
My Crippling Fear of Dogs : is it irrational?

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The fact is im not so sure what exactly i fear dogs : them biting me, or is it just their demonic ugly image growling, that awful sound, saliva between their tong mouth and teeth . I had many incidents with dogs and i cant pinpoint what triggered it first... 

I remember i was five or six and i was in a play ground.  There where cars and i was trying to get a ball or something and under the car, a dog jumped me, howling with red demonic eyes and teeth and saliva and that sound.  Someone must have chased that stray away.  Another incident was when i was 12 ,i went to a circus and from a distance i saw a tiger upset in a cage  and i saw an opening i can fit to get close to the big cat and 10 or so guard dogs started chasing me and put me in a corner.  Before i escaped on a branch ,that guard dog slapped me with the foot.  Close to home at grandma s house, i had a little tricycle and our neighbour had this 100 year old harmless dalmatian with 2 teeth and no claws and i was warning Bundy that i am coming and get out of the way and bit me instead.  The sharp pain was a tap stronger in my mind i still have the scar near the ankle more higher like the actual foot near the egg bone of the leg . Doesnt help i was bullied for this, laughing stalk of the park.  Yet the news keep going about dogs mutilating children, dogs slashing adult healthy men!  It has become a problem for me . I had to detour a one minute destination to 10 minutes just because i see dogs incoming evan on leash.  At any rate when i hear a bark, someone barking, i freeze!  Stand there 2 minutes or i run like hell.  A shrink is under wiped and offered me no guide in this matter,going so far hinting me that this fear is irrational.  What do you think?  What do i fear dogs : them biting me or the sound they make? What professional help do i need to get this fear under control so i wont change cors when i see dogs? It goes from French Poodles to German Sheepards to every single dog in existence

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Update 1 interesting enough, it happened many times.  I was in a tram ,seats where full so i sit down...  On a big dog back and only after i saw it it was an after reaction.  I didnt know the dog was there and i touched it and no harm happened to me, yet when i saw it i began fearing.  Is it a rational fear since i proved that dogs dont actually want to hurt me? 

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Well, dogs are dangerous animals, that's for sure. A medium-sized dog, such as a malinois or german shepherd can easily kill a grown man. A large breed, such as Caucasian Ovtcharka can tear one to pieces. Even a small dog can have a big bite. So, I don't think fear of dogs is irrational, but you can say that about most fears, whether it is of spiders, flying or snakes. The way I look at it, dogs are all individuals, just like humans. They all have their own personalities, most are fine, but some as psychotic killers. Those dogs don't last very long in today's world, but they were often favoured in the past. It is important to get to know each dog individually and treat them as individuals. They are very intelligent and empathetic animals, if you befriend a dog, you will learn to trust each others and this is always a two-way street. Also some breeds are distrustful of strangers and can be genuinely dangerous, so if you want to befriend a dog, choose a breed that is known for its sociable and easy-going nature, such as a golden retriever. 

So, just keep in mind that your fear is justified and based in reality, but just as most humans aren't dangerous or after you, the same is true for dogs. Befriend at least one (maybe one that belongs to a friend, neighbour, or family member) and you will then only fear all the other dogs you don't know, not this one dog that has now become your friend. That is a good start, I think.

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I had a fear like this start when I went to a dog park and pretty much got chased by every dog there, one of them was about an inch away from biting my arm off. It's been a while since then though, the fear seems to have subsided a bit. But, I still get kind of nervous when I see big dogs.

Describe a thought.

