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What is reality? - Joe Rogan.

32 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:

He has literally hundreds of hours of videos on YouTube explaining it. Why don't you check those out instead? 

I watched them. The absolute infinity series is my favorite !    And in that series he said reality is absolutely infinite and that means it's not some particular way but it's all my question why does he then tend to say reality is just imagination and there's nothing objective or physical about it?  If it's infinite it can be anything and everything in fact it has to be if it's infinite. So how  can we say reality is absolutely infinite and yet say but it's only imagination? 

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7 minutes ago, Osaid said:

@Someone here He does have a 2 part series on infinity

7 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:


I watched them. I'm a hardcore Leo addict forget about it lol. 

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I watched them. The absolute infinity series is my favorite !    And in that series he said reality is absolutely infinite and that means it's not some particular way but it's all my question why does he then tend to say reality is just imagination and there's nothing objective or physical about it?  If it's infinite it can be anything and everything in fact it has to be if it's infinite. So how  can we say reality is absolutely infinite and yet say but it's only imagination? 

It's happening right now. For you, reality is physical. You believe it to be so, and voila, so it is. Nobody can convince you otherwise. That's how infinity creates matter, that's how it creates an external reality. There you have it. 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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@Nahm you are superimposing objectivity from subjectivity. In fact, you are suggesting objectivity can exist from a thought that stems out of a subjective lens.

There is no objective reality because separateness is an illusion. As soon as you assert objectivity you assert subjectivity. Because objectivity can exist in opposite from a subject outside of it, in other words, a duality. This all an illusion.

There is existence with all its intermediate subsets and that’s it. All expressions of the same existence. There is no seperate subjective/objective to delineate between. You are indirectly creating a duality.

All there is is consciousness, which is you.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

So how  can we say reality is absolutely infinite and yet say but it's only imagination? 

Imagination is absolutely infinite. 

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Rogan is asking the questions. That’s all good.  But his best bet would just be to sign up to, take on board Leo’s teachings, do the work, and get those questions answered ?. It seems he’s currently of the belief these things can’t be answered, yet they can

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Why in the fuck would anyone look up to Joe Rogan for answers about deep existential questions? 

The guy is a comedian.

Sure, he's a great guy, but please get your priorities straight. Joe is not the guy you go to for existential understanding.

You guys need to stop being lazy and find deeper sources.

Listening to Joe Rogan is like the easiest, most laziest act. Your mom probably listens to him.

Go find some rare source. Put some effort into your sources. Go find a source that Tier 1 minds would reject. If a Tier 1 mind loves a certain source, you know it's not one you should be spending much time on.

Watch out how you behave like herd animal.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Why in the fuck would anyone look up to Joe Rogan for answers about deep existential questions? 

The guy is a comedian.

Sure, he's a great guy, but please get your priorities straight. Joe is not the guy you go to for existential understanding.

You guys need to stop being lazy and find deeper sources.

Listening to Joe Rogan is like the easiest, most laziest act. Your mom probably listens to him.

Go find some rare source. Put some effort into your sources. Go find a source that Tier 1 minds would reject. If a Tier 1 mind loves a certain source, you know it's not one you should be spending much time on.

Haha too true.

@Dazgwny precisely.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Why in the fuck would anyone look up to Joe Rogan for answers about deep existential questions? 

The guy is a comedian.

Sure, he's a great guy, but please get your priorities straight. Joe is not the guy you go to for existential understanding.

You guys need to stop being lazy and find deeper sources.

Listening to Joe Rogan is like the easiest, most laziest act. Your mom probably listens to him.

Go find some rare source. Put some effort into your sources. Go find a source that Tier 1 minds would reject. If a Tier 1 mind loves a certain source, you know it's not one you should be spending much time on.

Watch out how you behave like herd animal.

Exactly the reason I think Leo going on Rogan’s podcast would be a pointless exercise. As to the type of character in general, not all but in general that are listeners of it, would likely listen to what Leo says about being god and all that, then runaway thinking and believing that they are god cus some guy on the joe rogan podcast said it. Ego’s running round believing they’re god, without doing any work, having absolutely no idea what consciousness is. That’s no good for anybody to be honest. Yea there may be a minority that took Leo seriously and begin a dedicated spiritual journey type thing, but they’d be in the minority. I think anyone who’s serious about the nature of reality will find Leo themselves, or, and other spiritual teachers, because they’re genuinely interested and are searching anyway. Just a personal opinion, but from where I stand, Leo and the joe Rogan podcast don’t really mix ??‍♂️

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36 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

Exactly the reason I think Leo going on Rogan’s podcast would be a pointless exercise. As to the type of character in general, not all but in general that are listeners of it, would likely listen to what Leo says about being god and all that, then runaway thinking and believing that they are god cus some guy on the joe rogan podcast said it. Ego’s running round believing they’re god, without doing any work, having absolutely no idea what consciousness is. That’s no good for anybody to be honest. Yea there may be a minority that took Leo seriously and begin a dedicated spiritual journey type thing, but they’d be in the minority. I think anyone who’s serious about the nature of reality will find Leo themselves, or, and other spiritual teachers, because they’re genuinely interested and are searching anyway. Just a personal opinion, but from where I stand, Leo and the joe Rogan podcast don’t really mix ??‍♂️

Yeah i agree with you on that.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Why in the fuck would anyone look up to Joe Rogan for answers about deep existential questions? 

The guy is a comedian.

Sure, he's a great guy, but please get your priorities straight. Joe is not the guy you go to for existential understanding.

You guys need to stop being lazy and find deeper sources.

Listening to Joe Rogan is like the easiest, most laziest act. Your mom probably listens to him.

Go find some rare source. Put some effort into your sources. Go find a source that Tier 1 minds would reject. If a Tier 1 mind loves a certain source, you know it's not one you should be spending much time on.

Watch out how you behave like herd animal.

Obviously I'm not listening to him to get answers. It's still interesting tho the stuff he talks about opens your mind to new perspectives.

Edited by Someone here

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18 hours ago, Nahm said:


@Someone here An illusion means you don’t know what’s actual. Tough to make a case that not knowing what is actual, (deluded) is healthy. 

We can't live without illusions!

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