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On how to deal with anxious thoughts.

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So when you have an anxious thought what do you do to overcome it ? Meditation,yoga, exercise ? Those are all good strategies to prevent anxiety and fear in the long term and be more grounded and I do recommend all of them, but what do you do on a micro level ? 

Taking the right action. So the next time you are anxious or worried about your boss yelling at you, then take the right action do the fucking work it takes to be praised rather than criticised.

The next time you are worried about having a sickness do a fucking medial test instead of googling up various symptoms and checking it for hours together. 

The next time you are anxious or worried about not having enough money to pay your bills, find a fucking job, save the money, be mindful on where yoh spend. Start a business, discover what you love doing, create a tangeble product.

Just do it, just fucking do it. I have realised the more action you can take over something the better you will feel and the more easily you will overcome anxiety. One of the key insights to live a profound life to to take action. Always remember this trick when you are stuck or feeling like a victim.

Get in the action habit, if you are a unrepentant slacker and don't take any action at all, start building momentum start building micro momentum in everything you do. Maybe start with just small things like cleaning your living room and slowly build up to bigger things.

Just do it. 

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Whilst I agree somewhat, also not repressing the anxiety in the moment and truly feeling it will allow it to dissipate -requires some practice. Having extreme chronic anxiety won't just go away from taking action, as it could become a natural response to things that shouldn't even be inducing anxiety in the first place lol

Edit: I guess an anxious thought is different to having ongoing anxiety though

Edited by Moon

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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@Moon somewhat I agree to you too, however feeling the anxiety completely is a form of doing too.

Feeling the emotion completely while you are doing nothing about the situation (not taking the right action) that is causing the anxiety is not going to help the situation too.

The context for this advice is for the people who are anxious about certain situations that can be changed through actions.

So we can reframe this advice in this way.

Next time any one feels anxiety or worry due to any situation completely feel into the situation, use body awareness or mindfulness to do so, and after this as Markus Arelius said that if you are distressed by anything external it's not the thing itself, but your own estimate of it which you have the power to revoke at any moment; realise that you are the creator of your own emotions, and with this understanding be calm and cool BUT always DO something that could help the situation be better. 

I would like to give certain examples to which this advise could apply (recontextualization) as it is not ment for all situations like a death or something where you can't actually so anything about it.. when I wrote this post I was referring to more mundane situations like your boss is angry on you for not doing some work,than do it;  if you want to make an impact in the word but don't know your purpose, than find it; like your bike brakes down, than call the mechanic or start repairing; you want to buy a new house, than save money for it.

You just do it and do it and do it until the job gets done.

In situations like this always be biased towards taking action, of course getting in touch with your anxiety can help you, but always take the right action.




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