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How To Create College Success Right Now!

2 posts in this topic

Hi Leo,

I thought this might be a good idea for you since I've noticed that the majority of your viewers are in their early 20's and recent graduates from high school.

I wish I had a mentor that had explained to me the different types of college accreditation and what to look out for when choosing a college, or to not go to college at all and study and read on my own.  College is expensive these days, and I've seen a lot of students take on loans from schools that I know they wouldn't be able to pay back.  Students need to be on the look at for, for-profit schools that take advantage of students and will lie to them about their potential. I've also seen students too that have attended for-profit schools but had a strong life purpose and vision that they never needed the school in the first place but just went there to get the degree, a piece of paper, to impress the employer.  People need to see how important it is to have a life purpose early on and even during times when it's time to make a major life shift.

I made a lot of mistakes in my youth and I wish I had someone to mentor me and show me how to choose the right path.  I think a lot of students would benefit from developing a life purpose and a vision early on before they choose a career.  It would create more success, better grades, less unemployment, and more personal fulfillment in their life.  We need more heroes!  I think a lot of people forget too that on the journey that people change their careers on average about 3 times in their lifetime, or so what I've heard.  Many people go to college, graduate and actually go into employment or start their own business that's exactly the opposite or completely different from what they studied.  I've experienced that I know you have as well.  People need encouragement that life's quest takes us on many unexpected paths, and we will make mistakes on the way that may seem detrimental to them.  People need help and self will to be that hero and to persevere no matter what.  Success starts with a positive mindset right now! 

Success is created when you believe you already are a success!  Everyday and every way I am getting better and better!  Everyday and in every way I am becoming more and more successful in my life!  (And they need to visualize how they want their lives to be)  - These types of meditations and mantras have really shown to help people make significant improvements in their life.

I wish someone had also taught me how to research properly early on, especially "boolean" researching techniques because it comes in really handy when finding any sort of information: college, life purpose, even enlightenment, etc..  Perhaps this might be a topic that needs to be covered by itself. 

Ok!  I've said a mouthful! lol

Carrie :)


Edited by Carrie
Grammar correction :)

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