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Milos Uzelac

Suffering and Woes from the Global South the gatherers of raw materials for our goods

1 post in this topic

Here are the guardian articles mentioned in the video by Lee:

Here is a newer article, in order to see that this is still currently an unfolding crisis (and that it hasn't been fixed after 20 days after the article was first posted).

My intention in sharing this is in order to be aware of one's luck and privilege of being in developed country and enjoying the safety and benefits of a middle class (middle class in relation to the standards of life for people living in the global developing south, regardless of one's own standing in the class hierarchy in own's one developed country) propertarian lifestyle which ensures your physical safety when these global system malfunctions occur and hit the hardest and put them at the limit of survival those that live on the periphery's on our international world trade system based order and supply raw materials for products and goods we consume, buy and often take for granted. My intention is not to guilt shame anybody ( I am as irresponsible and unaware of my privileges on the day to day basis thinking and acting, and therefore self-consumed as well) but just simply to share this sort of info for people not in the know, to be aware of what's going outside their nation-states.


"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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