
Can you hallucinate objects/beings on psychedelics that can hurt you in "real life"?

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So I haven't ever taken psychedelics, but I really want to experiment with them in the future.  That means that I have zero experiences with them, but I try to understand it from a conceptual and theoretical point of view. This thing called life  is all imaginary, illusory and dreamlike. Basically, "real life" is just a hallucination. We are hallucinating people, objects, noises, smells, touching things. Now if we take psychedelics we experience another level of hallucinations. We are hearing voices, seeing things, smelling things, just like in the hallucination called life. Maybe its like a second order hallucination. Second order because the psychedelic hallucinations are still under the same rules of the life hallucinations. For example the same laws of physics or biology. You can't hallucinate to fly or to walk through walls( or can you?) My question now would be, can you hallucinate a being on a psychedelic that can hurt you, which would have consequences for the hallucination called life? So could someone hit me in the second order hallucinaton and could that then have an effect on the first order hallucination? Could I then have bruises from that hit for example?


thanks guys

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If this would happen, then it would be 100% PROOF, that the experiences on psychedelics are as real as the physical reality.

Like, for example, you experience 10 witches giving you a kiss, and then you have 10 lipstick marks left after the psychedelic wore off, then it would mean that whatever you experienced while you were on psychedelic is part of "reality". 

If not, then... you know what that would mean ;)

There IS something special about the reality we when we are sober, that's for sure. 


Edited by WHO IS

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ive never seen this happening on chedelics


ive have seen many times this happening with people chaneling entities and incorporating entities and doing magick 

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i think its possible that you imagine they hurt you and you feel the pain as if it as if it was 100% real, if you took something like Datura

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5 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

For example the same laws of physics or biology. You can't hallucinate to fly or to walk through walls( or can you?)


Of course you can. That's the whole point!

All physics and biology is imaginary.

If you do a large enough dose, you will enter a completely different reality unrelated to this physical, material, biological one.

I've had a psychedelic experience which was so powerful it left physical scars on my fingertips.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Of course you can. That's the whole point!

All physics and biology is imaginary.

If you do a large enough dose, you will enter a completely different reality unrelated to this physical, material, biological one.

I've had a psychedelic experience which was so powerful it left physical scars on my fingertips.

that one when you touched a trans-reality bublle ?

i wonder .. what psychedelic do you use in that particular trip ?

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33 minutes ago, Verdesbird said:

that one when you touched a trans-reality bublle ?

That's something you made up. I never said such a thing.

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52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's something you made up. I never said such a thing.

yes cos ive whached most of your videos and i can't remember everything so some things i just filled with my own imagination

but anyways ... what you are into in that particular trip man? what psychedelic did you took ?and what was the intent for the trip?

Edited by Verdesbird

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@Leo Gura Explain

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you do a large enough dose, you will enter a completely different reality unrelated to this physical, material, biological one.

I've had a psychedelic experience which was so powerful it left physical scars on my fingertips.


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20 minutes ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Leo Gura Explain

When I first realized that God was real, the realization generated a burst of energy so powerful in my heart that it shot out through my fingertips like force lightning and physically scared the skin on my fingertips.

My fingerprints still have tiny hairline scars in them 3 years after.

You've no idea how serious God-realization can get.

Most so-called enlightened people have hardly a clue what God is. They are as ignorant as children.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Are you at all skeptical of this experience?

Couldn’t there be a more logical explanation to the fingertip scarring. 

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16 minutes ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Leo Gura Are you at all skeptical of this experience?

Couldn’t there be a more logical explanation to the fingertip scarring. 



Skepticism is for children.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Lets say I wrestle a DMT-entity when Im on psychedelics and I film it with a camera. After my trip when I come back to the first order hallucination called real life, how does it look like? like Im wrestling with just no one? or am I imagining the film on my camera that I wrestled with no one?

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11 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura Lets say I wrestle a DMT-entity when Im on psychedelics and I film it with a camera. After my trip when I come back to the first order hallucination called real life, how does it look like? like Im wrestling with just no one? or am I imagining the film on my camera that I wrestled with no one?

Do it and see.

You are always only wrestling with yourself.

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25 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura Lets say I wrestle a DMT-entity when Im on psychedelics and I film it with a camera. After my trip when I come back to the first order hallucination called real life, how does it look like? like Im wrestling with just no one? or am I imagining the film on my camera that I wrestled with no one?

Intersting way to look at it. You can see people tripping live on YouTube. Nothing is around them. The hallucinations are just inside their awareness. 

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@Someone here I actually hallucinated and experiencing of my chakras aligning. I sat on the floor whilst on a psychedelic lotus position and felt each chakra align from my tail bone to top of my head. I then imagined a burst of energy moving from my Root chakra to my crown chakra, and I recorded it all on my phone. Reviewing the footage I realise I was just extending my spine and believing some energy was travelling through me. So it’s actually good to be skeptical. 

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@Someone here So in their hallucination they do all kinds of crazy stuff, but on the film they just do nothing? just sitting there?

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So how is it different when schizophrenics have all kinds of out-of-the-ordinary direct experiences?

So in their case, we say insane-crazy, but in the case of psychedelics whatever we experience we deem that it must be all true. Hmm.........


Edited by WHO IS

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15 minutes ago, actualizing25 said:

@Someone here So in their hallucination they do all kinds of crazy stuff, but on the film they just do nothing? just sitting there?

No they appear as they are seeing stuff  when there is actually nothing around them (except from their POV). 

Edited by Someone here

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