
I want to be famous

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From a very young age, i wanted to be famous. I wanted to be on TV and become a celebrity to get the attention. I told my parents i wanted to be an actress (not that i was into acting, i just want fame), they slammed that idea down. 

Then over the years, i Put that thought aside and did other stuff with my life (school). But deep down, i still have this desire to have the attention and approval with a fan base. Back in 2013, when Vine was famous, i was really jealous of the teens who rose to fame in a few months. I wanted to do something like that , but i was too shy and self conscious to post vines.

I follow a lot of creators on Youtube who grew a successful channel from nothing and it inspired me to do that too. Ive always enjoyed taking pictures and filming things or myself, so i thought this would be a good way to unleash my creativity and maybe become famous. 

In the past few years, i struggled a lot with the desire of being famous and the harsh reality. Only a handful few will stand out , and tbh, im not talented in those areas. I didnt put in the time and energy to master the art of YouTube or content creation, so i posted very few videos in the past few years. But i feel like im always daydreaming about my channel getting lucky somehow and me getting famous. I have a fulfilling career (being a doctor) ahead of me, but a part me doesnt want to let go of the idea of being famous. I just want it so bad.

Recently, i thought of maybe using TikTok as a way to get attention, and yesterday i tried it out. it consumed all of my energy and i got nowhere. By the end of the day, it left me feeling unproductive, depressed and pretty hopeless. Not to mention, i am currently studying for an exam, So its some time that could be better spent. 

I just feel really lost guys... ive struggled with this desire ever since i can remember. Is this an authentic manifestation of who i am , or is this some needy parts i need to do shadow work on?  A part of me doesnt want to just "forget about it and move on". But another part of me does forget about it when life is going well. 

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Hey, i get it, we all have karma to burn through, sometimes we have to go to a path all the way to realize that we didn't need it in the first place but it is important to make this journey if you feel this compelled to do it.

You can reframe your intent to be famous in a way that aligns with your higher-self aspirations. Maybe it is moving you to show and express yourself to the world, not for the attention and validation but to help the world with your gifts. The journey could bo so you break some blockages like fears of standing out, speaking your truth. 

On a more practical level, i advise you to use the law of attraction on your favor:

Write your goals specifically, with a date.

Create a complete vision with the best future you can possibly envision, go nuts, as if you don't have anything stopping you, with infinite resources.

Write affirmations for the person you want to be, the things you want to achieve. Think about how that person would feel, how people would react to her, how she would act in day-to-day life? Write in a positive manner, as if it already happened, speak them out loud with conviction and gratitude, every day.

Practice visualizations and hypnosis every day, we have tons of good free audios on YouTube.

Experiment with subliminals like this one: http://www.subliminal-shop.com/product/ultra-success-luck-maximizer-v4-1/

In resume, focus all your attention on what you want, instead of all the problems, fears and worries. Make your brain and the Universe work for you. 

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What is exactly does fame mean for you? Define in a VERY VERY clear, concise and TANGIBLE way. We tend to be very vague with our desires.


Nevermind the reason why you desire it. If you inquire deeply enough you will find the source. ( most likely lack of self-esteem ( or self-love , if you deeply loved yourself UNCONDITIONALLY  you wouldn't need no one telling you that you are good enough, pretty, talented, etc.


Let's assume that Fame and Attention ultimately boil down to the concept of " Approval " which means  " other people liking you " . This may be expressed in many ways; kind words, intimacy, sex ,view count, phat Instagram account,  etc etc etc ( you define what EXACTLY  it means for you ) .


But the insight is that APPROVAL actually comes from within, not from other people!

You create approoval inside of you. Try to follow this.


You most likely have heard the saying of " nothing is good or bad , but thinking makes it so. Or the idea that Meaning, Value and Purpose are relative, in the sense that "the same things can mean something different for different people".

If I write "pies" you most likely will think about a cake. But in my language it means dog, and in spanish it means feet.

if I show you peanut butter and you are alergic to it, it may trigger some emotional reaction in you like wanting to get away from it . If I have a jar of peanut butter, it may not last me the whole day before it's gone.

Yes? Now : 

It is NOT THE ACT  of hearing someone yell " WOW, is that TINA? I'm your biggest fan"  that gives you aprooval ( or whatever your most rewarding experience of being famous would be ) 


It's your inner wiring that gives meaning to such experience.


Some people may be ashamed of a big scar on their face. Long time ago, swordsmen wore such marks with pride. Same thing, different meanings.


It's your Inner wiring that " gives permission " to  "trigger aprooval " within you.


Imagine that it's sunny outside and you feel happy. It's raining and you are sad. That's in a very exagerated way what's happening with you and the concept of " approval" . You have aprooval  " ???  yay, I love myself". You don't have it , ?? I feel like I'm lacking something " 


Now, THE AMAZING THING here  is that you can train yourself to MANIFEST APROOVAL AND SELF - LOVE ON COMMAND, from WITHIN ! 

