The Don

I Can't Side With The Left. I Just Can't!

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I just wanna be on the right side. That's all. I'm saying this because I was tempted to join the left, as I thought the left represents the truth. Many of them don't.

If you want to understand where I'm coming from when it comes to the truth, watch this entire video. I'm not here to promote Tucker Carlson but he has incredibly good points. True points as a matter of fact.

Watch the whole video and then continue reading my post. It's about two scientists who told the public that in the state of California you have a 0.03% chance of dying from Coronavirus. That video was taken down by YouTube. That's not freedom of speech. Why would YouTube do such an awful thing?

If you want to live in a world of freedom, you need to stand up for the 1st amendment and against censorship. We need to speak up against censorship.

YouTube is infested with power, that's why they did that. I don't have another answer for it. You shouldn't take down videos that represent science. You should let people speak their minds to have the possibility to discern the good from the bad.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do you think YouTube did the right thing in taking down a video that tells the public what is true?

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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1 hour ago, The Don said:

Do you think YouTube did the right thing in taking down a video that tells the public what is true?

Who owns You Tube? Google. Google is known to be biased towards the left. I have read comments on google support which voices user problems. 
The left as far as I have observed, is not interested in radical honest truth, it sees ideas which must be implemented no matter what, for example, a woman's right to abort a baby just before birth. And it then demonizes anyone who is against that idea. It does not care about the truth once it has gotten hold of the idea which it is determined to support, it will suppress information, lie, twist and use any means to ensure that their idea/agenda for which they stand is the one which is implemented. 


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Right vs Left is a simplification which has created an IMO unhelpful tendency to identify with, and pigeonhole ourselves into, a binary (or tertiary if you include Liberal) tribal politics. As an alternative can we focus on the actual policies themselves, examine the impacts and funding. Then go with the candidates with the closest match rather than labels and brands like Right or Left.  Trouble is, elections often focus more on personalities rather than policy. Both are important but it needs a balance. 

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1 hour ago, assx95 said:

Who owns You Tube? Google. Google is known to be biased towards the left.

But that's not good. It can't be good. YouTube should be a free platform where you can talk and express yourself freely.

These scientists gave us important information regarding the Coronavirus that governments should implement.

Why are so many people on the left?

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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1 hour ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

The left opposes the big tech companies as most of the left is anti capitalist,  think you're attacking a strawman, and the real culprit is liberals! not leftists

I'm not against Big Tech companies. They are absolutely necessary. I like having the opportunity to make videos and post them on YouTube.

It's sad because YouTube has been corrupted by the left. They lean left.

On the other hand, Capitalism is not the greatest system we have but compared to Communism or Socialism, I can say with 100% confidence that Capitalism is by far the best system we have.

Take a look at the United States. It's a rich country not because it's oppressive, but because of its unique values. Those values include:

- freedom of speech;

- 2nd amendment;

- freedom of religion;

- the family value;

- middle-class values like delaying gratification and trusting that there is a Creator.

America is the greatest country in the world with lots of opportunities.

Me on the road less traveled.

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Your beliefs and ideologies are very limited. Forget this left and right bullshit and focus on developing yourself to get out of this delusion.

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1 hour ago, The Don said:

But that's not good. It can't be good. YouTube should be a free platform where you can talk and express yourself freely.

These scientists gave us important information regarding the Coronavirus that governments should implement.

Why are so many people on the left?

Because they are NPCs brainwashed by the Leftist media. Simple as that. Same for the Right.

The big guys up there don't give a fuck about freedom of speech, or civil liberties. All they want is power and control. You need to understand this about them. They will program you with whatever serves their best interests relative to power and money. This goes for big tech companies and all governments.

This isn't good or bad from an objective perspective. This is just how it works when you have unconscious masses who just want to do their thing and not be involved in politics, or community, or systems.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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4 hours ago, The Don said:

YouTube is infested with power, that's why they did that. I don't have another answer for it.

Or maybe running YT, where millions of vidoes are uploaded every day, is a massively complex affair?

And maybe YT management actually has a sense of responsibility not to allow their platform to turn into 4chan?

Could be that.

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Who told you America is the best country in the world? (I'm guessing America) in most rankings and criteria they are way behind other developed countries

The other thing is you really don't have to be left or right just follow the truth. If you look you can find 'bad' and 'good' points on both sides, what matters is truth. 

Also for your comparison you would have to live in a more socialist country to make that judgement, live in a progressive European country for a while and then compare it to America. 

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It doesn't make much sense. You would expect more cases without the call for confinement. If anything the number of deaths from COVID19 might be under-reported (

You can already use peer-to-peer alternatives to YouTube right now. It's hard to predict if valuable creators will move on them since Google has some inertia when it comes to popularity, monetization and developing algorithms enchanting the overall experience as with artificial intelligence.

