How to be wise

Enlightenment vs Life Purpose

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Recently, my state of consciousness has shifted massively, to the point where I’m 24/7 aware that only I exist in this reality, and that basically I’m a madman. 

Before the shift in consciousness, I was planning my life purpose, which was to raise the spiral level of people. But now, my body won’t let me do it. It’s become so pointless, because there’s no longer an external world, so no one will benefit from my work. 

I’m living peacefully moment to moment, and I have to seriously rethink how my life purpose will work, if at all. If you know there is no reality, then why do anything at all? Unless you’re still stuck in the illusion.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Been going through a similar energetic shift actually.. The past week has been a massive shift in this direction. It's like the thing that keeps pushing me to pursue a purpose is itself being seen through.... There is nothing to do, no where to go. Reality is right here, perfect. The striving for success is just so... empty. 

I'd be curious what other forum members think about this. I get wanting to escape wage slavery and live a life where you're contributing your highest strengths to humanity, but then again, that is more ego speaking so it's odd. 

Yet on the other hand, the ego will use any excuse to succumbing to fear and resistance, so it's difficult to know what is authentic and what is ego projecting a hidden fear. 

Edited by Consilience

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32 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

only I exist in this reality

I haven't had the shift you are talking about, but I don't think this thought is helpful. If you're feeling an 'I' you haven't seen through the whole illusion, even if the 'I' is everything. Once you see there is no other you also have to see there is no 'I'. If you see there is no other but you then shift to "all there is is me" you are still in a story of ego, as far as I'm concerned. Total freedom is when there are no stories being believed about "I am reality" or "there are no others".

When that happens, it is seen that what there is, is the freedom of the totality. And the totality is free to move the body/mind towards a "life purpose" (I never liked this phrase, it's full of hidden meanings and loops and future thinking) or not. And there is only a beautiful happening, an energy, without stories being made about it.

It seems like, from my perspective, you're still making stories about me, about my life, about the future. Otherwise you wouldn't write this post. That's only natural, stories are being made here all the time as well. I'm merely pointing it out for you.

Or, on the other hand, I could be wrong :D

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It's true it doesnt matter but in this life the body must do something why not help  "others". 

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@How to be wise This is completely normal to go through after an awakening, especially if it’s a sudden one or unexpected, remember Eckhart Tolle literally sat on a bench for 2 years lol post his awakening, and Ramana didn’t even speak for years. But, it’s not always like that Rupert Spira for example carried on with life, as he was a seasoned seeker, and it wasn’t so unexpected. 

In relation to your core question - why do anything - literally because you want to, for the fun of it and to express this understanding of love, happiness and truth in the “world” (yes the world is merely consciousness, but let’s not be semantic, words are limited) 

Now you have found the source of happiness, you are no longer searching for it in the world, as most of us are used to doing, one way or another. 

This can then create the dilemma, well I’m happy now so what’s the point ever doing anything. 

Id say most seekers have that thought at one point or another, and if you truly don’t ever want to do anything again, don’t, you don’t have to at all. 

However, don’t then think that’s because you’re so awake that you now can’t take action, it’s the opposite in fact. 

When you truly realise you are the absolute you have the absolute freedom to whatever you want, coming from a place of love, and life simply becomes on big celebration moment to moment. 

If you haven’t awakened to infinite love, then you aren’t finished, simple as that, and then when you have awakened to infinite love, it will become your driver for everything, the love of life, for “others”, for X/Y/Z etc will then drive your life. 

So, In terms of a purpose you can start with what you truly love to do, and then to from there! 



'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 What did you do to awaken to infinite love?

What were your practices like prior to your major break through and the end of suffering/seeking

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@Raptorsin7 Honestly, it was mainly just meditation and self-inquiry, and then as you know working with Ananda 1-1 and receiving RASA transmissions fortnightly were what worked for me mainly. 

It wasn’t really practices, more using the practices to overcome blockages and truly realise the nature of my own being, and for helping to integrate the transmissions.

I can’t say I would’ve ever got there with just practises alone if I’m honest, some people can, but I just intuively don’t think I would’ve been able to, I think most people need the guidance of a teacher if I’m honest, I’d actually say all at one point or another, whether that’s for the awakening process, or during integration like in OPs case, there’s so many traps and blockages, it just makes the whole process so much smoother. 