It is possible to feel like you just won The Oscars RIGHT NOW . It's possible to feel complete now . It's possible to feel as good as if you had 20 million IG followers right now . And even better. 

The bottleneck is you.  How much self-love do you allow yourself to feel? Most likely there is a self-imposed imaginary threshhold that doesn't allow yourself to feel better than this or better than that on a daily basis.


Recommended watch : Leo's video on " You aren't happy because you really don't want to " . NR 2 Understanding Meaning, Value, Purpose. 


Alright. Option number two. Burn through the desire. F*Kin do whatever you want to attain fame. Get full of it, drown in it, get sick of it .

Once you've been there and fully experienced it , you will have a different perspective on your thirst for it .

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51 minutes ago, Recursoinominado said:

Create a complete vision with the best future you can possibly envision, go nuts, as if you don't have anything stopping you, with infinite resources.


28 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Burn through the desire. F*Kin do whatever you want to attain fame

But how do i do that without giving up my more realistic career path ? Like it would have to be a side hussle , i cant let go of one branch without knowing where to grasp after . ? 

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@mmKay yes i thought about this. I asked myself if i would be happy if i were famous and i knew the answer is no, if i think fame is what i need to be happy, i would be wrong. 

What i need is approval. Doing something then having others peopl approval make the thing im doing seem more worthwhile and valuable. 

I have watched that video of Leos , it was very eye opening. 

More practically, what i understand is theres no right or wrong way to do it. The key is the same as to everything else: contemplation, mindfulness and psychedelics to burn through the karma and do shadow work?


thanks everyone for the inputs 

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3 minutes ago, lostmedstudent said:


But how do i do that without giving up my more realistic career path ? Like it would have to be a side hussle , i cant let go of one branch without knowing where to grasp after . ? 

Have you thought about combining it? There is famous doctors. And you can also get the approval you need.

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@lostmedstudent Imagine you could anonymously write a book that would beneficially transform millions of lives. You can observe the benefits others experience, yet you do so anonymously. Would this have much appeal to you?

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Since you are a doctor why not make videos on Yt regarding it. Like describing about health, care, do's dont's etc etc. There are many doctors in yt helping people like this. You will get   fulfillment knowing u are helping people with good content and then maybe fame.

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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Some questions you should ask yourself.

1. For what achievements I want to be famous for? Maybe you want to be recognized as being funny, intelligent, etc. 

2. Do I want to be famous just for being famous? Recognize that this is circular reasoning that leads nowhere.

Every desire arises out of lack. The desire for fame arises out of a lack of recognition and approval. It seems that you seek the approval of others in order to be happy. But notice that some people will approve of your fame and some won't. If you seek the approval of others, you will always be unhappy since your happiness depends on their approval. Learn how to recognize and approve your own talents and be happy forever. 

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2 hours ago, Harikrishnan said:

Since you are a doctor why not make videos on Yt regarding it.


2 hours ago, blowfish said:

Have you thought about combining it?

yeah i could. i did a little bit but at the same time i dont have that much interest in telling medical stuff. but its a good idea, i could use it as a leverage of sort . 

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

Would this have much appeal to you?

yes. but in the sense that the book would be successful, and i would have achieved something out of it. the fact that millions of people bought it is the approval i want i guess. but it would appeal more to me if i became famous along the way :P

i feel like i need some sort of reaction from the outside world to know what im doing is worthy.  

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2 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

Learn how to recognize and approve your own talents and be happy forever. 

= self actualization = spirituality = the lifelong journey we are in :)

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I agree, if you're a doctor you could talk about it, but in a funny way, like girl, just study humor and all that stuff, study medical humor and memes and make your own videos around it. You will love your job more and even might become famous!

I used to be famous before on my blog about subliminals and fame is really hard to maintain.. You have to interact with your followers all the time, and you also get a lot of criticism. Even on things you were not aware of before. Or things you cannot change.

But however, I wish you good luck! I recently started a vlog type of thing called Aquarian Speaks on youtube and my first video recently gained about 100 views in abot 3 days. I was very happy for the small achievement. :) 

You can be famous if you want to. But remember that sometimes for some people it takes years of dedication. Remember Leo's first videos? He is so different since then. You never know where you start and where you end up. Can take 5 years of serious work to end up somewhere where you feel appreciated and famous.

Also you can be famous in your social circles. On a dating site I got over 2000 messages. So 2000 people thought about me. I felt overwhelmed with all of that stuff. Too much attention from too many guys. And most of them were low on social skills and acted like jerks. Not to mention I couldn't read every message. At least I had guys to choose from. 

