKED my thoughts and emotions making me really depressed and nihilistic. It was a real eye opener.

If you are interested, heres my battle with food addiction from half a year ago. I ended up completing the challenge, just didn't document it all the way.


Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter                   Restful Cube        

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7 hours ago, The Don said:

Are you willing to make an episode about the healing of your past trauma with [p]sychedelics?

I never had much trauma to begin with.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@mmKay  Thanks a lot man.

So you think bliss comes from a deep acceptance of what is? Does that mean repeating in my mind over and over again I accept this?

What does full on acceptance look like from a direct experience pov. I feel like i'm accepting what's occurring but idk how to tell if i'm resisting or not.

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