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Please Create A Life Purpose Forum Or Group Specifically To Ask Questions About The Course. Thanks!

2 posts in this topic

Hi Leo,

I wasn't sure where to post or ask this, so I figured I would try here.

I don't know how much work this would add to your plate but it's an idea and I respect whatever choice you make.  I trust you know what's best for everyone here.  I know that I would really benefit and I'm sure many others would too if there was a specific forum, or group that you govern specifically that talks about the life purpose content.  Like where we can ask questions about the content to help further us on our journey.  Or maybe would it be preferred that we email you directly with questions?  Or maybe you could even charge to coach people specifically on life purpose stuff (I know you hate coaching one on one, but it was worth asking). 

I really want this to happen in my life so badly.  Like I've literally stopped my entire social life and everything around me just to do this course and to pursue enlightenment.  This has been going on for several months now. I understand how important this is.  I see how petty life is!! My life has come to a standstill where I solely depend on it.   I'm sure there are a few others that may be feeling like they are in the same predicament.

I appreciate your time and consideration reading this.


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