
How is everything happening simultaneously?

18 posts in this topic

I’ve heard this multiple times from Leo and other people here. They say something like “everything that could possibly ever happen is happening right now simultaneously.”

But also Leo and other people here have said that the only thing that exists is what’s in direct experience right now. 

so which is it? How can everything that could possibly happen be happening right now if I’m only aware of what’s happening in my direct experience?



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It's a paradox, reality is also paradoxical, not only on an abstract level. So what? You're just posting this to satisfy your ego, so do I (lol).

Edited by Arzack

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You are experiencing what everyone is experiencing right now but you cannot experience their experience from your experience or your experience would not be your experience anymore 

Describe a thought.

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3 minutes ago, Osaid said:

You are experiencing what everyone is experiencing right now but you cannot experience their experience from your experience or your experience would not be your experience anymore 

All others are imaginary.  You are the Godhead.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Yulduz Historical events are a long putt. I’d like examine my own memories. What do all your memories have in common?

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@Inliytened1 Yes there are just different experiences but same consciousness

Describe a thought.

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13 minutes ago, Osaid said:

@Inliytened1 Yes there are just different experiences but same consciousness

Yes from your true perspective, the Godhead, all minds are within your own Mind.  It is all your dream.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Yulduz Notice how all memories are not now, yet are appearing now. 

If your mind couldn’t put your memories in chronological order, they would simply be appearances occurring now. 

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@Serotoninluv if an appearance of something specific isn’t occurring right now then does it only exist as a thought occurring now? 

Edited by Yulduz

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19 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:


If your mind couldn’t put your memories in chronological order, they would simply be appearances occurring now. 

Nicely put! 


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Yulduz a book is entirely written-complete, from start to end, but the reader reads it one page at a time. from your individual POV, you live reality page by page. from God's (author's) POV - the entire book is present/known and has taken place already.

paradox - because there's always 2 POV which are available, relative (yours) and absolute (gods)

relative - images on the screen

absolute - entire screen as ONE

Love Is The Answer

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What is in your direct experience and what seems relevant to your reality right now is appearance, however limited it seems.

What is actually going on is infinity in all possible directions, in all possible dimensions, in whatever way imaginable.

Both can "happen" simotaneously. How? Precisely because they are happening.

Infinity of course has to include all possible finites, otherwise it wouldn't be infinity now would it?

Hope that helps explain it @Yulduz


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There is no time. So everything must be happening now.

Another way to see it, is to know that everything that can ever be experienced, will be experienced eventually. Consciousness is eternal.

So how come you can't see through someone else's eyes? Because "someone else" and "eyes" are mental constructs. "You" are also a construct.

Lastly, if it helps, "you" are like a radio tuned into an infinite field of consciousness. Your life is just one radio station amongst an infinite number all happening at the same time.

The last one gives me hope, that I can "retune" myself and lead a better life. How do I do that? By dropping all my old mental constructs.

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The past is an idea you have, accessing memories, having thoughts about events which have imprinted themselves in your brain. When these imprints are played back, and when we identify them, we feel there is a past which is real, but if it is seen that even the remembering of the past still happens in this present moment, then it can be seen that the past is only a useful construct of our minds which helps us learn from those events, carrying some information forward to be used in the resent if necessary.

A similar thing can be said of the future. The future is our brains way of anticipating what might happen, and our brains naturally want to predict future outcomes based on past knowledge and current information. This means much of our brains are creating a kind of anticipated future, and living in this created future. These anticipations can pull our awareness away from the present and we can become identified with them, living in a believed future, while in actuality, still having it all unfold in the present.

This is also not taking into account Einstein’s relativity, which is likely going to complicate things here, to the point where we can’t  even agree on a now, but I don’t want to even touch that.

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On 5/18/2020 at 9:25 PM, Yulduz said:

@Serotoninluv if an appearance of something specific isn’t occurring right now then does it only exist as a thought occurring now? 

Observe your hand. Give it a good look. . . . Now put your hand behind your back and imagine your hand . . . Notice the sameness and difference.

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I wouldn´t jump into conclusions.

