
Is 36 too old??

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Lately I started feeling grossly unsatisfied with my life. Depression is looming over me now knowing that I'm not tapping into my full potential. Only now, at 36, I'm starting to think maybe I have gifts to share if I do more soul searching. Maybe I have a soul song to sing. But fear is nagging me. I hear beliefs in my head saying "You're too old!" "You're going to fail and be in an even worse position that you've been in your whole life." "You're going to embarrass yourself with these foolish thoughts. Stop before anyone finds out you're even thinking about this at your age". These are limiting beliefs. I know I'm not alone in having this kind of beliefs. That's the reason I'm even bothering to post this because maybe it's very common for human beings to have such beliefs and many of us let them stop us from pursuing something more than the 9 to 5 grind. Maybe there is hope because these are beliefs after all. But beliefs are there for a reason. They're not always true for everyone in every situation, but they're protective and are based on at least some truth, no? We pick them up and they do us some good...for some time...I don't know. 

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Why have you been working at the 9-5? Chances are, it wasn't your life purpose, but there were elements of it that you enjoyed. Plus, you were probably good at what you did. Think about how you can use your skills for a better purpose. If you want to be world-class at what you do, some simple advice like do whatever you feel like may be a huge trap. I would recommend instead to find a good balance between your skills and your ambitions.

And yes, limiting beliefs are an issue. But you decide whether you want to hold yourself back or take the leap.

36 is too old if you wish to enter into professional sports or something physically demanding. It may be challenging if you want to start out with a completely blank slate and still support your family and its lifestyle. But other than that, what else do you have to lose? Start taking small risks and expand your comfort zone.

Just my 2 cents :)


We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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A man is what he thinks about all day. If you want to feel satisfied and filled with purpose, then start thinking about it. You will never get anywhere if you let that insecure voice control who you are. You are what ever you want to be. And you are at the exact moment where you can decide what to do next. Sit back down and relax back into your depressing life, or do something outside of your comfort zone, where you challenge your mind and body, and you grow towards who you were always meant to be.

There is no other obstacle right now but for you to choose who you want to be. Every Moment, you decide if you grow or not. You are the only one who holds you back. You need to fight fear. Find the thoughts that give you pure satisfaction, start to think about them every waking moment, start working towards it all day, or learn to love your life without any regrets.

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Itsokimok  The one thing you would want to change is your thought patterns.

If you really want to succeed in your life purpose or for that matter any aspect of life make sure to.eliminate negative thinking in that particular aspect. When you sit down and work on your purpose only allow positive thoughts. 

To deal with this limiting beliefs you got to open your mind up to the possibility of becoming the hero on his journey and getting the holy grail.

Imagine at 46 you would develop mastery in your purpose and be world best I'm sure you could put at least 6000 hours in your purpose in the next 10 years.

Now in contrast to that if you continue believing that you are too old how far will you go ? 

Criticizing is truly a waste of time so instead go take the right action. 

One way to bust through fear is to do yeh thing you fear anyways .. 

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I think it depends on your body fitness. If you become so weak in 36 and your bones and skin become loose so you old, otherwise 36 does not matter.

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Im 48 and just now seeking to crystalise a life purpose and new direction after some years lost in hedonistic haze, nihilism and unfulfilling drudgery, which interestingly was of my own making I'm starting to realise. At 36 I had just moved to a new country with no job, not much money and helped start a sports team that went on to produce international players and managed to get a job that paid well for the locale, had a lot of fun, not once did I consider my age as too old. 

Maybe should have a Shark Tank like forum where members could pitch business ideas or concepts for society and others could raise points and critique. Help members build confidence and and a more solid plan.

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19 hours ago, legendary said:

Why have you been working at the 9-5?

To pay rent and to eat. Are those good reasons for you?

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@Itsokimok your suffering has own purpose. That's the call for you if you wish. Do you meditate? Healthy diet? Fitness? 
I would suggest to start letting go of limited beliefs and start listening to your intuition.
You can live your life happily because you are the creator of your own reality.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@legendary Thanks man! Love that diagram. Yeah, I'm not going to be doing something physically demanding, that's for sure. Never been my forte anyway.  

22 hours ago, legendary said:

Why have you been working at the 9-5? Chances are, it wasn't your life purpose, but there were elements of it that you enjoyed. Plus, you were probably good at what you did. Think about how you can use your skills for a better purpose. If you want to be world-class at what you do, some simple advice like do whatever you feel like may be a huge trap. I would recommend instead to find a good balance between your skills and your ambitions.

And yes, limiting beliefs are an issue. But you decide whether you want to hold yourself back or take the leap.

36 is too old if you wish to enter into professional sports or something physically demanding. It may be challenging if you want to start out with a completely blank slate and still support your family and its lifestyle. But other than that, what else do you have to lose? Start taking small risks and expand your comfort zone.

Just my 2 cents :)



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@Reincarnated Cat @dimitri Diet needs improvement. Do meditate and actively work on overcoming painful childhood experience. Yeah, I really want to let these beliefs go. They've been holding me back for a long time.

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@Chakra Lion Thank you. My thoughts, damn, they're bad sometimes! Really bad. Ever since I read these replies to my post, I've been feeling inspired. Already thinking differently. Have to keep it up!

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Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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@Itsokimok psychedelics is the best tool for overcoming 'painful childhood experiences' IMHO. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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No, you are not too old to change your life.

If you feel stuck and want to just "explore" your options, consider buying the Life Purpose Course and start doing the exercises. You will get an incredible spike in inspiration and something will definitely start coming up for you :)

I have gone back to school with my Life Purose as I needed to re-educate myself. SOme of my classmates are in their 60s working on changing their careers. Age is not the limit! The only limit to you is YOU. 

Good luck! 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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