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My Study Journal

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1.reading cardiology half an hour from now


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exam is coming nearer , i am not working hard as expected , i am aware of stupid shitty thoughts arising  , then worry from no where ,what the hell i am doing ,its ok i am aware i am not performing good , 

things to keep in mind

1.donot beat yourself

2.If you will be studying good, patients will be saved because of proper knowledge ( can't you see ) you will deal with human lives, are these stupid shit thoughts more than any one's life in time frame ( short and long goals) 


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Q1 What you was why you want to become doctor?

Day 1

Answer : the garbage part to clean  ( i will be SO good they cannot IGNORE the authentic me)

( i was a small town girl, lived like a half orphan with my maternals ,being bullied , low self esteem child ,whose all childhood was ruined in family problems, i had only one thing which was my concentrating on studies, so all my motivational drive was negative ,i would say defence mechanism i used was compensation, as my personal life sucked ,so i worked hard to get into medical school for merit basis ,as i was only child who could fulfil my mother's desire, and ofcourse family ,college pressure ) 

Day 2

Answer : little girl with big dreams ,a singer , a presenter, a reader , a writer , a scientist ,an artist , who realize in her last year of school  , how it would be like when i will be a finest physician in the world, A girl who only focused on studies to get to point where , she could get admission in top university on merit basis, when she visualized herself in white coat and stethoscope and smiling face ,communicating with empathy to her patients ,she lived her life to study the best medicine books written ,to acquire best of knowledge , 



Day 3

Small town girl with dreams of acquiring best of knowledge, as it was taught to her that knowledge is power, She found herself good in science ,and got passionate about human's physiology so she can learn how diseases occur( pathology) ,for her medicine became a life purpose


Day 4 > sorry I was busy so i could not give time on my insight


Day 5 :Small town girl , for her passion was a driver in her life, she got passion to get into medical school , then to get medical licence in USA 

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q2.What you are why you want to come to USA?

Day 1

answer: sensitive ,caring ,compassionate , open minded ,determined, intelligent, focused , adaptable,flexibility of mind , clarity,discipline ,humble

USA is best in health care ,all the new research is there , it will help me the type of physician I wanted to be 

Day 2

She is sensible, emotionally intelligent ,compassionate , open minded , determined ,intelligent ,focused ,humble, grateful 

USA is multicultural , best in health care ,research , 


day 3: 

USA is multicultural , country with human rights , freedom , independence ,where health is not doctor's job, but equal contribution from patients ,my job there is to raise awareness in my patients , give them options simultaneously choices 

day 4 ( I could not work on it)

day 5: health care rights are equal for everyone 

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q3.What change you can bring in medical profession?

Day 1

A: raising awareness and consciousness on health from all aspect ,

counseling on1. proper medicine doses 2. nutrition 3,exercise 4.stress management 5.smoking cessation 6.drug addiction

diagnosis and treat the disease from root causes 

(through proper communication )

Day 2 





day 3

with proper knowledge of biochemistry , anatomy , physiology , which helps me to understand, pathology, pharmacology ,So best outcome will be the complete knowledge of medicine for management ( includes from diagnosis to treatment as well as prevention) 

day 4

1.preventive care



Day 5:

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