
How To Have Genius Flashes Of Insight

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I have realized that changing your Infernal and external circumstances can sometimes happen very quickly after a genius flash of insight has occured.

And in my own life, I have not experienced such an insight for a long time and I kind of miss the rapid results and the feeling of intense pride and gratitude that comes as a biproduct.

I would therefore really like to know what is needed for these insights to occur :)


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Well, I know drug use are generally considered bad (just generally and by, but I have received relatively significant insights when taking Marijuana and then doing a "Do Nothing" sit for an hour so. Long term use definitely has side-effects, and I would NOT recommend doing it everyday, but for me there is a definite increase in imagination and being able to see situations in a new light. Maybe if you live in a legal state in the USA you could try this, but if it's illegal where you live, obviously don't even consider it!

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Meditate every day, watch all of Leo's videos, try to be mindful all the time, always try to improve yourself (your own mind, not your possessions / environment) and the epiphanies (genius flashes of insight) will come.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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Yeah, I know these things, and I am doing both. But I was wondering if there were other points that are connected to this that I have not thought of yet and can apply by him making a video about them ofc :) 

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It's really something you can't force on yourself. They have to come your way. I think giving yourself and your mind as much room as possible is the key here. 

So less work, less hobbies, less doing, going to retreats.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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Be extra aware when you have this very thought. And feel the emotions with it. Being aware the feeling will dissolve and the compulsive thoughts will disappear eventually. Patient Awareness I call it. 

Watch Leo's video on patience and ask youself if you honor this value.

Practice accepting the one sitting there frustrated of waiting and expecting.

Ask yourself if you are grateful enough right now in this very moment. And why is that you are waiting for a goody and fail to live now.

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Studying a lot of diverse high-quality information, contemplating it, and being in a very relaxed state tends to produce the most insights for me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I would assume a large part of it are the books from his booklist on "" :)


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On 7/10/2016 at 6:50 PM, Christian said:

Yeah, I know these things, and I am doing both. But I was wondering if there were other points that are connected to this that I have not thought of yet and can apply by him making a video about them ofc :) 

I have them pretty much everyday or at least 3-4 times a week and my experience shows me it's because I'm connected with the meta-structures behind the mind that also happen to be the foundational elements of learning.

They aren't always easy experiences, they can be incredibly stressful or sometimes incredibly euphoric, but still requiring just as much balance and calm. But, I'm always better off for having gone through it.

I've got a journal on here with some of my past accounts, you can check it out and see if it resonates.

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On 7/15/2016 at 7:40 AM, Rashad said:

What type of diverse high-quality information do you study @Leo Gura ?

I try to update the book list very quarter with the best stuff I come across.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Great, I started reading Mastery from George Leonard,one of the best books I've read yet.

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Most of my cool ideas... like inventions and such... have come to me while dancing to excellent live music.... but I have a weird brain... not sure if that works universally.... lol...

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