
There is no such thing as "unconsciousness", is there?

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I have never experienced unconsciousness. But something in me really feels like I have. How could I know this for sure, without being conscious of not being conscious? 

Is it simply by the obviousness of me being conscious right now? Does that automatically imply unconsciousness?

Or could unconsciousness be just an assumption? A thought? 

What's your take on it?

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Experience does not mean existence. That's the mistake.

Existence is infinite. Experience isn't.

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@Pookie I see, thanks.

So if there fundamentally is no unconsciousness, meaning there can be no duality between consciousness and unconsciousness; how can there be a duality between nothingness and everythingness?

How come consciousness does not get devoured by "nothingness"?

@The observer I have never experienced unconsciousness. That's just a fact. Did not say I'd have to experience it in order to know it exists. But I would have to be conscious of it. Which makes it consciousness, only. 

Would you say that consciousness is the same as existence? 



Edited by ivankiss

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How come "there is no such thing as unconsciousness" is true, but "there is no such thing as nothingness" is not?

Edited by ivankiss

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@Meta-Man If you ain't conscious of being God... That's you not being conscious of something, isn't it? 

How can there be such thing as "nothing"? Isn't it kinda obvious it's something if you are conscious of it? 

I'm curious why so many folks say "nothing is the same as everything". How exactly?

How come you can compare one to another in the first place, if there is no distinction between the two? If there really is no two - only One?

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@Pookie So I am only ever conscious of nothing, in my direct experience? Which is consciousness, right? 

How can I wake up if I never went to sleep?

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35 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Would you say that consciousness is the same as existence? 

Absolutely no.  There is seemingly infinite events that exist and happen right this second in this universe and you have no consciousness of them. 

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11 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Someone here How can you know that? 

Right now, in this very moment, I can only assume that's the case. 

Sounds very cool tho.

You tend to assume that's the case because it appears that this is the case.  You are forced to assume that. That's the only way for you to function in reality at all.  For you to even ask me this question and consider my answer you have to first assume that I'm a real person who exists independently from your awareness (otherwise what's the point of asking me?!).  Objective reality is not a choice it's forced upon you. 

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1 minute ago, Meta-Man said:

Consciousness is all there is. Nobody has consciousness.

What if This, right here, is all there is, and everything else is your imagination? ;)

We can play the "what if "game all you want.  The fact of the matter is it doesn't appear as what you describe here.  Just sit alone in a room and close your eyes and pretend that" this is all that there is and everything else is my imagination " and notice how sights and sounds and events from the outside world will attack you with no choice from you. That can't happen if what you are saying is true.  Sit down and actually try it! 

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4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Someone here I'm asking you as if I was having a conversation with God.

But I ain't God lol. 

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7 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Wrong. This is exactly how it appears. You have never been in contact with anything else that This. You have neve been in contact with anything else than your subjective ‘world’.

You haven’t scrutinized your beliefs and assumptions yet. There’s no objective reality. That’s a fantasy of yours. A fantasy you don’t want to end.

There’s no outside world. The sounds and events appear in Me. If the body gets attacked that is happening inside Me.

It's all YOU or it's all ME ? . Just decide lol

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2 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

We’re One.

No we aren't. If it's all your subjective world why are you trying to convince me?  I don't even exist from your pov. And now you will reverse it ofcourse and say that you don't exist and it's all me. Just to see how ridiculous this whole thing is. 

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There is no such thing as ______

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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10 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

‘Someone here’ is a dream character appearing on the stage of my awareness. I’m talking to myself essentially. That’s what I’ve been doing my whole life.

You’re on a non-dual forum and all you’re doing here is trying to fortify your materialist paradigm. You do this on every thread. 

You imagined me doing that.  Just stop imagining me and I will stop doing it. 

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@ivankiss  You might say there isn't but when an unconscious person fucks up your day/life, it's not that easy to say.

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