Will Bigger

Spiritual Evolution

3 posts in this topic

I'm curious about how your' beliefs have evolved, and what made beliefs change at specific points in life.^_^

Here is a quick guide. This picture is for beliefs in God, but really I think it can apply to any spiritual idea.

With me it has been as follows: 

 Gnostic atheism (as a baby- no beliefs), Next came [religious] agnostic theism (I went to a Catholic school and lived in a secular household), then came [nonreligious] agnostic theism (I was introduced to Wicca by my good friend at age 14, and I've been pretty, you know, "New Age", ever since- but unlike him, I didn't join a religion).


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Credits for the image are due to Pablo Stanley

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anything that is true doesn't need to be believed. and knowledge isnt true either :)

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