By Principium Nexus
in Personal Development -- [Main],
It took some time for me to put all the pieces together and find solid but coherent reasoning to explain and understand my findings.
When you study how dimensions create space of movement you will notice that there is ever-increasing freedom of movement.
Look at a line, you can move forward or backwards (1d), then a plane where you can move left/right/forward/backwards (2d), a volume where you can move in all three axes as we know from everyday life (3d).
The other requirement for a dimension to be unique is that an item must be able to move through that dimension without moving in the other ones. This makes the dimension truly unique and independent of other directions. Let say you are standing in a room now what makes moving up and down unique is that you can do this without moving 0 forward/backward/left/down. This also shows that for a dimension to be unique or independent it must be 90 degrees or pi rotation on the previous dimension. It must be perpendicular to have its quality of uniqueness and being able to move into space without moving along any other of the axis.
These points above are the axioms of dimensional growth.
Now the 4th dimension is also spatial but would mean that we would have even more freedom in moving. At first, the idea that time is the 4th dimension makes sense because you can have a 3-dimensional object sitting still like an apple and then the moving dimension would be the time that passes without moving the apple in 3d space. This is incoherent with the axioms that we earlier found because time as we know it only moves in one direction, entropy shows this and this would invalidate the idea that we can move freely into the past, present and future!
Now, what is then really the 4th dimension? It is mind, you can be anywhere in this 3d world and don't move anywhere but at the same time go to any point in time (past, present, future) or any location and this is completely coherent with the given axioms.
When you sit in a room and wander through your mind, where do you really think this is happening? The substance of your mind does it have substance, quality or any dimension? The idea how we view mind gets a completely new meaning, instead of seeing it as some imaginary cloud in our head, see it as a real dimension where you can move freely and that its not just an idea but a quality of space and time that you are experiencing.
So what can we do in the 4th dimension, we can reflect upon anything we already experienced and move to any imaginative point where we can resolve something that we seek and project it back into the 3rd dimension. Remember that the 3rd dimension has no access to a higher dimension and only a 4th-dimensional being can bring non-existing things into existence. These things are ideas that we project into existence and we're never present in any form in the world before it.
If you were able to follow along until here, congratulations it's not easy to understand, but I will try to include some images.
4th dimension would really feel like the ultimate dimension then, right? You can move anywhere that 3D world has, any moment in time that you can imagine. How would the 5th dimension look like then?
Again we would see increasing freedom of movement, this time this dimension will not be limited to personal thought but enter the space where consciousness is unified as an ocean and that some 5th-dimensional entity can move through this ocean of unified consciousness and experience any ego at any time in space.
The higher you go the more freedom of movement there will be and that will ultimately result in dissolving or returning to nothing because only nothing has no boundaries and its content is infinitely uniform and balanced resulting in a world that doesn't need to be balanced anymore and thus has the highest freedom of movement.
You could say that the highest dimension is god, nothing, that the highest substance of being is god.
What I value the most about this myself is a completely new look upon the substance of mind that I experience every day.
The quality of my own imagination becomes connected to the universe and is now a real dimensional extension of space and time itself. Letting this settle and allow oneself to contemplate on this matter will to it most justice.