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Aaron p

Why is ♥️ silent?

8 posts in this topic, love.......

This just popped into my head! I became aware of it as I was thinking about leo, whom I can honestly say at this point, I really love the guy, but it feels like when I want to say something about it I just feel uncomfortable and prefer to be silent. WHY IS THIS?! Very strange...

It feels like for those I love the most, there is nothing to say and i cannot think of anything to say to them AT ALL, it really confuses me.

Anyone have any insights about this?

*silence* ?♥️


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Edited by Aaron p

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The discomfort might be due to prior conditioning, being vulnerable, not being reciprocated or not one’s style. I grew up in a very stoic environment - there were no heart-to-heart talks. Love was not expressed through words. It was most commonly expressed through gift-giving (which isn’t my ‘love language’).

For me, saying “I love you” in words doesn’t carry much weight. Quality time together has much higher resonance. That means being fully present with each other, being interested in each other, sharing meaningful moments with each other. If I’m out in a cafe with a friend and they spend most of the time on their phone and I’m a distraction. . .that doesn’t feel like love to me. Even if they say “I love spending time with you”, it wouldn’t carry much weight. . . 

Yet, saying the words can feel uncomfortable or awkward to me. Perhaps a combination of prior conditioning and not resonating with that type of intimacy. If I wanted to express it words, I would probably write a heart-felt love poem. . . 

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44 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

You also have the example of being with a dying loved one. Unconscious, frightened people will be hysterical standing by their bedside. Someone conscious will simple be a still presence, allowing life to be as it is. And that’s true healing.

@Meta-Man very good example

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❤ appears as ? when it makes noise 


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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7 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

I would probably write a heart-felt poem

good idea also lol..?


@Leo Gura this one goes out to you ?

Roses are Red,

DMT's Yellow,

Leo is Bald

But Still A Sexy Fellow ???♥️



Edited by Aaron p

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Edited by Aaron p

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@Meta-Man @Serotoninluv was contemplating there... Wouldn't it be silly, rather, insane to sit and try to communicate to yourself if you were sitting alone. I think I'm starting to see it...that love is a removal of little ego's and the dissolution of separation....sameness. and why would you talk to yourself if you are yourself? Haha. Very interesting

Edited by Aaron p

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