Fame has its good and bad sides. 

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Couple of points to stretch your imagination and some food for thought:

" But how do i do that without giving up my more realistic career path ? Like it would have to be a side hussle , i cant let go of one branch without knowing where to grasp after . ?

Take the Life Purpose Course, I don't feel that you did .

How deeply do you understand the magnitude of  living a kind of life 100% aligned with your top Values, top Strenghts and  that also is  specifically fitting to your current psychology,  upbringing, genetics , gifts/talents and authentic desires?

Are you able to imagine how such thing would feel? Are you able to Imagine the potential of such massive, MASSIVE alignment and congruence?

Can you feel the fulfillment? Can you feel the passion coming from you? Can you feel how meaningfull it would be for you?

At best you most likely have a vague idea. It takes real effort and introspection to understand yourself. 

Don't assume you are suposed to understand yourself just because "you are yourself". This takes real work, effort and having faith in that it will be worth it.

I don't know how passionate you are about the medicine thing, juding from the "  but at the same time i dont have that much interest in telling medical stuff " it seems that it's not the exact thing, as you can expect from a cookie cutter degree provided by society.  Society is awesome at bringing us  safety, comforts and such, but the biggest lie is the idea of that you need to fit into society.


Again, all of this is just to stretch your imagination and some food for thought, nothing else .


For such thing to actually happen you would have to take massive responsibility for architecting exactly the kind of life that would be most meaningful to you. 


Maybe you'd have to blow the whole house of cards that you've built as your life. Maybe you'd have to burn it down and start from scratch as a complete noob in some other domain / art / skill / degree / whatever.

Would you be willing to do that for the possibility of a powerful, congruent, authentic life? Even if it entails risks , confusion, uncertainty, depression, being poor and loosing all your stuff and all of your friends?

Better have your mid-life crisis now rather than at 50.

Once again , this is just to stretch your imagination and some food for thought, nothing else .


I deleted a whole paragraph. This will be way more simple . Go to https://www.actualized.org/life-purpose-course   

Scroll down almost to the bottom, to the"  Full Lesson Plan" .

Just by reading the titles of the lessons, you will get a feeling for what Life Purpose may mean.

If you aren't willing to invest the price of 4 pairs of  Nike shoes  in yourself, you may be doomed for longer term confusion and a life of quiet desperation.

P.D  after putting 10,000 hours in your domain, archiving mastery and aiming for world class, if you aren't relatively famous it's becaues you choose not to?.

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@mmKay i appreciate your food for thoughts :)

its a great idea , i will purchase the life purpose course! how long did it take you to finish the course? 

also what did it do for you? did you have an unexpected career change afterwards ?

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Art that is created with no meaning is a waste of space. Its so uncomfortable to see someone that will sell out for any little gain, and you can see those intentions in their art. You cannot create something that is out of this world when your mind isn't able to expand outside your own self. Doing things for the self, for meaningless appreciation from a majority of people, what is authentic about that? The amount of Love and real true appreciation one can get will be much greater as a Doctor then as someone who is a crowd pleaser.

Create through your heart, for healing and love, for enjoyment of creating. You don't want to force yourself into doing something when it isn't coming out of you naturally and with great pleasure. Take your time, create for yourself and no one else. When you get your own authentic style in whatever your doing, it will lead you to where ever you need to go. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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If you get fame i guarantee it will be shallow and wont fulfil you in the way you thought it would. There is something going on internally, where maybe you dont feel loved and accepted or/and you dont feel validated as a person and you dont think you are enough as you are. This is an internal issue, youre striving for something to sort this out and you gravitate toward fame because you think you wont have the same problems if everyone knew who you were and you had money and respect and if you have that love will come, you will be accepted by everyone. But that acceptance will be meaningless and will not cover up that you dont accept yourself.

I would work seriously on accepting yourself, that could mean study, could mean talking to a professional but i think the only way out is through, the pursuit fame will only be a distraction until you build up the courage to just go through the fear and accept yourself fully 

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@lostmedstudent  Been a process of 3 years for me till today. I procrastinated really hard on it on the one hand, as it's expected on such deep aspect of life , and on the other hand I was jumping into action every time I had an Insight, thinking I had found my one thing,  putting the course on pause and experiencing the idea instead of first having a big picture understanding and then rolling up my sleeves.  I did 3-4 quite big jumps in terms of Life Purpose during these 3 years.
Now  at 60% , re-taking the course because of the new level of self-understanding , and also it's so much wisdom and insight  you  just forget it .

But this isn't about me. It's about you buying into the idea of Life Purpose being the single most important aspect of your life as a human being.

Don't focus on how long it takes. Focus on being in the 5% and getting the most Self-Understanding from the course ? Good luck.

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