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Aaron p

Could someone drop the step by step for kriya surpreme fire below

4 posts in this topic

What exactly is special about this Kriya? Like is it any different to the classical Fire Kriya? (I´m asking about the "Supreme" word added)

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19 hours ago, Dutch guy said:

Don't know if this is the the exact stuff you are specifically looking for, but this guy has a lot nice stuff for free.


@Dutch guy thanks mateyyyyy

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20 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

What exactly is special about this Kriya? Like is it any different to the classical Fire Kriya? (I´m asking about the "Supreme" word added)

@Javfly33 i have no idea how it works or why it works...not exactly. I know it stills the mind. It's pretty good. From what I've heard the kriya pranayama and concentration are probably the two most important parts. I do 40 pranayama 2's from the Kriya secrets revealed book followed by 10 mins concentration on crown chakra. Really hardcore concentration

Edited by Aaron p

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