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Nothingness state of consciousness in the sober state of the body

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So I'm in rehab as I've done psychedelics in the past and in rehab it teaches that you can achieve bliss and satisfaction by being sober. And now I see what they mean. Being sober is a great for to some degree ofcourse these euphoric states and calmness are rare, but I think it goes a long way after the longer period of time in sober state. Previously I thought that I can only be happy by doing drugs, this is false drugs are good and all but there are consequences that come with it, especially after you stop taking the drugs for a longer period of time, like 6 months or so. Really these consequences and scary and Leo still proclaims that psychedelics can't get you addicted. This is also false, sure there are times after you take psychedelics in large dozes that you didn't want it anymore, but for how long? After it like you need to take another dose of those drugs to feel better again, to escape the suffering. It really bugging then my mind works like that. So anyway whenever I see that all this rehab did influence me in a way to see that soberity is not that bad, it's good actually. And really like we can't be taking psychedelics 24/7, there's a time and place for them, but we still need to stay sober and get back from all the chaos in my minds and fix it up a bit so we could be a part of society and live a prosperous life.

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Anything can be psychologically addictive. That addiction is not in the psychedelic but in your own mind.

Clearly you were using them to escape something.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I suggest you to start doing long-mile runs (out in nature if you can). It is the activity that has resembled to me more relaxation, bliss, beingness...etc in a sober way. And it´s healthy!

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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