My direct experience I have no direct experience of "other things happen simultaneously". If I am the truth this must be the whole universe. I mean sure I can think that the life of Hitler is happening NOW too but that just be a guess/imagination. 

Things might change though, I´m open to be wrong. 

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On 19.5.2020 at 3:03 PM, Roy said:

What is actually going on is infinity in all possible directions, in all possible dimensions, in whatever way imaginable.


On 19.5.2020 at 3:25 PM, LastThursday said:

infinite field of consciousness

Yeah, something like "Consciousnessfield" is the perfect name for it.

@YulduzIf you want a conceptual, "scientific" understanding of how everything is possible to happen simultaniously I really recommend you checking out some physics about fields and replace the formulas by ("colours and tones" from the spectrum of) consciousness.

Imagine it like this:
Our 3 spacial dimensions and the amount+configuration of energy within can be coded on a 3 dimensional diagram with real axes (R3) in the form of smallest energy packets, one qualled "quantum". They are like points in a coordinate system,
But a quantum actually is a vibrating point, or much better described by a probablitywave that can collapse to a "particleappearence" when  observation (by consciousness) happens. The vibration or wavelike nature of the probabilitydistribution of a particle, stretched throughout the whole universe, derives from its nature, which is an underlying, field, changing over time like the surface of an ocean. This change-/timedimension is like a 4th dimension (represented by imaginary (!) numbers). Within these 4 dimensions, every potential arrangement of energy/quantum within spacetime can be mapped (3d-points on a timeline)
The superposition (means possibility for something to exist in all different states "at once" before observation is happening) of all these potential arrangements/forms(!) is a 4 dimensional probability field (quantum field), (It's the same as the sum of all possible waves)
There are fields emerging from the most underlying field like overtones emerge from tones, which are called electromagnetic field or gravitational field in physics for example or could be called colours and attraction, if twistedly transferred to human experience.
The point is now, that "physical reality" behaves like a field, but consciousness does even prior to this, from which every single observation of a particular appearence (collapse of any probability wavefunction) happens, which creates this physical reality. This consciousness is actually the whole 4-dimensional (actually a multi-dimensional) infinite probability or potenital field, the omniscience, god, the absolute, eternal. It's like an infinite fabric, its textile is experience/truth/love. If you quantify it (means creating solid points/numbers/distinictions to represent one observed state of the field), the whole wave collapses into exactly one unique experience.
Superposition gives the foundation for all states existing simultaniously until observed (science: delayed choice quantum ereaser), which is answering the "How is everything happening simultaniously"-part of your question, while the implicit part "although I experince myself within time right now" can be answered through the fact that an observation(perspective,self,you) of the field collapses the wavefunktion/field to a specific state, a configuration of energy within space and so on. Everything appears solid, as particles become manifested from only one point of view and only-this and nothing-else. So you are like the timedimension itself, only possible to experience yourself as one specific 3dimensional particlearrangement/form at the same time, but experiencing them all in the "now". No causality is needed, since the is no motion on the time-axes. Every point on the timeline represents one 3dimensional reality, experienced from within in the "now"(the whole spacetime field itself).
The "I", the ego is nothing but an experience of the principle of conservation, it sticks to a particular form/set of waves/particlearrangement (it's body), and plays the survivalgame just to raise its impact (appearence frequency of reflections of itself within the consciousnessfield). Of course this happens on more than just physical dimensions, but psychological ones such as emotional, rational, intentional or whatever.
The eternal now (god) is the consciousnesspotentialfield itself, simultaniously every specific quantumstate (quantified wavepattern) itself can appear as an ego, which has no independent existence at all, and is completely meaningless compared to god, beeing born and damned to die "the very next moment" (moment = point on the surface of the ocean).
Every causality we define is just one single line between two of these points, although there are potentially infinite lines, since everything is interconnected. So enlightenment just means that you realize yourself completely as the eternal consciousnessfield, though you then may simultaniously experience yourself as an overtone to your fundamental vibration, which is the particular manifested form called "ego", experiencing something like duration within time.


~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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