
Advice Please!: Leo/Anyone have good techniques/supplements for strong depression?

15 posts in this topic

Just today I got into a state which I've finally realized is probably something like clinical/deep depression.

It's not that I necessarily notice I feel really sad (though my heart does feel pain and whenever I try to do "action" things or force things or be "productive" etc., I feel bad about it and so lethargic, numb-like, etc.) --> 

--> I liken it to this weighty type of feeling (much over my chest area).  It's like i'm wearing this heavy suit of armor that muffles the outter world.  This suit also has a spike or strap over my chest/heart area, so whenever I'm supposed to do something (like work, or someone asks me to do something, or I try to run, get "over it", or be happier, etc.) it tightens or stabs my chest and I feel worse (like hopeless, down, shutdown, distant, withdrawn, lack of awareness, dissociative fosho, not really "there" or paying attention to the present in any meaningful or effective way).

Does anyone have any advice?  

Or even supplements or diets I can try?

I'm hesitant to start or take pharmaceuticals and want to pretty much exhaust all other approaches first.  Unless it gets really bad.

In the past I think I've had this a lot. --> like at jobs, I've often had the experience of feeling to heavy (my muscles barely could lift or do anything), and doing things others told me to do was so hard and it was just a drag and soooo tiring.

Even sharing experiences helps.  

I think a perspective I have now that I didn't before was that I thought I was faking it or could just "get over it" with my mind and attitude.  I think I'm seeing that it's not something that easy as a attitude change.  I'm starting to notice it's probably physiological and perhaps chemical.  

This new theory I've been exploring (polyvagal theory) seems to explain it quite well in terms of physiology and using different exercises (like breathing etc.) to change your body to change your brain. --> the body affects the brain as much as the brain affects the body type of deal.


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Even tips about how to manage it (like exercise, diet, cold showers, breathing, humming, etc.).

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Only 2 supplements I know that make any notable difference on clinical depression (I've tried a lot)

SNRI'S are stronger and work much better


Edit: oh and anti-inflammatory meds like Advil work as well

Edited by Enlightenment

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

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How do you feel when you think about what you want to do, in comparison with how you feel when you think about what you have to, or are supposed to do?



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@Matt23 that is the feeling of emptiness or the void probably? 

I felt that similar effect when my family and myself shifted from one place to another when I was younger.

Also I experienced it when I was going to a break up.

Actually now just before speaking to you I got a msg from my manager and was experiencing it, I'm focusing on this post and on rendering good advice to you to overcome it right now.

So try concentration/meditation and see if it helps you. As when you focus on something outer than your feeling all your energy and focus  is directed towards that other thing and you won't feel the feeling inside.

Also you could focus on body relaxation and letting go of those physical sensations. You will notice that it's not permanent and the sensations will change or pass. 

Accept impermanence.

Edited by Elton

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@Elton I understand.  This happened about a month after my college ended.  Thanks for the tips, hopefully you'll be able to pass through your period with as much ease as possible.  

@Nahm Definintely better.  But I think this acts like a bandaid.  Though, not saying bandaids aren't helpful.  I still notice my general psychology going low --> I would differentiate this from a mood/attitude.

Thanks Everyone Else!  :) 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Is there an underlying core vision of where you’re headed, of creating the life you’re wanting, & a seeing how the ‘pieces fit together’, if you will? That tends to positively change mood / attitude, and inspire. 

How is you sleep schedule, diet, fitness, practices, & relationships? 

Have you ‘sat with it’ and wrote down what the feeling is telling you about thoughts?



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SOMA breath gave me almost instant relief. It's free and worth trying. I suggest visiting their website.

Edited by Hugo Oliveira

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Are you getting enough sunlight?

Edited by Espaim

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Search youtube for heart opening yoga. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Do a check-up on your vitamin D and B12 levels. Vitamin D levels has to do with sunlight, Espaim mentioned it above.

About supplements, 5-HTP and SAMe have substantial positive effects on depression. Make your research and use them responsibly.

Edited by Kensho

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You should check out "The Mood Cure" by Julia Ross. In this book Julia has identified 4 different reasons for "mood issues" and different supplements to help you with that. This book helped me 10000 x more then 12 different (heavy) pharmaceuticals my doctors had tried on me, while being clinically depressed for 4 years. This is a big reason I was able to turn my life around. When you start taking them and noticing the effects, it would be a good idea to start improving other areas in your life like getting good sleep every night, eating healthy, start exercising, and meditation.

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A friend of mine had serious depression issues. He even tried hurting himself and has contemplated suicide.

These are some of the things that helped him:

  • Getting a dog, cat, or any pet. It makes you responsible and gives you a taste of non-judgemental love and caring.
  • Pick up a hobby in your free time, like painting, dancing, music. There should be no pressure to get better; this should be purely for fun.
  • Talk with at least one friend very honestly and openly about the problems.
  • Cut out all content that causes anxiety and sadness: Social media, TV, News. At least for a few weeks.


We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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On 12/05/2020 at 7:49 PM, Matt23 said:

Or even supplements or diets I can try?

Another one: microdosing psychedelics.

Also, check r/nootropics and r/microdosing on Reddit!!

Edited by Espaim

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