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Life's Academia Journal - Personal Development

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I have been on an off the personal development journey. Lately, I had a lot of time to reflect. 
It became very clear to me what isn't working in my life. Also, I had time to get clear on what I actually want to do in life. 

I have been interested in Self-Actualization for years now. But always circled around the topic by consuming a lot of information and not taking action. It can sometimes be overwhelming how much information is out there and it would often be an excuse for me to not do anything at all. 

After reading the book Mastery - By George Leonard. I felt inspired to finally dedicate myself fully to this journey. (Finally, but better late then never)

The first thing that I decided to tackle was setting up a strong foundation of healthy habits. I have been using the application "The Fabulous" for this. I have ADHD so gamification of projects helps immensely with staying on track. 

So far I have set up a strong morning routine. I drink water right away after I wake up. I exercise, and I have a gratitude practice. 

Because of my ADHD, I have to continuously monitor myself to not take on any new projects or install many habits at the same time. 

SO... My foundation has to be set first before I can move on to the next level.  



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