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Kailash Bhattarai

My 90 days transformation journal

1 post in this topic

Ok so almost at the end of life purpose course. And I want to transform my life in 90 days. I am having an accountability problem in my life.  I want to do some consciousness and healing work daily.

Here is the work I want to do:

1) Morning exercise.

2) Kriya yoga

3) Visualization

4) Life purpose 5 min affirmations and contemplation.

5) iOS app development 4 hrs

6) Reading books 1 hr

7) Shamanic breathing/ Healing work -> 1 hour

8) No unwanted TV/ Youtube (My biggest time waster.)


Porn and TV/ Youtube/Movies are my biggest time waster. I want to quit TV, that is my next priority. Except for the videos uploaded by Leo I won't be watching any video's expect for those that are related to iOS app development.  I will post regularly in this forum and request the viewer of this post to keep me accountable.

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