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try cognitive behavioural therapy

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Rilles can you be more specific?  An introductory video perhaps

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8 minutes ago, annonnimm32 said:

Rilles can you be more specific?  An introductory video perhaps

Sure, sometimes I dont write that much because i frequently get ignored:P


CBT is a psychology method of dealing with fears, you basically go step by step in dealing with fear increasing intensity the more you get comfortable


Fear of elevators

step1: stand outside an elevator until youre comfortable

step2: push the button until youre comfortable

step3: step inside without going up

step4: close the door without going up

step5: press the elevator going up one floor

these steps happens over days and weeks not all at once!

etc etc

all while being extremely aware of your thinking patterns and how they try to skew the reality of the situation, bit by bit your nervous system will feel much calmer


try to figure out a solution like this but for fear of dogs


Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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36 minutes ago, annonnimm32 said:

Rilles, is that you Cristi? 

haha no im rilles... i promise!!!


34 minutes ago, annonnimm32 said:

You where quoting Jordan B.  Peterson! 

well... hes a psychologist so he knows about CBT too, its one of the most common methods used

tell me what you think about the idea

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Hmm, the idea would require physical assistance from at least another person.  Standing next to a dog is not as easy as standing next to an elevator.  The dog moves and reacts on my movement, also a dog trainer, should i make a false move to contain the animal.  Also, i thought that CBT meant Clock and Bolt torture  ( he he) 

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5 minutes ago, annonnimm32 said:

Hmm, the idea would require physical assistance from at least another person. 

Not necessarily...

Standing next to a dog is not as easy as standing next to an elevator. 

Maybe go to a dog pound or a store and stand outside... Like 15 meters away or something, I think you can figure something out, its not hard to find dogs. Or talk to a friend who has a small dog that you can try it with. 

The dog moves and reacts on my movement, also a dog trainer, should i make a false move to contain the animal.  Also, i thought that CBT meant Clock and Bolt torture  ( he he)



I got jumped by two big dogs in 2012 btw, got scratched and bitten lightly and nowadays I dont have any of that fear left, in fact my brothers Bichon Frise/Bolognese doggy is one of my best friends. You can overcome it if you really want to.


Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I like your ideea with the store thing.  I can stand very close to the dog with only a window apart.  He can get used with my moves and me with him, for starters... 

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1 minute ago, annonnimm32 said:

I like your ideea with the store thing.  I can stand very close to the dog with only a window apart.  He can get used with my moves and me with him, for starters... 

most importanly be aware of how you are interpreting the situation vs what is ACTUALLY going on in the "external" world. 

Wish u the best!??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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You should get therapy. It's irrational fear, but it has a base, and it's in your subconscious. 

Maybe if you work a bit on your self development and enlightenment you can achieve no-fear state. That's where I am now. 

But I have moments when I fear dogs as well. They are instinctual and irrational animals so yeah. Avoid them then?

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Explain therapy and explain irrational. The previous people who spoken understand its a rational fear. I tried a shrink but she had no answer what so ever.  What therapy should i search for?

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11 minutes ago, annonnimm32 said:

Explain therapy and explain irrational. The previous people who spoken understand its a rational fear. I tried a shrink but she had no answer what so ever.  What therapy should i search for?

Psychological therapy, cognitive behavioral or humanistic psychologist. I was meaning that dogs are dangerous so in a way it is rational to fear them. So avoid them. And irrational animals because they lack thinking mind, they're instinctual unlike humans. 

Also, I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been attacked many times. Fearing a simple dog would make no sense if you can see that they are friendly. But fearing a hoard of dogs is rational cause they attack when in gangs. 

There is an exercise where you detach from your fear. Like instead of trying to worry about your fear of dogs, and struggling to avoid the fear of dogs, you let the fear wander freely in your mind, and view it as a cloud. Let yourself feel freely. You may cry and release emotions which is normal.

Try 7 cups therapy. They have a cool chat bot and exercises and level up and all. Just google 7cups

Edited by Aquarius

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spell dog backwards (god) 

trauma is what you fear, resistance to the death of our ego. This is an opportunity to release the trauma/energy within by being present with yourself as you expose the ego to the stored trauma within the psyche. Don't resist! Surrender to the experience with a kind/loving dog and keep going from there!

The fear can erupt out of you, and leave you with tears of joy/love

DOGS are indeed a GOD SEND! :D


Edited by DrewNows

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