
What are thoughts and where do they come from?

14 posts in this topic

Hello dear people,

If consciousness is prior to thoughts, that means that thoughts are created consciously by consciousness and even the most destructive or negative thoughts?  Or do thoughts like an unwanted waste product appear in consciousness? 


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Good question. Does anyone know the answer to it?

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Thoughts are the substance of a "self". They are the ultimate narrative of god to trick itself into this illusion.
They are like a magicians finger pointing to something obvious in order to catch your awareness so you don't realize what's actually going on.
The more destructive/negative the thoughts, the more your awareness gets caught, since they are like an extremely loud alarm bell which lets you ignore the ever-penetrating silence in the background. If you have good thoughts, you can more easily let them go than negative ones, since losing something good seems less bad (because everything may stay good if you have a good basic level) than if you beliefe something is getting much worse if you ignore it. So bad thoughts are perfectly designed to keep you back from letting go, from seeing through the game. That's how this reality of me here and you there can sustain. That's how god can forget about itself. Of course you as a self don't like them since they are seperating you from god/love/bliss/freedom. But it's the only way for god to trick itself into the illusion, and it probably wanted to do so, otherwise it didn't create it. But maybe it was just a "mistake", who knows, so then everything would be just a waste-product of gods loneliness or whatever. Try to find out whether you wanted this diversity of existence or not! The only way to do so is to become more conscious.

~ There are infinite ways to reunite that which already is one ~

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Thought is formed awareness, just like sight and sound and other perceptions. The difference, though, is that it works simultaneously with the other perceptions, and that's how duality exists. That's why silencing the thoughts is a prerequisite for having a non-dual awareness.

The other questions are nonsensical because thoughts don't get created. Creation does not actually occur. It's a metaphor.

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Thoughts appear as they are from nothing. Very not helpful, but true.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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3 hours ago, Schahin said:

If consciousness is prior to thoughts, that means that thoughts are created consciously by consciousness 

Lots of thoughts about what is prior to thought. . . .

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3 hours ago, Schahin said:

Hello dear people,

If consciousness is prior to thoughts, that means that thoughts are created consciously by consciousness and even the most destructive or negative thoughts?  Or do thoughts like an unwanted waste product appear in consciousness? 


You should first ask, how can i trust the language, which created by humans. Thoughts happens because you think you know something. Even knowing something is created by language. If there is no language , there will be no thoughts. You will be left with survival instinct.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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These may not be the best examples as all such discussion is mere idle intellectualization which leads nowhere near actuality.

As spark ignites around a raging flame, waves appear on ocean, galaxies float on vast space; similarly thoughts and universe appear from the infinitude of consciousness. In other words, thoughts are mere tiny shadow appearance of consciousness.





''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Consciousness is prior or meta to everything: time, space, matter, thought. The seed of consciousness is the ability to observe itself, and the flower of reality unfurls from it.

Having thoughts is the same thing as dreaming is the same thing as reality is the same thing as consciousness. So a thought is really no different from the experience of the chair I'm sitting on - both are self-aware experiences.  My chair is as solid as my thoughts. My chair is a thought story.

It seems that thoughts must "come from" somewhere because we treat them like objects that ought to have a history.  And that somehow some mechanistic process is happening underneath our conscious radar to produce them - but this isn't how reality presents itself.

When you pay attention, reality is like a firework show. Things and appearances and stuff is constantly appearing and disappearing magically from and to nowhere and dazzling us.  This is the real nature of consciousness, it is constantly creative and in motion. Thoughts are part of the show.


57% paranoid

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@SchahinGo to your direct experience right now. See what a thought appears to be. You will notice a thought is just a limited experience of consciousness. Each thought is consciousness expressed in a finite constrained manner. 

A thought is a temporary state of consciousness, an intermittent activity. Thoughts are like waves in a ocean. Consciousness is the oceans source and all activity of the mind and body are activities arising from it. 

Edited by Jacobsrw

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They are a result of many factors. Mostly what you learned in this current reincarnation (unless you learn/can innately channel). And your current life situation, plus your current "day to day" situation (office/school, your room, etc)

Edited by Arzack

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On 5/17/2020 at 6:40 PM, Schahin said:

If consciousness is prior to thoughts, that means that thoughts are

Not conscious.

It is you, that gives a thought it's meaning and reality. Not just thoughts, everything.
So the question should be, What are you, and where do you come from?

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The brain is a prediction machine. It tries to predict the future by combining the present with the past. Thought might just be a memory merging with the present. A thought can be purely visual but mostly come in words. They might do that because the brain uses language to communicate with other brains, so it communicates to "you" via the same language.
Several thoughts can combine into a new thought that is made of what those thoughts have in common, and so a new thought/concept is created and becomes a part of your ego and a thought architecture which is your map to the reality.
I have no idea if this is "true" but it is what my experience and knowledge tells me.

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