28 cm unbuffed


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The concept of this video is not about women, it's about money and material possessions. The stuff you own ends up owning you because it all takes a lot of maintenance, etc (I am sure, that you can minimize this shit out and have someone to take care of it for you), but whatever, that's not what I want to ask for here.

Girls - they're looks are a burden too, right? Do you have a beautiful woman? You will get jealous and angry when other guys will look at her all day, everywhere.

You can develop yourself to a point, where you do not give a fuck about it, but it will still happen. Just find a chubby, ugly but sweet and loving girl with great character and stay with her for the rest of your life. My superficiality gets triggered and I don't want to live anymore, lol.

I was working my ass off, just to find out, that my goals and life, in general, are nonsense, lif is just about giving others and be happy with nothing. 

What is this shit, everyone's supposed to be a fucking Gandhi and then we'll all be happy? 

Come on, all this work for literally nothing? Before I started my self-development journey I wanted to kill myself. I would have the same result, just without all of that struggle.

Don't get me wrong, I am aware of my own bitching out here and that I'm acting like a baby. You are Neo, everyone around is living in a Matrix, in their unconscious, comfortable lives and you are just standing there, looking at it, knowing that they are full of lies and unhappy. You want to help them and let them free, but they don't give a fuck and treat you like fucking shit. 

Being great is not that fucking great at all. 

Sorry for cursing, the emotional beta boy inside of me got triggered.

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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Whats your point here? 

Do you want to be a minimalist or do you believe in achieving and maintaining material possessions? 

I'm not able to follow your line of thought here. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Growth happens in upward circles.

Otherwise known as a Spiral.

You are Spiraling your way to God. Like a moth towards the light.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

What is your view on dating, girls, and relationships at your stage?

Are you already at a stage where girls are whatever for you, or you aspire to be at the stage? Do you seek true love or you are just above relationships whatsoever? 

What I mean is - what is the ultimate truth that you acknowledged yourself (like the best answer you came up with so far).

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59 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

What is your view on dating, girls, and relationships at your stage?

I look forward to deep intimate relationships with females.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  Female or Female(s)? 

What are you looking for in a partner at this point? I imagine at your stage if you found someone with similar values it could be enough to settle down? Or do you still see yourself having multiple partners in the future before you settle down?

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This is why I self isolate. You isolate enough and none of these thoughts even occur to you.


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I think this is just another episode in your existential crisis period that you are going through. It's a journey of your mind. Your mind is going through chaos to come to peace eventually. 

One thing I would want to tell you is that your mind like any other human mind is very complex. This complex mind is always looking for a fixed solution, like a one size fits all solution, this is a fallacy itself because life and the world is magnanimously more complex than all the ramblings of all human minds put together. But the human mind is desperately trying to make sense of every little thing and the whole picture because it cannot function peacefully without understanding the nature of things, it likes logic and order, because it cannot function normally in a chaos, the problem is that there is no order to life, no manual or tutorial ever written to show how life has to be lived, we can only do our best in one particular moment and take it one moment at a time or a day at a time, but we cannot what would be right or wrong for our future. It could be option A. It could be option B. Or it could be both A and B put together or none of them. Life is like a multiple choice question which means it will have many answers to choose from and sometimes all of these answers won't be enough to solve its mystery. 

The best thing is to not put a brake on anything, not confine it with decisions and absolute thoughts or absolute actions. 

"I will not do this. I will completely stop this. This is not for me. This is the right way." 

These forms of thinking are very black and white and will restrict your mind to new experiences and also question your original experiences and thoughts. You might feel liberated at first to have a fixed thought but soon realize that you're missing out on the things that your mind decided to block.. 

Do not confine your mind with absolute questions, "whether I should do this or that" type of question and then go looking for an absolute answer in the form of "yes/no" to these absolute questions. 

The universe is vast and your mind is exploring this labyrinth of the universe with whatever tools it got at its disposal. Don't put a full stop brake on this learning and growth and exploration process by already trying to know all the answers to everything in life. 

You have just begun your  life as a young man  like the rest of us. You would also be clueless like the rest of us. But just like us, through your navigation, you would pick up some useful nuggets here and there to guide you through life. 

