
Leo, how does one embody awakening?

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Hi guys, so lets say you take a psychedelic and you get a glimpse of awakening and then come back to your "unawakened" life. How do these temporary awakenings stick permanently and how do you achieve permanent full awakening?


thanks guys

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@actualizing25 Glimpse isn’t enough, what everyone is after is the permanent recognition of the truth of your own being. 

Inquire into the nature of I, until the truth of your own being is shown to you. 

Psyches can give great insights but I’m yet to see anyone who’s fully embodied awakenings and not just had “awakening experiences” from psyches alone, you will need to do more than just psyches imo. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I will use an analogy from David Hawkins. 

On psychedelics, you get high above the clouds and you are able to see the Light of the sun. But then you come down from the high and you can no longer see the Light.

When you come down to the ground you have to learn how to remove the clouds. When you learn how to permanently remove the clouds, the Light of the sun will reach you forever. 

Clouds may come and go. They are temporary. The Light of the sun is permanent but only to those who know how to remove their clouds. 

Edited by JosephKnecht

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16 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

Hi guys, so lets say you take a psychedelic and you get a glimpse of awakening and then come back to your "unawakened" life. How do these temporary awakenings stick permanently and how do you achieve permanent full awakening?


thanks guys

I think it's just a matter of exposing yourself to the truth many many times at deeper and deeper levels each time to get it to stick. A few people have told me that it took them 3 years for "full awakening".

I think, if you're practising powerful stuff like neti neti, kriya yoga and working towards at least 10 day 5meo would take no more than 10 years. It would be a big mistake to think your gonna get it without the practices. I do an hour and a half of kriya yoga and self enquiry everyday. If, after a handful of 5meo retreats, ive made significant progress I'll consider the prospect of doing 2, 1 hour sits a day. Might try it over summer. Then aim towards the 30 day 5meo retreat, but I'm nowhere near there yet

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@actualizing25 how to embody it?



By love

By seeing all is you

Naturally only Love arises

Just like When you see & know that the entire body is yours, you naturally protect and care for it...

When you see that ALL is your body, same thing takes place...


So while there's a question of a 'how'... one may 'fake it till they make it'

And what does 'faking it' look like? 

Love. By loving everything and everyone. Forgiveness, acceptance and Love for others is how one embodies awakening... Until there are no others and only One remains - then the How dissolves on it's own like the question of "how do i get to London" dissolves when the answer "you are already in London" is given.

Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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Fill your core with Love. Its easier to sustain forgiveness,  acceptance and unconditional love if you are already full.  

Edited by Artaemis

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Radiating love you'll already be your ideal self so it won't matter what others think of you.

Edited by Artaemis

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12 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

Psyches can give great insights but I’m yet to see anyone who’s fully embodied awakenings and not just had “awakening experiences” from psyches alone, you will need to do more than just psyches imo. 

I did it. Shrooms opened me up like a Flower. Rest of is contemplation, meditation and letting go.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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I am the moment %90 of the time and not running by thoughts. Me was the body, now me is nothing as everything %90 of the time (whatever I am seeing at the moment).Of course ego comes and goes. But that’s ego’s job. It has nothing to except bothering the peace moment. Lol

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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