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Simple Things - Gratitude Journal

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Shadow work journaling was a blast so I want to start writing a journal of everything I am grateful for, in the past and present. Probably won't follow any particular structure, just my heart and write anything I feel grateful for on any particular day. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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16 May

My trip to the Philippines... So grateful for this beautiful planet we live on... and the fact that I got to experience new places, like going to Surigao. I love the ocean there, the rolling hills, looking at the horizon at night full of endless mystery. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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So grateful for my teacher in high school who taught us how to meditate as part of our religious studies, it has changed my life completetly, teachers can be underappreciated, some give you golden nuggets that put your life in a whole new direction. ??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Just did some Strong Determination Sitting sitting by my window and realized how grateful I am for the fluffy white clouds and the blue sky... So taken for granted... Something so primordial about big white cumulus clouds... looking at them takes me to some place I kind of remember but havent been to... in this lifetime. ⛅️

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I am thankful for our past discussions, your toleration of my evil ways and the growth in the bleakest of moments -_-

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  On 5/18/2020 at 7:00 PM, DrewNows said:

I am thankful for our past discussions, your toleration of my evil ways and the growth in the bleakest of moments -_-

haha! I am grateful for you being who you are! thats all you can be!

"Today you are you, that is truer than truer, there is noone alive that is youer than you"

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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thank you universe for nostalgia, it gives me an appreciation for my limited time on this earth and how beautiful and vast life is

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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