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What would have happened if Leo really became infinite love?

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So I just saw the Video "Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days" and a few questions came up to my mind:

1. Leo said that at a certain point during his retreat, he had the opportunity to become infinite love and god and like "soak" everything else that exists in this universe, even space and time with him to disappear into nothingness and pure boundless consciousness. Maybe only you, Leo, or not even you can answer that, but would I and all the other humans on earth notice that?
2. Would we really feel how we also merge with everything else and would we also feel that endless amount of true love? Or would you have just died, because you left this facette of reality which we call our universe and only your physical body is left behind (which we call dead)?
3. You explained in the Video that 25 days of daily 5-Meo-usage we're too much for you. Do you think that you want to reach that state again or even try to go there? Maybe that's what the bible calls heaven, and if you go there and you take the entire universe with you that's, what's the bible describes as the return of Jesus and deliverance of all humans.

Let's discuss together about these questions :)

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Here is my speculation. 

1. If Leo became Infinite, it would be only his perspective that becomes infinite. From the perspective of others, we will still be finite.

2. Assuming that Leo was right in his assumption that going further would mean death, in physical reality he would be pronounced dead.

3. The most important information in the video was not the things Leo said, but the things that he didn't say. For instance, he said that he admires the beauty of the female bodies. Female bodies are beautiful. But what this means, is that Leo has deep-rooted desires for gross bodies that he is unable to transcend. 

The human soul is composed of three elements: gross, subtle, and mental body. Each element builds on top of the previous. On psychedelics, you are elevated to your mental body where you can introspect yourself. Leo has a good grasp of the inner workings of the subtle body (desires) and mental body, but it seems that he is still stuck in some aspects of the gross realm.

Of course, this model of the human soul is not true but only when transcended. Of course, this is only my speculation. 

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But how can he say that he takes the universe with him, if he "just" dies (from our perspective)? I mean, he may become infinite forever, but if it's true what he says, we had to notice that something happens, don't we? Or are we just not conscious enough?

Apart from this, Leo's death would probably be really bad. He was the one that aroused my interest into this topic and I hope, that when he actually does this mahasimati thing, that i won't lose it :/ He is really the best at explaining this stuff.

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Leo can only take his universe with him because Leo is His own Universe. We are all the centers of our own universes. 

It will be sad from the perspective of our ego because he is helping us go beyond our ego. He is improving our lives. But from the perspective of beyond the ego, there is no death. 

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But aren't we all one and all the same? I mean this oneness and nothingness Leo describes in his videos.

Holy shit the deeper i dive into all this stuff the less i understand it.
But it's great. Can I even understand all of this if I personally didn't have such experiences yet?

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4 hours ago, Travelion said:

But aren't we all one and all the same? I mean this oneness and nothingness Leo describes in his videos.

Holy shit the deeper i dive into all this stuff the less i understand it.
But it's great. Can I even understand all of this if I personally didn't have such experiences yet?

Better to go for the direct experience via meditation and self inquiry.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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12 hours ago, Travelion said:

So I just saw the Video "Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days" and a few questions came up to my mind:

1. Leo said that at a certain point during his retreat, he had the opportunity to become infinite love and god and like "soak" everything else that exists in this universe, even space and time with him to disappear into nothingness and pure boundless consciousness. Maybe only you, Leo, or not even you can answer that, but would I and all the other humans on earth notice that?
2. Would we really feel how we also merge with everything else and would we also feel that endless amount of true love? Or would you have just died, because you left this facette of reality which we call our universe and only your physical body is left behind (which we call dead)?
3. You explained in the Video that 25 days of daily 5-Meo-usage we're too much for you. Do you think that you want to reach that state again or even try to go there? Maybe that's what the bible calls heaven, and if you go there and you take the entire universe with you that's, what's the bible describes as the return of Jesus and deliverance of all humans.

Let's discuss together about these questions :)

@JosephKnecht When you that state, you forget everything about life. You exist as nothing and everything as full infinite. You are just. Pure being. All is you. No sense of body, ego, life, nothing. All is you as infinite and infinite love. But that place or state is right here. You are here and infinite. If he dies nothing will change. He is already infinite love. He is not leo. Me, you or he are all identical, which is infinite love. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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On 5/19/2020 at 4:24 AM, Travelion said:

But how can he say that he takes the universe with him, if he "just" dies (from our perspective)? I mean, he may become infinite forever, but if it's true what he says, we had to notice that something happens, don't we? Or are we just not conscious enough?

Apart from this, Leo's death would probably be really bad. He was the one that aroused my interest into this topic and I hope, that when he actually does this mahasimati thing, that i won't lose it :/ He is really the best at explaining this stuff.

When Leo dies he taking us all down with him,
We only exist because we're only a part of his imagination 

either that or he  was babbling out of his mind 


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Isn't rather he part of my imagination? Or is both true.

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