Tom T

Today i met a 16 year old sage

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7 hours ago, Tom T said:

@Dodo I never said he seemed like a robot, you miss interpret what I said!  Go have a really deep ego dissolving enlightenment experience and then you will understand what I mean by "he looked dead inside".


7 hours ago, Tom T said:

@Dodo  plus if you want to get technical, life and death are one, so in a sense you could say he was beaming with life because he is dead.

Look, as long as he was breathing,  I am happy with the amount of dead he was. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Leo Gura Does the spiritual talent you mention stand in any relationship with one of the 24 strenghts from the source within your lifepurpose-course?

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1 hour ago, Florian said:

@Leo Gura Does the spiritual talent you mention stand in any relationship with one of the 24 strenghts from the source within your lifepurpose-course?

It is more fundamental than that. Although of course your unique strengths are also in a sense God-given.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It is more fundamental than that. Although of course your unique strengths are also in a sense God-given.

I thought it might be that the "Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith" one could be related to spiritual talent but I don't really have a good understanding of these strengths and I don't really know what you mean by spiritual talent either.

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2 hours ago, Florian said:

I thought it might be that the "Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith" one could be related to spiritual talent but I don't really have a good understanding of these strengths and I don't really know what you mean by spiritual talent either.

It's far more complex than some simplistic survey can map.

You can think of it as the sum total of one's karma. Some people are, as they say, heavily karmicly burdened while others are very light. Those with heavy karma will not be spiritually talented. They will be stuck in the lower physical, material dimensions of life. Trump is a good example of this. While someone like Ramana Mahrashi or Sadhguru has very light karma and therefore easily awakens.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura To be honest I am not really into this work so I don't know what karma is either. But reading this:

10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You can think of it as the sum total of one's karma. Some people are, as they say, heavily karmicly burdened while others are very light. Those with heavy karma will not be spiritually talented. They will be stuck in the lower physical, material dimensions of life. Trump is a good example of this. While someone like Ramana Mahrashi or Sadhguru has very light karma and therefore easily awakens.

it still seems possible to me that these strengths are related to this. Maybe they just scratch the surface of it but if someone has "light karma" maybe that "manifests" as the strenth of Spiritualty. 

I mean if someone observed the human being as a being and wondered what it is and then made up these strenths to understand what a human being is about but he didnt take a very deep look into it then doesnt that mean that these strenths could be seen as like the branches of a human (if you compare a human with a tree) and the karma you talk about is like the roots or something


And: Is it still possible for someone with heavy karma to get free of it and then have light karma like these people you mentioned? Like even if someone is not spiritually hardwired enough for a certain level of spiritual advancement, why can't this hardwiring change? How is this hardwiring recognizable? Can you see it when someone easily gets into fight or flight mode or if he/she always thinks about food/sex or sees everybody as competition or something like this? If this is the case (I really don't know) then what happens if this person lets go of this deep desire for like for example this classic survival in the flight or fight style. Does this lift some of his karma?

I just don't see why it wouldnt be possible to become more spiritually hardwired. From my perspective it's either possible that I just don't understand karma, this spiritual hardwiring and overall am just a newbie and don't understand things or you somehow are wrong about this maybe because you want to make people believe that they can't get to these levels (maybe you are too proud of your achievements and want to keep it the way it is)

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On 5/14/2020 at 3:18 AM, Synchronicity said:

Feel free to put him in contact with me if he’s interested. I’ve been thinking of forming a Gen-Z spiritual group. 

@Synchronicity I'm a youngin'

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I did not have to meditate very hardcore, I kinda slacked off in my spiritual practice and I still got really tight results in just a few years. From my friend posse who we did LSD with in our youths, nobody else started to take it seriously except me. I had a direct experience of total loss of sense of self first time when I was candy-flipping in a nightclub. At 18 or 19 years old. Soon after I started watching Leo's videos. I did mushrooms first time at 16 years old. Also MDMA combined with LSD, NN-DMT soon after.

One guy from my old friend posse became like a Zen devil almost, after he got a NN-DMT breakthrough at age 16 or so, possibly due to massive ego backlashes and no community around him that understood what the fuck just happened to him. Lol.

So yeah, if you want to attend my seminar, just buy me a Rolls Royce. ;)

Edited by Bittu

my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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@Bittu you must have done sadhana in previous lifetimes. Spiritual tendencies seem to be innate in me too. Now i am recognizing, i had glimpses of enlightenment in my childhood acctually. They were not blissfull but rather scary, no its different tho.

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On 5/12/2020 at 11:26 PM, Tom T said:

I could tell that this kid was fully dead inside when I looking into his eyes,  I have looked at myself while enlightened before, so I know the look. 

If you look into MY eyes, all you'll see is fucking chimptum.

I'm not friendly.

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@Tom T

Dude cringe to you.

"I met a yellow thinker, dead inside, enlightened child, oh my god, he understands the cosmos" *squirt*

Stop projecting onto him that he's a prophet.

When I was a kid I went for piano lessons and was asked to close my eyes and hear a melody than after that I had to try and repeat the melody I heard on piano, I did it perfectly, my piano teacher started to have an orgasm while saying "OH my, such a musical child, he's a genius, it's like he's a musical angel".