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Side with your Heart.

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Could be that.

Yes. I agree with you, @Leo Gura. It could be that.

But I can't fathom a response like taking down a video where doctors and scientists give answers rooted in truth. People have to be grounded in truth. Telling people you have a 0.03% chance of dying from Coronavirus in the state of California is not a fact that should be taken down from YouTube, isn't it?

4chan is irrelevant in this context. It really is.

Me on the road less traveled.

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

Who told you America is the best country in the world?

Nobody. I compared the constitution of Sweden with the USA's constitution.

I found the 1st and 2nd amendments of the USA to be useful, essential, and fundamental to progress, prosperity, and happiness.

I derive facts from research. Not from other people's opinions.

I have a mind. As I'm observing my own mind on a daily basis, I realize its deception so I can use it properly for the better.

Edited by The Don

Me on the road less traveled.

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17 minutes ago, The Don said:

Yes. I agree with you, @Leo Gura. It could be that.

But I can't fathom a response like taking down a video where doctors and scientists give answers rooted in truth. People have to be grounded in truth. Telling people you have a 0.03% chance of dying from Coronavirus in the state of California is not a fact that should be taken down from YouTube, isn't it?

4chan is irrelevant in this context. It really is.

You realize, right, that most of YT's moderation is done via AI algorithms, not humans?

As YT themselves have warned, due to Covid-19 limiting their workforce, their AI will remove some videos which don't violate any guidelines. YT issued this warning to all creators a month ago.

Tens of thousands of people are dying while you are whining about free speech.

You have no appreciation for how complex and challenging managing a platform of YT's scale is.

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Of course governments need to step in to regulate big tech, especially when they censor regular people without good reason. ALSO realize the contradiction that it's the "muh freedom" attitude that even allows for an environment where a company can grow that big to get that kind of power to censor people.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. Reality is too vast and complex for that.

You don't want pure "freedom", it's a fantasy. In fact most people aren't even aware of just how selfish they are being when they advocate for the idea "freedom". They just want to be able to do or say whatever they want, and if other people they don't like can't do the same then tough shit!

Even if people are logically, ethically or legally correct on their own personal scale, on a large scale they could have no idea what's good for them in the long run. Of course they are going to be too selfish to see it even after the time has passed.

I want you to consider something; perhaps we should sacrifice some free speech in the midst of a pandemic. It's a very sprawling and dangerous situation. The last thing we need is a bunch of angry/confused people and conspiracy theorists stirring up unrest and violence. Is there going to be collateral damage? Probably. But you need to look at the big picture and stop expecting everything to work out perfectly to your principles.



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@Leo Gura

4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Tens of thousands of people are dying while you are whining about free speech.

and you are obtaining this information from... youtube? Do you have a direct experience of people dying from Covid-19? Last time I checked, hundreds of thousands of people die from flu symptoms every year. Maybe you are under estimating devilry. 

Edited by Vipassana

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17 minutes ago, Vipassana said:

@Leo Gura

and you are obtaining this information from... youtube? Do you have a direct experience of people dying from Covid-19? Last time I checked, hundreds of thousands of people die from flu symptoms every year. Maybe you are under estimating devilry. 

Dude, you have totally lost your compassion and sense of responsibility with your conspiracy theories.

What you are doing is akin to holocaust denial.

You won't understand until perhaps someone close to you dies of it and you see that it is no ordinary flu.

Or maybe you just need to catch it yourself, as a stubborn mind refuses to learn by any other means but intense suffering:

The virus is real. It's not some government plot. And your fellow humans are suffering from it. Show some fucking compassion.

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7 minutes ago, Vipassana said:

@Leo Gura

and you are obtaining this information from... youtube? Do you have a direct experience of people dying from Covid-19? Last time I checked, hundreds of thousands of people die from flu symptoms every year. Maybe you are under estimating devilry. 

People are literally dying from Covid-19. 

Please do not delude yourself with YouTube 

And give those conspiracy theories a break. 

Your point doesn't make any sense. People even die from crimes. 

So should we stop doing anything about Covid-19? 

Please be matured and serious and change your deluded thinking. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Leo Gura I don't know whats really true & I am open to the fact that i'm deluded. I also haven't loss compassion man, my heart melts everyday for the suffering of my own and others. 

I just see things differently. CO-VID is real and people are dying but the numbers presented are bullshit. 

It doesn't add up. 

Edited by Vipassana

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7 minutes ago, Vipassana said:

It doesn't add up.


As if you have any sense of what the numbers ought to be.

If anything the numbers are under-counted and the situation is worse than the mainstream media reports.

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