You seem like you’ve been stuck here for a while, I recommend finding a teacher you can work with 1-1 and receiving transmissions. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Listen to your heart, less to thoughts . Your post sounds much like "since reality is this way... I can´t do that".

That seems like a limiting belief/thought. Maybe try re-thinking your life purpose, but withouth any kind of limiting thoughts. This way you will have a clear view, of what you really want.

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5 hours ago, How to be wise said:

If you know there is no reality, then why do anything at all?

The same reason you play with Lego blocks.

Not enlightenment vs LP.

Enlightenment + LP.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I’m 24/7 aware that only I exist in this reality

Yes, and you are everything and everyone.


why do anything at all?

In order to love. That's the only thing you can do, since your true nature.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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ok silly question but when you are in the mindset of "i am the only one here" or "what is the point of LP", what prevents you from going on the streets and kill everyone? if theres no more morality?!

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6 minutes ago, lostmedstudent said:

ok silly question but when you are in the mindset of "i am the only one here" or "what is the point of LP", what prevents you from going on the streets and kill everyone? if theres no more morality?!

From the perspective of the ego, nothing. This was one of the hardest surrenders I’ve faced. One egoic strategy to maintain control is to say “without me in charge, you could harm others”.

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22 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

From the perspective of the ego, nothing.

yeah that doesnt sit well with me, because i feel like i might as well go do that if i enter that state of consciousness. what prevents me right now is my moral values and fear..

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@How to be wise 

Enlightenment = Being infinite Consciousness 

Purpose of Life = Love anything you can for loneliness of infinite consciousness 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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3 hours ago, lostmedstudent said:

yeah that doesnt sit well with me, because i feel like i might as well go do that if i enter that state of consciousness. what prevents me right now is my moral values and fear..

I’ve found this energetic/feeling dynamic to have value in some contexts, yet it is also a self-protective mechanism. At a deeper level, the discomfort of potentially entering ‘that state of consciousness’ is more about the fear of letting go of self control. To maintain control, the ego may conjure up disturbing images of what surrendering self control would mean. There can be practical value in that, yet it is also a block from awareness/knowing/being/experience that is transcendent of that self.

@Dutch guy Christmas in May ? ? 

@Nahm Just a few bird chirps away ?

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@lostmedstudent Awakening to love. 

When you see everyone and every thing as your very self, and unconditionally love “them” (you) how could you go and murder someone? 

It’s quite an advanced teaching, but post awakening to love morality is dropped, simply because it isn’t needed, you just live from a place of love. 

But, remove morals from 99% of the population and you get the purge, so relatively speaking in modern society they play a key function. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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14 hours ago, How to be wise said:

I’m living peacefully moment to moment

What a joy!

Society programs us like automatons to constantly be doing, producing, striving, achieving, judging, consuming, comparing. When you feel lost or that things are pointless now, those are just withdrawal symptoms from the programming - the crutches have been removed and you feel off balance.

But what about life purpose? What about it eh?

57% paranoid

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@How to be wise

Stop saying the body won’t let you do anything, that’s not true. You are the body. There is an external world, and there are other people, and they do benefit. All of this wonderfulness, is who you really are.

Believing you are the only one in this reality is “madness”’s solipsism. It’s not Truth. There’s no ‘knowing there’s no reality’. There is self realization, the realization of the true nature of reality. The “Truth”.  The last thing your life purpose needs is more thinking. What infuses it, is feeling. You were feeling good, these beliefs have surfaced, and you’re believing them. Stop and ask yourself, if they’re true. If they’re not, continue on the path, letting them go. 

This appearance is a gift for you. The reality of it is you. The reality of you is love. The inherent life purpose is enjoying this gift, this experience, this love. The life purpose you create, is created of love, of you, and can you can do, be, or have, anything you want. 


It’s not morals and fear, it’s fear then morals. A thought about you and or the future arises which does not feel good and is not true or actual in any way, but you ignore or avoid the feeling which clearly tells you this. Being ‘right’, you label the feeling, “fear”, and then believe you’re right, about your label. In holding that belief, you create another to justify it, that morals are needed. Morals & fear don’t exist. You’re just believing they do, even though feeling says nope. 



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