You're doing the exact same thing.

@Leo Gura

Cut the dumb idealogy. "karma", "you're born with a predisposition to be spiritual because of your past life". 

Tell me, how the hell do you know that? You don't. So stop vomiting out dogma. 

What's more the case is that this person was born with a configuration of brain set up for less monkey chatter and didn't have experiences that persuaded him into dogma and closed-mindedness.


Look inside your soul, maybe you'll find gold there and get rich.

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On 5/16/2020 at 8:56 PM, Applegarden said:

@Bittu you must have done sadhana in previous lifetimes. Spiritual tendencies seem to be innate in me too. Now i am recognizing, i had glimpses of enlightenment in my childhood acctually. They were not blissfull but rather scary, no its different tho.

Yep. I also had a non-dual experience in my childhood, I had a intuitive feeling that other people don't really exist as separate individuals from me. I felt like I was the only person to actually exist. Haha :D

my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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@Bittu Dude, if you can channel entities also and have experiences/intuitions about life, you are definately far ahead the people who say "YoU DoN't KnOw iF yOu hAd a PaSt LiFe oR KaRmA iS bUlLsHiT..." They are clumping up all the subtle aspects of our cognition and calling it mind or perception. Definately life is sentient and you are hardwired to want to be more than human and there are just things i have experienced which together hint me that there is just undeniably far more and that the concept of karma is far more accurate than the western ideas of happiness and reality which is being marketed to us every day. Its like "Religious people are dumb and dogmatic." And from previous various cult and secct members people get the impression of - wow you are acctually intelligent and don't seem like you are brainwashed (that is from the various videos i have watched and the spiritual communitites i have been to or being around stage green people who are like hippies or like pagans in my area).

And even the rationalists aren't skeptical of their skepticism, ok what if karma and past lifes are true what then? All your cognition collapses, now you are forced to admit that the both possibilitie are true not just what suits their recent experience. Now they HAVE to change, because how can you reject that your cognition has changed.

Its not just a belief, and the belief is a very intricate and delicate topic. There is a bhakta path to enlightenment anyway and some occult practices related to anahata, as well as creating and channeling deities which you are familliar with i assume.

And to call out Leo on what is karma/past lifes, he has gone so much information and experience of this kind so naturally his cognition has become more subtler than rough logic of what i can see and feel, hear e.c.t.

That being said we could all be wrong and dropping away of karma and past lifes could be beneficial for people, regrdless if they are true or false.

Edited by Applegarden

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From my experience, past lives are real. I remember when my son was born, I asked him if he had past life and apparently he was a Muslim in his past life. (He didn't answer in language but I could intuit his answer.)

I was raised a rational atheist. Spirituality saved my life. Many people close to me think I have schizophrenia. :D
My Dad is getting old and he's opening his mind bit by bit through my discussions with him. He has done LSD in his youth, and he sometimes does yoga as well. He's still quite the rationalist, went to university and very scientific minded.

Yeah entities are definitely real, so are spirits and paranormal things are pretty much every day shit. I've talked with Leo many times telepathically, and I have a lot of telepathic experiences with other people as well. The universe is a mind. I have also one friend who I talk telepathically with. :D We have even discussed it after it happened and both of us confirm it. :)

Apparently my late grandmothers grandmother was some kind of shamanistic healer, in Finnish she was called Verenseisauttaja (Blood-stopper).


my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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I've been like him at that age. I always felt lonely in my theories...

I agree with Leo, spirituality is hardwired in some people. 

I'm an earth angel myself. That stuff is real.

Good to hear this planet has people like him. :) 

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Karma and Past Life’s has to exist in Reality. Lol

It is literally impossible, once you fathom the multiverse. As soon you fathom the obvious fact that there are different universes with different Material Laws you’ll figure out one thing: they all have experience.

Once you string all those universes together you’ll get a better view of God.

I mean fuck really ? if you want to get a deeper understanding of anything just fathom the multiverse.

Edited by Thewritersunion

 You have been gifted the Golden Kappa~! 


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On 19/05/2020 at 10:00 PM, Thewritersunion said:

Karma and Past Life’s has to exist in Reality. Lol

It is literally impossible, once you fathom the multiverse. As soon you fathom the obvious fact that there are different universes with different Material Laws you’ll figure out one thing: they all have experience.

Once you string all those universes together you’ll get a better view of God.

I mean fuck really ? if you want to get a deeper understanding of anything just fathom the multiverse.

Reality is under your nose. Past lives and multiverse exist as thought forms in your mind, no matter how grand and accurate of concepts they are, they are still the matrix. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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On 5/14/2020 at 11:58 AM, Leo Gura said:

Like I keep telling you guys, spirituality is a hardwired talent for most spiritual people.

The most advanced spiritual people did not get there through practicing meditation or self-inquiry. They were born with it.

That's one of the dirty secrets of gurus and sages that they never tell you because they want you coming to their workshops and thinking you can be like them when in fact you never will be like them because you lack the basic hardwiring.

Why do you think so many people are unspiritual? It's because they function at the level of animals. That is their level of hardwiring.


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