
Black Lives Matter Or All Lives Matter

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Something good is going to come from this bad , without the bad no one would desire change , desire is the strongest incentive.

The system will have to fail before the population will allow a new one.

Change is in the air Big time





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16 hours ago, Cuzzo said:

@JevinR bro please stop trolling. 

is he, though? this forum is a gathering point for the crazies.

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5 hours ago, saiko said:

is he, though? this forum is a gathering point for the crazies.

I always considerd this site as a forum of higher consciousness. 

But I believe that most people who think like him simply have not been involved with black people on a truly personal level. I've seen black people treated differently and the effects of me being white first hand. I've had cops try to get me to get my black friends in trouble by trying to convince me that "we're on the same team". Not all cops are like this. Met some really nice cops. But there's a problem here. There truly is. 


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@Cuzzo I'm not trolling, their going to bring in more refugees who are secretly disguised as Jihadi terrorists who are going to chop our heads off, that's what's happening in Europe, but the media censors it because the government is corrupt, they call anybody opposed to their agenda as "racist" against the refugees, or a "racist" in general. Like how that suiko guy is calling me "crazy".




Edited by JevinR

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11 minutes ago, JevinR said:

@Cuzzo I'm not trolling, their going to bring in more refugees who are secretly disguised as Jihadi terrorists who are going to chop our heads off, that's what's happening in Europe, but the media censors it because the government is corrupt, they call anybody opposed to their agenda as "racist" against the refugees, or a "racist" in general. Like how that suiko guy is calling me "crazy".




The west are the oppressors. Anyone who does some serious research can see that 

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@Cuzzo Opressors of what, people being massacered and raped in the streets, and then voting to stop this then being called "racist" for not wanting for a genocide? Video literally has the evidence in front of your face. Any "research" you do will be null, as the mainstream media is either censored, or altered to castigate the blame on the European people, that's why Britain left he EU, who let this entire mess happen.

Edited by JevinR

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2 minutes ago, JevinR said:

@Cuzzo Opressors of what, people being massacered and raped in the streets, and then voting to stop this then being called "racist" for not wanting for a genocide? Video literally has the evidence in front of your face.

I think you're honestly afraid and just want to feel like you're safe. So your ignorance is understandable. Hopefully you will actually read some books and truly understand what's going on. 

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@Cuzzo The refugees are just jihadi invasions in disguise.  The EU is why this happened, that's why Britain left.


Then the all-encompassing "racist" word is imposed on the the nationalists, who really are patriots trying to save their country. They even go so far as calling the German people "Nazis" for trying to stop the invasions. All while they break their shops, raze their country and rape their woman.

Edited by JevinR

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@JevinR you're clearly stuck in your ways so I am finished discussing this with you. I wish you the best on your journey. 

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Holy hype video's the last one damn had me running for the hills with  a bag of ammo !

Maybe its the propaganda huh ?

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21 hours ago, JevinR said:

they're going to bring in more refugees who are secretly disguised as Jihadi terrorists who are going to chop our heads off

hahahahahah oh man this is so rich xD exactly why I come to this forum lol, so many legit basket cases. 

Edited by saiko

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Birds of a feather flock together you me we are all trying to improve , in short we are all at least a bit crazy , lmao.

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@-nbolt- You guys are so blind... Whatever, a recession is on the way then you will wake the hell up.

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This is the last video I'm posting, I gave you some info and you called me crazy. People wanna die under martial law, they can go and die


 The end is coming

Edited by JevinR

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