This is a hard task. An uphill battle. Trying to make it perfect will end up wrecking it. You are still in the molding stages. Jumping to make it perfect will cause premature growth and black and white erratic learning and misinterpretations leading to more confusion. 

Now since there is no particular answer to any of the complex questions in life, the best approach is an all inclusive approach. An approach  that is more gray and less black and white. An approach that combines dynamic thinking and multiple facets and gives equal advantage to every perspective. That nicely wraps everything together. So you are not missing out on anything and getting the advantage of every single perspective in your life. To think like this you will have to be an extreme opportunist. You will need to see the good in everything for your maximum benefit and advantage. 

People having a great girlfriend or acquiring a material possession are not doing wrong entirely nor are people who are into minimalist living missing out on anything. It's a matter of will and suitability. Maybe those people who are happy with their material possessions have based their happiness on it and taking away their possessions or convincing them that it's not worth might make them sadder and this strategy can be counter productive. Same goes for the humble minimalist. 

Now what do you do confronted with such a paradoxical picture in front of you. Take the best of both worlds and incorporate it into your life. 

This can sound confusing at first, but you learn to become a super predator and gain Mastery at getting the juice out of everything. If working for material success makes you a better person, a more motivated and efficient person, then do it. At the same time, don't be too surrendered to it.. Keep room for humility. Keep your heart open for experiences that are closer to heart and less materialistic. Engage in spirituality. 

Find a girl who is not only hot in the materialistic possession perspective but also who keeps your heart in love and humility. This way you become a more dynamic person. You evolve into a spiral to become a more complex person who can easily adjust and adapt to the complexities of life. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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2 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Leo Gura  Female or Female(s)? 

What are you looking for in a partner at this point? I imagine at your stage if you found someone with similar values it could be enough to settle down? Or do you still see yourself having multiple partners in the future before you settle down?

I'm not really into polyamory.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Great answer. That's exactly what I want - to understand and have the best of both worlds. 

I feel so full and empty at the same time, that I don't know if there are any more lessons for me in life lol, which may sound really arrogant. 

There are only tons of work and a lot of experiences ahead.

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I can put forward one method to deal with the problem of uncertainty with respect to growth. 

This method is sorta simple. 

Keep 2 things in mind to follow this method. 

One is to have a very slimmed down basic framework like following a daily regiment or routine or discipline which will consist of good diet, regular exercise, regular work, some time with nature, good sleep and healthy lifestyle devoid of toxic things like video games and all that. 

And the second is to invest at least 2 hours a day in spiritual growth little by little every day. And to keep in mind that spirituality is like an ocean and spiritual growth and learning is infinite. Once you realize that it's infinite learning then you are not very with earning spiritual Mastery. You can take it nice and slow every day and also be proud of your spiritual growth. At the same time this dedicated amount of fixed time towards spiritual growth is not interfering with your daily self actualization routine. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The second one. I still do way too many things, because it's a good thing. 

Before starting self-development I was really narcissistic and now there is a lot of fear of not doing anything bad. Dunno, it's strange,

I just fear God and karma, because I experienced it and I don't want to ever again, fuck that.

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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@28 cm unbuffed

Do you think my advice will work out for you. 


The second post I made I mean. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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This is my last bad habit - I do play some video games in the evening sometimes. Is it really that toxic? 

About 2 hours of spiritual practice, damn, that's a lot. I have no idea how would that look like, I thought that spirituality is more like a journey, an adventure, having experiences, never treated it as a practice (if you mean meditation/yoga, I do practice these every day and it takes like 1.5 hours total). I also do contemplation, but really only, when I have some issues that I need to sort out. Never tried self-inquiry.


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@28 cm unbuffed  yea insight and self inquiry and Metta meditation which is basically love meditation, like giving love to the universe. It might sound a bit absurd but try different techniques and you could read spiritual books to upgrade your spiritual database lol. 


Spirituality is essentially Cultivating infinite love in you. 

And doing more self reflection, knowing your self better. 

I hope my advice is going to be helpful 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The worst thing about it all is that I feel like I wasted my 20's. I wanted to be the wise one, to not do anything stupid, to not make mistakes, I have no idea what I was thinking. I wish I could just make millions of mistakes, become a rapper, date tons of girls, and don't think about consequences.

Right now going into these disciplines and spirituality sounds so sad to me, like the end of life as an adventure that I never really had.

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