
Can you hallucinate objects/beings on psychedelics that can hurt you in "real life"?

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3 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@Someone here reality melts away and you are in a fully real alternate dimension... that enough, maybe not, until it happens to you. Also there is no psychedelic drug. The psychedelic experience is your life right now.

The explanation is there through how is the chemical affects the brain. Who needs psychedelics? We dream every day and create a whole universe using our imagination that's enough. The explanation for such phenomenon is related to brain activity. I don't see them as conclusively debunking the material paradigm.  What after the drug wears off?  You are back to the material paradigm!. Just the fact that you have to take a, specific chemical to experience such states should tell you something. 

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@Someone here Vibration. 

You feel it, you see it. Reality ain't solid. It's vibrant, alive and conscious. Wouldn't necessarily say there is evidence, but if you really pay close won't need any :) 

@WhatAWondefulWorld I know exactly what you mean :)

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Can anyone explain to me why a hallucination from a psychedelic drug can he taken as evidence against the materialism? 

Materialism is a hallucination.

And an inferior one at that.

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The explanation is there through how is the chemical affects the brain. Who needs psychedelics? We dream every day and create a whole universe using our imagination that's enough. The explanation for such phenomenon is related to brain activity. I don't see them as conclusively debunking the material paradigm.  What after the drug wears off?  You are back to the material paradigm!. Just the fact that you have to take a, specific chemical to experience such states should tell you something. 

@Someone here the brain is a hallucination right now, there is no brain. You are pure awareness just observing, uyou arent even here typing any of this out right now, neither am I, and I am you, you are me.

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Materialism is a hallucination.

And an inferior one at that.

Sorry leo you didn't address my question at all.  Why is materialism a hallucination?  Why is the material world (or whatever you wanna call it) a hallucination?  Just because you took a powerful hallcucinating drug and saw how is the brain capable of hallucinating stuff (we already know that because we dream every night)?.  And don't tell me the psychedelic and the brain are hallucination because that would  be perfect circular reasoning right there!.

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@Someone here agian, there is no brain. What you are experiencing as a physical reality right now is actually not physical at all, it's purely nothing. No physicality to it.

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And don't tell me the psychedelic and the brain are hallucination because that would  be perfect circular reasoning right there!

Of course they are.

Even your reasoning is a hallucination.

Even you are a hallucination.

Without hallucination, there is nothing.

And even with hallucination, there is still nothing. Lol. A hallucination is just nothing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@Someone here the brain is a hallucination right now, there is no brain. You are pure awareness just observing, uyou arent even here typing any of this out right now, neither am I, and I am you, you are me.


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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course they are.

Even your reasoning is a hallucination.

Even you are a hallucination.

No problem but "how do you know"? 

What is your evidence?  " I took a psychedelic and I saw mind blowing hallucinations"...fine what is the link between that and your conclusion that everything is a hallucination?  I just can't see the link at all. 

I'm talking the common sense perspective that all human beings intuitively know. You are presenting something new and radical with no evidence whatsoever! 

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

No problem but "how do you know"? 

What is your evidence?  " I took a psychedelic and I saw mind blowing hallucinations"...fine what is the link between that and your conclusion that everything is a hallucination?  I just can't see the link at all. 

I'm talking the common sense perspective that all human beings intuitively know. You are presenting something new and radical with no evidence whatsoever! 

The evidence is Awakening.

You will never get it without awakening.

If you understood what I'm saying, you'd be dead. So of course you cannot understand it. Your mind will not allow you to go there.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Someone here what you realize on psychedelics, is that your life has been a hallucination, an alternative and much more stable one. You are an infinite field of consciousness, with infinite possibilities.

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4 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@Someone here agian, there is no brain. What you are experiencing as a physical reality right now is actually not physical at all, it's purely nothing. No physicality to it.

How do you know? It appears the exact opposite of that.!

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@Someone here it appears that way to the ego mind. The ego too is not real, just as imaginary as the "physical reality" you are in. When you awaken, if you awaken, then you will understand, maybe it won't stick with you, it took me multiple awakenings for it to stick.

Edited by WhatAWondefulWorld

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The evidence is Awakening.

You will never get it without awakening.

If you understood what I'm saying, you'd be dead.


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7 minutes ago, Dand said:

There is an empirical method for testing Leo's claims, try psychedelics and find out for yourself. 

Why would changing the neurotransmitter cause you to go from not hallucinating to hallucinating? Look at how you just call your normal sense of reality 'real' but anything that differs a 'hallucination'. Even from your own materialist paradigm, the only thing that changes when you take a psychedelic is the molecule that binds to your serotonin receptors.

How ridiculous does it sound to claim that the 'sober' receptor serotonin is the 'one true neurotransmitter' that shows you real reality, whilst every other neurotransmitter shows you 'fake' reality.

Regardless it doesn't matter because the brain itself is also a hallucination, this isn't something I'm claiming with no evidence, the evidence is already there, you're just not speaking it's language.

The difference between reality and hallucination is also testable with empirical methods. 

For example, a dude on a psychedelic sees a beautiful popsicle and starts eating it, his hallucination tells him it tastes sooo good, so he just kept eating this magical popsicle for an hour or so.

When his high wore off, and he looked in the mirror, he saw that just been putting in his mouth a kitchen knife and tried to eat it as well for hours.

Now he cannot eat and talk normally, not to mention the multiple scars all over his face /mouth. 

There is a difference, but you are being naive guys.

Edited by WHO IS

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9 minutes ago, Dand said:

There is an empirical method for testing Leo's claims, try psychedelics and find out for yourself. 

Why would changing the neurotransmitter cause you to go from not hallucinating to hallucinating? Look at how you just call your normal sense of reality 'real' but anything that differs a 'hallucination'. Even from your own materialist paradigm, the only thing that changes when you take a psychedelic is the molecule that binds to your serotonin receptors.

How ridiculous does it sound to claim that the 'sober' receptor serotonin is the 'one true neurotransmitter' that shows you real reality, whilst every other neurotransmitter shows you 'fake' reality.

Regardless it doesn't matter because the brain itself is also a hallucination, this isn't something I'm claiming with no evidence, the evidence is already there, you're just not speaking it's language.

What imaginary are you talking about for sanity sake?  Here is the world around you! What more evidence do you need to know it's real! ? " oh but it might be a dream".. Who said a dream isn't real? It's real (as you live it) and there is a mechanism behind it (doesn't matter which perspective you look at it).  

I think we need to define the terms "real".. "imaginary".. "hallucination" if we wish to go somewhere from this conversation. 

You can keep calling everything an imaginary hallucination all you want or call it real but it's gonna remain the same exactly as it is not caring about your perspectives. 

Edited by Someone here

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2 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@Someone here hallucination: appearance without substance. That's what this is.

Good. Let's just agree on that definition.  So you are saying the world is an appearance without substance.. that is to say there is nothing behind it. No one causing it. No reason for its existence at all. Not even a dreamer who is dreaming it up.. It's impossible for it to exist yet here it is!

That's basically what you are saying. Well I simply disagree for obvious reasons.  But if that convinced you fine. Go for it! 

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