
Finding value in books post-enlightenment

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What do you guys think? Are books necessary for a good life?

Also I feel my accent is better in this one.



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If you are enlightened already, why do you need to ask such a question?

You should already know the general framework of a good life and what is necessary to lead a good life.

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@hyruga I know lol, but I was curious what others think. To see your viewpoints and to connect with you guys. There are infinite perspectives.

I'm not asking to know, I'm asking to connect. Not the same. 

Edited by Aquarius

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1 hour ago, hyruga said:

If you are enlightened already, why do you need to ask such a question?


you think being enlightened makes questions like these go away?
or if one is enlightened, do they know the distance from the Sun to Saturn?




@Aquarius yes. books can offer great insights and learning indeed. find your cup of tea and dive right in :) spiral of learning and growth. just enjoy the ride.

Love Is The Answer

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1 hour ago, SoonHei said:

you think being enlightened makes questions like these go away?
or if one is enlightened, do they know the distance from the Sun to Saturn?

My exact thoughts

@SoonHei Thanks! :) I recently found a stage Yellow theologian and his books seem cool. His name is R. C. Spoul. Check him out!

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7 hours ago, SoonHei said:

you think being enlightened makes questions like these go away?
or if one is enlightened, do they know the distance from the Sun to Saturn?




@Aquarius yes. books can offer great insights and learning indeed. find your cup of tea and dive right in :) spiral of learning and growth. just enjoy the ride.

I didn't said an enlightened person will know the distance from the Sun to Saturn.

I mention that an enlightened person will know the general framework of a good life. 

Of course for Aquarius, she mentioned she's asking to connect so She already knew how to. She does sound a bit egoistic by saying lol but who cares when she is enlightened already.

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post enlightenment... thats a good one!  

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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10 hours ago, SoonHei said:

@Aquarius love his quote: 

every idol, if you scratch it, is a mirror. we worship ourselves.

-R.C. Sproul

Love it. 

@hyruga Egotistic when I say lol? So an enlightened person is a perfect person who doesn't even laugh? I wasn't ironic with the lol, maybe it's just a habit for me to say lol. I might stop saying it. We live in a different era either way, so why not say lol? Everyone says it.

10 hours ago, remember said:

@Aquarius books like people are essential to life, imagine a life without books, there wouldn’t even be movies, no big religions. nothing like digital books - we would still maybe write on stone... 

i like the image you chose a lot, too!

about your accent, it seems to bother you a bit, did you ever do mouth relaxation training or logopedic training? i guess taking audios and repeating a lot will make the accent go away faster, if you want to and try to correct it. there is a lot of stuff one can learn as a public speaker, from intonation to dynamic reading styles - imagine you would want to become a synchronizer for animations - i bet they do some theater related reading as a training, too. i would also bet that your accent gets better every time you make new content! i once met someone who could sing italian opera without speaking italian.

@remember Hey thanks :) Yeah well it's because of my crooked teeth and I need to learn to use my tongue properly. I could talk for 30 minutes in english every day just for myself. Without stopping. Like a creative talk. I don't talk English much in real life, only Hungarian or Romanian. My german accent is very good though. Yes, I'm a polyglot :D And I learn polish and hindi recently, just don't have time every day. 

2 hours ago, Chakra Lion said:

post enlightenment... thats a good one!  


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